please help about finasteride and my hair

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  • spinnaker89
    Junior Member
    • Nov 2012
    • 7

    please help about finasteride and my hair

    Hi everyone let me start my story with who I am. I am 22 years old at the moment and I am losing my hair.

    My father and both grandfathers are bald. my brother was balding pretty badly also but started taking fin after couple years. right now he has thin hair (I can see his scalp) but b/c of the fin he is retaining that thin hair.

    I used to have extremely THICK hair, so think that my barber had trouble combing it and had to wet it to even cut it properly. I though at the age of 21 that I may not get in trouble with my hair I was really happy. but suddenly one day I noticed a flat spot in my fohawk hair style. when i spread my hair with my fingers i was SHOCKED to see a gap in the front part of my hair. I was devastated. I was in denial for a good month but I started to notice that I would get more and more hairs in my hand when I shampooed in the shower.

    Finally accepting it I researched like a mad man, looking from website to website buying things left and right in hoping to stop this in its tracks.
    I started using rogaine and taking hair vitamin pills, and even started using regenepure (both DR and NT). I noticed my hair fall slow down a bit, the shampoo is really goos stuff. but unfortunately I still shed and only in one area. right in the frontal area where I put up my hair. discouraged I kept researching and bought lipogaine which was suppose to be much better. for atleast 6 months I took vitamins and lipogaine, used S5 cream and used regenepure. sadly I just will not regrow my hair and SLOWLY that gap is getting bigger and bigger. As I mentioned before I researched A LOT and i knew about finastride but heard MANY negative things. Loss in libido, physical shrinkage, ED, and adverse affects on children. Even with my brother on it, I just did not want to start taking it. I thought with my plan slowly i could stop it or regrow hair. But nothing worked, I was only able to slow it down a bit.

    Now I am at a point that I think about my hair literally every waking moment, from class to walking home and even in a middle of watching a movie etc. I have no idea what to do, but REALLY consider taking fin.

    For this reason I decided to post this on a good forum page and seek some help.

    Firstly, I would like to know who has been on it, for how long, and how much do you take and how often. and of course your sides and how bad.

    If you think I should start it or not, and why

    But most importanly!!!!

    If i decide to start, how much should i take(mg) and how often, I read a lot of posts where people said to start at a low dose and slowly after some time work your way up to 1mg or 1.25mg etc..

    SO please please help me and guide me in how much i should take and what way people have started taking it with low risk of sides. b/c i know starting straight up with 1mg per day is way too much and this drug is hellla powerful.

    Please help me out.
  • 2020
    Senior Member
    • Jan 2012
    • 1527

    dosage is irrelevant. 0.25mg or 5mg block the same amount of DHT...


    • spinnaker89
      Junior Member
      • Nov 2012
      • 7

      Originally posted by 2020
      dosage is irrelevant. 0.25mg or 5mg block the same amount of DHT...

      ah i see, but again the reason I am coming here to ask everyone how much i should start and end up taking in the long term is b/c I read many posts where when starting on a smaller dose and eventually building up can possible reduce the neg sides drastically... so i wanted to see how much people started taking and how much they take now.

      so if you would be so kind how much did you start with? and now how much do you take and how was your experience with it?

      also if the dose does not matter then why do people take more than say 1mg according to the graph theres no reason to take more than 1mg cuz thats where the highest inhibiting amount lies? anymore than 1mg is just usless right?


      • Dan26
        Senior Member
        • Jul 2012
        • 1270

        Originally posted by spinnaker89
        ah i see, but again the reason I am coming here to ask everyone how much i should start and end up taking in the long term is b/c I read many posts where when starting on a smaller dose and eventually building up can possible reduce the neg sides drastically... so i wanted to see how much people started taking and how much they take now.

        so if you would be so kind how much did you start with? and now how much do you take and how was your experience with it?

        also if the dose does not matter then why do people take more than say 1mg according to the graph theres no reason to take more than 1mg cuz thats where the highest inhibiting amount lies? anymore than 1mg is just usless right?
        It is a little more complicated than that graph alone. My suggestion would be to start as small as possible (0.25 or actually even smaller if you can), and take is 3-4 days a part. Be patient, see how your body and hair responds, and perhaps increase the dose if you think it is best for you.

        Also, I STRONGLY advise getting some tests done beforehand (Blood, hormone, semen analysis if possible). You may have trouble convincing your doctor to order these tests for you though, I know I did lol.


        • spinnaker89
          Junior Member
          • Nov 2012
          • 7

          Originally posted by Dan26
          It is a little more complicated than that graph alone. My suggestion would be to start as small as possible (0.25 or actually even smaller if you can), and take is 3-4 days a part. Be patient, see how your body and hair responds, and perhaps increase the dose if you think it is best for you.

          Also, I STRONGLY advise getting some tests done beforehand (Blood, hormone, semen analysis if possible). You may have trouble convincing your doctor to order these tests for you though, I know I did lol.
          I agree, I plan on getting tests done before hand. So you suggest I always take it 3-4 days apart? I thought it was suppose to be taken everyday? if not 1 mg like .25mg everyday? thats why I am posting here there are so many variations with how much people take I have no idea what to do???

          no one is yet to tell me how much they take and how often etc I was hoping for more responses then I have received here, I still appreciate any posts I get.


