Would you rather be really really fat(400lb+) or a Norwood 7 slick bald?

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  • FlightTL
    Senior Member
    • Jun 2011
    • 842

    Would you rather be really really fat(400lb+) or a Norwood 7 slick bald?

    This is a serious question:

    Would you rather be really really fat(400lb+ and mostly fat and very little muscle) or a Norwood 7 slick bald?

    This is a serious question, because some folks believe that a fat individual is better off, because he/she has full control over diet/exercise, which can cause one to lose weight.

    However, how many of us can grow hair with exercise and diet....
  • DepressedByHairLoss
    Senior Member
    • Feb 2011
    • 876

    I always say that I would rather be fat than balding, because as you say, a person has it within their power to lose weight and get in shape, whereas hair loss is beyond a person's control. I was never 400 pounds, yet I used to be overweight and lost almost 40 pounds in like 3 months through diet and exercise. Bottom line: if a person is fat, they CAN lose weight. If a person suffers from hair loss, they cannot regrow their hair, at least not with today's sh*tbag options.


    • ChrisM
      Senior Member
      • Jun 2012
      • 299

      Depends.. the obvious answer would be to choose being obese but with that comes complications.. diabetes, renal failure of the one or more kidneys leading to dialysis and possible death due to failure of kidneys altogether, hypertension, heart attack, stroke, being out of breath all the time.. sluggish movement and those are just a few of the things that can happen as time and age set in with that condition. Depending on the person your body is a time bomb waiting to tell you enough depending on the warning signs stated above.
      Hair loss while a blow to self esteem isn't particular something that can be damaging to the health to the point of death. Yes you can change it by diet and exercise and possibly gastric bypass in the extreme but for some the weight is not that easily dropped even then.
      There are people with advanced baldness that either a) live with it and have a life that is as great or if not greater without hair because they have learned to enhance the other areas of their life to compensate b) the meds or the hair transplant have worked and now they look exactly as they expect and they feel confident again.


      • chrisdav
        Senior Member
        • Oct 2011
        • 443

        If you were extremely disciplined, have an strong work ethic, determined with a high level of perseverance and none of the other potential complications that are attached with weighing 400lbs, then maybe but that is not being realistic.

        Therefore I would choose to be NW7.

        There a lot more successful NW7 I know of then there are 400 lb men except maybe a few WWE Wrestlers


        • 2020
          Senior Member
          • Jan 2012
          • 1527

          400lb of course... I could probably lose all that weight within a year where as baldness is pretty much for life


          • Davey Jones
            Senior Member
            • Apr 2012
            • 356

            NW7, hands down. Being 400+lbs isn't just a matter of losing weight. It would wreck your body. Even if you got down to a normal weight, you would have tons of extra, flappy skin. My roommate went from 285 to 225, and he's still dealing with the extra skin after years. If I went from 400 to the 170 I am now, I'd be a parachute.

            And even besides vanity issues, being 400+lbs for any amount of time and then losing all that weight would be physiologically stressful. I'd have to guess that you're taking, at least, several years off your life. Probably more. And that's not just cutting the bad years off the end. In essence, you would age much more rapidly.

            So you would be completely unattractive for an extended period of losing the weight (possibly years), then you'd still have skin folds, and in the end (years down the road), you'd be effectively older than you would have been, still less healthy than you were before, and closer to death.

            It just doesn't make sense to pick 400+lbs. Hell, if one of these groups working on a cure pulls through by 2016 (overly optimistic, I know), you'd have probably had your hair back before you have your health back anyway, and that's pretending that you ever really have your health back.

            So yeah...gimme the NW7. I'm pretty sure abs and a bald head work better than a nice head of hair and planetary size.


            • BaldinLikeBaldwin
              Senior Member
              • Apr 2012
              • 224


              I'd rather weigh 400 pounds for the rest of my LIFE than become NW7


              • win200
                Senior Member
                • Jul 2012
                • 420

                How is this even a debate? If you're NW7 slick bald, you can buzz the sides, get in great shape, and have a rockin' body. There are plenty of guys out there that still look vibrant, energized, and healthy with a bald head--not to mention attractive. Sure, some women just won't go for a bald guy, period. But I GUARANTEE you that there are more women that are receptive to a fit bald guy that a 400 pound guy with a luxurious head of hair.

                And that's irrespective of the horrendous health consequences, the limited mobility, the social stigma, etc. No one stares at a bald guy at the mall--they're everywhere. But a 400 pound guy? That gets you some looks

                Easiest call ever.


                • 2020
                  Senior Member
                  • Jan 2012
                  • 1527


                  flawless hairline...


                  • dex89
                    Senior Member
                    • Jul 2012
                    • 809

                    Originally posted by 2020

                    flawless hairline...
                    zero chances of getting laid with an attractive female. It's impossible for these guys to have sex lol. I rather be in top shape and bald and be able to have sex with a female then being fat and disgusting.


                    • 2020
                      Senior Member
                      • Jan 2012
                      • 1527

                      Originally posted by dex89
                      zero chances of getting laid with an attractive female. It's impossible for these guys to have sex lol. I rather be in top shape and bald and be able to have sex with a female then being fat and disgusting.
                      100% that if you applied yourself, you could lose that weight in a year or two. What's the problem? You would only be fat for a short time


                      • dex89
                        Senior Member
                        • Jul 2012
                        • 809

                        Originally posted by 2020
                        100% that if you applied yourself, you could lose that weight in a year or two. What's the problem? You would only be fat for a short time
                        A year or two of not having sex?

                        Easier said then done my friend, there's risk that I rather not take like for example, excessive loose skin, sever stretch marks, health risk, and etc.

                        Maybe if these risk where not possible then I'll probably take the 400lbs route.


                        • john2399
                          Senior Member
                          • Jan 2012
                          • 527

                          this is a dumb question. Baldness is forever. Being fat can't even compare.


                          • NotBelievingIt
                            Senior Member
                            • Oct 2011
                            • 595

                            If it was a choice between being instantly 400lbs or NW7 theres no question, 400 lbs.

                            I am built to not be fat. Therefore I would lose it.

                            If it was "end up being 400lbs or NW7" then NW7 no question.

                            The thing with weight is, the longer you remain at a certain weight, the more the body actually fights to stay at that weight. Yes its possible to lose the weight, but once off you must work to maintain that for a long enough time that it becomes the new normal for the body.


                            • Cr779
                              Senior Member
                              • Nov 2011
                              • 148

                              If you meant a magical world where the fat was for asthetic purposes and not taking into account all the other complications(the point behin this thread I imagine) I would way rather be fat.

                              In fact I used to be kinda fat, then i hit 20 and decided to stop being lazy, started going to the gym and eating right, lost lots of weight and started looking pretty good. In fact it was the first time in my life where I was ok with how I looked. That lasted for about a month before I realized I was balding. Now I feel ugly every day. Worst part is people will assume I work out because I'm balding, even though I started before.

                              Also nothing in the world angers me more than a fat guy with a full head of hair. Wasting perfectly good hair genetics through pure lazyness.

