I had multiple (12+) procedures from 1993-2001, including F.U. grafting and 2 scalp reductions. I began researching in 1988 (pre-web “Dark Ages”) before taking, what I deemed a well-informed plunge into surgery. Last sessions - Drs. Shapiro and Rose @ MN facility. At the time (2001), they were the best in the country - beyond anyone else I was able to find. I am willing to share my experiences with your subscribers because I believe your advice, especially to the younger guys – only now awaking to the nightmare that is the first realization of hair loss - is invaluable. Anything to help keep them from charlatans and pseudo-gurus of the world; time well spent. Identity and experience verification you need I will gladly provide, although I wish to guard my privacy. My experience ended well – but only after sessions with the latter two physicians. In retrospect, my results were not optimal because abundant donor area was squandered in previous sessions. Contact me if you wish.