Do women really mean what they say about bald men?

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  • Dav7
    Senior Member
    • Feb 2013
    • 308

    Do women really mean what they say about bald men?

    You know when they say stuff like,

    (a) My bf/ husband is going bald and I don't mind.

    (b) Bald guys are hot!

    (c) I'd date a bald man just as easily as I would a man with hair.

    Is this rubbish, a case of women saying one thing and thinking another - or are there women out there who genuinely feel this way?
  • NotBelievingIt
    Senior Member
    • Oct 2011
    • 595

    Um, yes.

    Its usually girls who say one and do another. Women tend to actually know wtf they want.


    • Dav7
      Senior Member
      • Feb 2013
      • 308

      Originally posted by NotBelievingIt
      Um, yes.

      Its usually girls who say one and do another. Women tend to actually know wtf they want.
      So most women are BS'ing then when they say this stuff?


      • Breaking Bald
        Senior Member
        • Aug 2012
        • 610

        Who ****ing knows. How can anyone answer this?? Some women like bald guys, some don't.


        • bigentries
          Senior Member
          • Dec 2011
          • 465

          Some do, the majority probably wouldn't do it on practice, like with every other generally undesirable trait

          I'm talking about single women. Married and old women most likely don't care that much


          • Aames
            • Nov 2012
            • 626

            I think the problem dissipates with age, but for the most part, women do prefer hair.


            • BigThinker
              Senior Member
              • Oct 2012
              • 1507

              Originally posted by Aames
              I think the problem dissipates with age, but for the most part, women do prefer hair.

              Even at 25, I see it not being a deal-breaker amongst many of my peers. I'm acknowledging that it can still be, but definitely not to the extent it would be to a 21 or 18 year old.


              • Dav7
                Senior Member
                • Feb 2013
                • 308

                Originally posted by Aames
                I think the problem dissipates with age, but for the most part, women do prefer hair.
                I guess that would explain the difference in reaction I get from now, as opposed to 5 years ago, or even 2-3 years ago


                • mpalardy
                  • Jan 2012
                  • 35

                  One thing that I always wonder when I see statements by women about bald men, regardless of their veracity or not...

                  Do they mean typical MPB? Or do they mean the shaven look? These are two very different things.

                  I'm inclined to think that younger women, college-aged or in their 20s, tend to think the latter. When the 30s hit, though, and the number of men in some stage of MPB starts to increase, women come to terms with the fact that men bald, and can still look handsome doing so.


                  • DannyBoyy7
                    Senior Member
                    • Sep 2012
                    • 102

                    Some women like bald men and some dont it is that simple.


                    • Dav7
                      Senior Member
                      • Feb 2013
                      • 308

                      Originally posted by mpalardy
                      One thing that I always wonder when I see statements by women about bald men, regardless of their veracity or not...

                      Do they mean typical MPB? Or do they mean the shaven look? These are two very different things.

                      I'm inclined to think that younger women, college-aged or in their 20s, tend to think the latter. When the 30s hit, though, and the number of men in some stage of MPB starts to increase, women come to terms with the fact that men bald, and can still look handsome doing so.
                      I'm not sure if that's true, there are many women in their 30s + 40s who still find MPB unattractive. Perhaps it's just that they settled down with men before their MPB became evident? Seriously though, a normal hairline is going to get you 10 times + the amount of options as if you're a NW2 and up, regardless if you shave it or not (the shade is always a big give away). As you up the Norwood scale, it seems that youe dating prospects are drastically reduced, regardless of what age the woman is (well maybe if they are 50 years and up and single and hence desperate). God MPB is a curse.


                      • DannyBoyy7
                        Senior Member
                        • Sep 2012
                        • 102

                        Originally posted by Dav7
                        I'm not sure if that's true, there are many women in their 30s + 40s who still find MPB unattractive. Perhaps it's just that they settled down with men before their MPB became evident? Seriously though, a normal hairline is going to get you 10 times + the amount of options as if you're a NW2 and up, regardless if you shave it or not (the shade is always a big give away). As you up the Norwood scale, it seems that youe dating prospects are drastically reduced, regardless of what age the woman is (well maybe if they are 50 years and up and single and hence desperate). God MPB is a curse.

                        I think you are looking waaay to much into it dude.


                        • mpalardy
                          • Jan 2012
                          • 35

                          Dav7, I'm sure that there are many women in their 30s and 40s who don't like MPB, just as there are many women who don't like facial hair. However, I'd say the proportion of them is much less than younger women due to the fact that an increasing proportion of men their age are showing recession--or, if they're not, some straggly grays are starting to show in their head. As people are tending to marry later nowadays, this understanding that we're not kids any more tends to affect both genders.

                          If we don't come to terms with it, we're doomed to become creepy old guys trying to pick up college girls or desperate cougars. Honestly, I'm 33 and a Norwood 3A, and, so long as I keep what remains of my hair neat, I never seem to have many problems among women of my age. Likely I notice it a lot more than others do.

                          As for shaving, I've come across a lot more women of my age who hate shaved heads than those who hate MPB.


                          • TheLaughingCow
                            • Nov 2012
                            • 74

                            Here's the thing...
                            Almost all of the positive comments I get about my hair/shaving my head are from women my age or men 40+.

                            Nearly all of the negative criticism I get for shaving my head is from males in my age group.

                            Interpretation: Girls don't care as long as you look good shaven, and guys will always try to put you down so they can be "alpha".

                            Not sure about the horseshoe, never experienced that.


                            • Dav7
                              Senior Member
                              • Feb 2013
                              • 308

                              Originally posted by TheLaughingCow
                              Here's the thing...
                              Almost all of the positive comments I get about my hair/shaving my head are from women my age or men 40+.

                              Nearly all of the negative criticism I get for shaving my head is from males in my age group.

                              Interpretation: Girls don't care as long as you look good shaven, and guys will always try to put you down so they can be "alpha".

                              Not sure about the horseshoe, never experienced that.
                              But I'm 27, never had a problem dating up until 24 and even dated very good looking women, including one of the best looking girls in my school. At only a NW 2.5, they notice it and hence either reject or ignore me. I know the buzz cut suites some men, but it does not for me, possibly because I look way younger than my age. Maybe it wouldn't be a big deal if I looked my age, I don't know. Anyway, the buzz cut or bic doesn't work, the MPB is ****ing up my dating opportunities. Seriously, this stinks.

