where are gho's pictures ( before - after ) as the other clinics?

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  • UK Boy
    Senior Member
    • Apr 2011
    • 244

    I agree with what Kiwi's saying, if Gho's technique works people should have the right to get it all over the world, not from just one set of clinics that charges a price that is too high for most. It's actually getting interesting in regards to these techniques now, I mean I thought this is what we wanted - more docs trying donor regeneration etc. Now we got Gho, Nigam, Cole and the doc in France all playing with it, hopefully it will be a topic of conversation in Edinburgh and more doctors will get involved.

    We want this kind of technique to become the new gold standard - maybe we really are seeing the start of a new era in hair transplants.


    • 534623
      Senior Member
      • Oct 2011
      • 1865

      Originally posted by drnigams

      ...let me tell arashi does he want to read mails sent to indian dermatologists of dr gho enquiring about what dr nigam is doing with stemcells in india.
      I would like to read these mails...

      ...of course including the answers by these dermatologists.

      Originally posted by drnigams
      Fortunately his only dermatologist friend from india is working for me since last six months which he is not aware of
      I know thoroughly about his technique as this dermatologist is working with me and had taken a patient to hst few years back and she was present in the OT throughout the procedure.
      Seems she's good at decision-making - at least, concerning where to go for an excellent hair transplant procedure.


      • 534623
        Senior Member
        • Oct 2011
        • 1865

        Originally posted by UK Boy

        It's actually getting interesting in regards to these techniques now, I mean I thought this is what we wanted - more docs trying donor regeneration etc. Now we got Gho, Nigam, Cole and the doc in France all playing with it, hopefully it will be a topic of conversation in Edinburgh and more doctors will get involved.
        Do you really think that someone like Dr. Bessam Farjo…

        …who is dealing with even more –let’s say- “complicated doctors” out there...

        ...will inform all the attendees at such a meeting, for example, about Dr. Gho’s HST procedure including “how HST works”??

        Anyway - I like the part "How is it done" - after SO MANY years and at such a meeting ... "how is it done" - a really good question:
        How can I transplant a hair from A to B ??
        That's still THE scientific question in 2013...
        Attached Files


        • Gandolf
          Senior Member
          • Sep 2011
          • 198

          Originally posted by drnigams
          I believe myself that hst technique can give a donor regeneration of 60 to 70%.But here i am talking of 95% to 100% donor regeneration with in vitro technique.
          You might as well just claim to offer a procedure where you wave a magic wand over a NW7 patient's head and instantly restore them to a NW0 with full original density. I think I speak for most of the people here when I say that we don't believe your claims and the fact that you personally go onto forums and attack other doctors just makes you look like even more of a scam artist.


          • didi
            Senior Member
            • Nov 2011
            • 1372

            ' attack other doctors '..

            so dr nigam cant express his opinion about hst,
            many famous doctors said HST doenst work as in no regneration occurs..
            is that an attack?

            Gho said FUE yields only 60%(i beleive he is right), but it isnt attac on every doc out ther who performs FUE


            • Arashi
              Senior Member
              • Aug 2012
              • 3888

              Originally posted by didi
              ' attack other doctors '..

              so dr nigam cant express his opinion about hst,
              He didnt just 'express his opinion'. See what NeverSayNever says about Dr Nigam !! He said Dr Nigam totally twisted his words. He said Dr Nigam should retract his statements. And then look at that picture that Dr Nigam posted of those 'white spots'. Do you see any scars or white spots ? No. There aren't any. It's just a pathetic attack.


              • Jasari
                Senior Member
                • May 2011
                • 252

                Originally posted by Kiwi
                Give it a rest guys.

                If Dr N has stolen Dr Ghos technique that is great news for balding people. I don't give a **** about who does it and I don't like Gho holding out on us when the world so freely shared FUE with him in the first place.

                If it works and you don't goto see Dr N because somehow you think Dr N's "stealin"g is morally worse then holding out on the cure for us then you're a dumb ****. Plain and simple.
                +1 - There are doctors who still consider FUE an experimental 'new' treatment. It's crazy. I wish there was more open discussion and the 'stealing' of ideas; That way we'd get a cure faster.


                • UK Boy
                  Senior Member
                  • Apr 2011
                  • 244

                  I'm not gonna try and act like I know anything for sure but I think Gho might find out he's shot himself in the foot by being secretive about his procedure and not making it available to all. I'm not saying that I completely believe Dr. Nigam but you only have to look at the change in people since he appeared on the forums at the end of 2012 to see how his openess and willingness has majorly affected people's response to him. In the last couple of Bald Truth Radio showdown Spencer has talked about Dr. Wesley and his scarless technique, Spencer keeps mentioning that big fact that not only has Dr. Wesley gone about proving his technique with proper regulated clinical trials but he will also present his technique openly allowing all hair transplant doctors to use it. People want openess and proof, Gho should have realised this, he should have done a proper clinical trial on HSC that way there would be no doubt in people's minds. I'm interested to see if Dr. Wesley will see donor regeneration in his procedure, if he gets some along with the guarantee that recipient survival is just as good as with FUE/FUT then I think the technique will go huge. However I still have hope in Gho and am particularly interested in the HSI technique only this I don't understand is why they can't do it already, other companies already use this 'direct implantation method.