          • Dan26
            Senior Member
            • Jul 2012
            • 1270

            Originally posted by spinnaker89
            I agree, I plan on getting tests done before hand. So you suggest I always take it 3-4 days apart? I thought it was suppose to be taken everyday? if not 1 mg like .25mg everyday? thats why I am posting here there are so many variations with how much people take I have no idea what to do???

            no one is yet to tell me how much they take and how often etc I was hoping for more responses then I have received here, I still appreciate any posts I get.
            I've yet to take it and I cannot speak too much on other peoples results. This is purely anecdotal evidence which varies from person to person. My personal view is that it is worth experimenting at low doses, all you have to lose is a bit of hair, and there should be less risk of sides. I could direct you to some sources/reading if you are interested. The important points are, as 2020 pointed out, the drug near flat dose response rate such that 0.25mg, 1mg, 5mg, 10mg inhibit nearly same amount of DHT across the board. Then you have to consider the pharmaceutical half-life, as opposed to the serum half-life (which is when you hear people say the half-life is 8hrs and people assume that's how long the effects linger or it is in your system). Pharmaceutical half-life basically has to do with the time is takes for the 5-ar enzyme that is being inhibited to return to normal activity, thus returning DHT production back to it's original levels (hopefully). This takes days. I could provide a chart, it may be confusing to read. In regards to the chart and fins pharmaceutical half life, the pertinent information is low doses days apart should yield some benefit (not necessarily the same as higher doses closer together (which again can increase risks of sides so you have to weigh the risk/reward) . You don't want to take it too far a part, as hormonal changes are disastrous for hair. The aim is to lower DHT, and take the smallest amount of finasteride possible to keep that DHT at a constant production rate.

            Any more questions feel free to ask. I am no expert, I encourage others viewing this thread to chime in.

            Good luck brotha!


            • rdawg
              Senior Member
              • Jun 2012
              • 1019

              I personally would recommend starting on it. It is without a doubt the best product to stop hairloss out there(If it works for you of course without sides)

              It will most likely at least stop your hairloss and maintain what you have, it may reinforce your hair a bit as well(but that's no guarentee).

              If you're cautious about it, yes start at 0.25 everyday and then slowly work up to 1mg everyday. You start seeing more sides as you work up, then scale back. The reason I say scale up is that for some, the 61%(0.25mg) or so isnt quite enough to stop the hairloss as say 67-68%(1mg). Not for all, but for some.

              If you get major sides, ease off of it and the vast majority of the time you will go back to normal soon after.


              • rdawg
                Senior Member
                • Jun 2012
                • 1019

                Originally posted by spinnaker89
                I agree, I plan on getting tests done before hand. So you suggest I always take it 3-4 days apart? I thought it was suppose to be taken everyday? if not 1 mg like .25mg everyday? thats why I am posting here there are so many variations with how much people take I have no idea what to do???

                no one is yet to tell me how much they take and how often etc I was hoping for more responses then I have received here, I still appreciate any posts I get.
                I take between 0.75-1.25mg everyday as I take proscar so I have to cut up the pills and they come out a bit uneven. essentially I take 1mg everyday.

                I'm not sure about the theory of taking it once every 3 days instead of everyday, I'd have to see more graphs/links/references on whether that's better for the system or just as useful as taking it everyday.

                Ideally though I think after I'm done the year and see the full results of it(I'm just past month 4 now) I may ease down to 0.25mg.


                • Inspired to achieve
                  Junior Member
                  • Nov 2012
                  • 14


                  Dude I've been on Fin for 2 - 3 months now and was in a similar predicament although i think you have an advantage. You said your brother is currently on fin? This should give you some confidence in starting a preventative measure such as fin?

                  I don't know anybody on Fin and haven't told friends or family. I expressed interest in it about a year ago and my girlfriend thought it was to risky when i mentioned possible sides.

                  I started Fin dosage with :

                  0.25mg per day for 2 weeks

                  0.5mg per day for the next 3 weeks

                  1mg per day till now & will continue for 24 months to access.

                  (Only side was a slight ball ache for 2 days and it's since long gone)

                  My advice is sooner the better if you want to maintain some hair - good luck


                  • spinnaker89
                    Junior Member
                    • Nov 2012
                    • 7

                    Originally posted by Inspired to achieve
                    Dude I've been on Fin for 2 - 3 months now and was in a similar predicament although i think you have an advantage. You said your brother is currently on fin? This should give you some confidence in starting a preventative measure such as fin?

                    I don't know anybody on Fin and haven't told friends or family. I expressed interest in it about a year ago and my girlfriend thought it was to risky when i mentioned possible sides.

                    I started Fin dosage with :

                    0.25mg per day for 2 weeks

                    0.5mg per day for the next 3 weeks

                    1mg per day till now & will continue for 24 months to access.

                    (Only side was a slight ball ache for 2 days and it's since long gone)

                    My advice is sooner the better if you want to maintain some hair - good luck
                    Thank you so much for your input i really appreciate it. and yea my brother is on it so I am not going to start it. I was thinking to do .25 every other day to start for like a month then .5 EOD.
                    one big thing is that my insurance will not cover fin for me and it is 90$ for 30 (1mg) pills. idk what to do i def can not afford that. can anyone tell me how your are getting your pills and what i should do? also i dont want to stretch my pills by turning 30 day pills into like 60 cuz i want it to work.
                    any advice?

                    Thank you so much


                    • spinnaker89
                      Junior Member
                      • Nov 2012
                      • 7

                      UPDATE guys: I started taking 1/4 proscar pills starting 2 weeks ago oh and EOD. I was really scared about sides but THANKFULLY I have not experienced any and I really really hope I dont start. So far I have noticed my hair MAYBE slowing down in falling out in the shower (Now idk if it really is helping a litte, I heard it takes months so my mind might be just messing with me showing me what I wanna see) But so yea I started oh yea so 5mg pills so 1/4 EOD. I really hope it stops eventually and I am also using rogaine with it. I wanted to thank everyone for their help and support I really do appreciate and please if anyone wants to ask anything at all even side related (boners, semen etc) feel free to ask!

