Is minoxidil causing wrinkles?

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  • TheDude
    Senior Member
    • Oct 2010
    • 108

    Is minoxidil causing wrinkles?

    Is this stuff prematurely aging us..

    Im worried about this since im still young but am noticing what it seems like premature wrinkles when compared to my friends faces..

    Apparently minoxidil depletes or decreases the collagen in your skin and not only your face but everywhere since it travels through the blood stream.

    Here's a site where people are saying just that..

  • chrisis
    Senior Member
    • Feb 2012
    • 1257

    If true then how annoying.

    Finasteride breaks my dick. Minoxidil breaks my face.

    I'm not religious, but it's like a big **** you from the guy upstairs.


    • Tracy C
      Senior Member
      • Sep 2011
      • 3125

      Originally posted by TheDude
      Is this stuff prematurely aging us..
      This nonsense again? I've been using Minxodil for over four years now. If Minoxidil caused premature againg, women would never touch the stuff. More women need to use Minoxidil than you realize. It hasn't aged me one tiny bit. I look more than ten years younger than I actually am.

      I swear there is someone out there trying to scare people away from using legitimate treatments for hereditary hair loss.


      • john2399
        Senior Member
        • Jan 2012
        • 527

        Yeah i don't believe this too. We have enough to worry about, we don't need to add this myth to our problems. Minoxidil works and the maybe the wrinkles are coming from all the worrying from hairloss!!


        • TheDude
          Senior Member
          • Oct 2010
          • 108

          Originally posted by Tracy C
          If Minoxidil caused premature againg, women would never touch the stuff
          Funny you mention that because this is exactly what this women's skin site is worried about..

          Oops, looks like the page is lost. Start your website on the cheap.

          Im not advocating whether it does or doesn't, i too have been on it for the past 4 years, im just worried that its causing a decrease in the collagen in my face..

          Do people on this stuff notice this kind of skin deterioration or is it another "how can you prove its minoxidil or just age"


          • TheDude
            Senior Member
            • Oct 2010
            • 108

            This study suggests that minoxidil does in fact decrease collagen:

            "Collagen synthesis
            Two groups have studied the effect of minoxidil on collagen synthesis. Murad and Pinnell48 showed that minoxidil suppressed activity of the enzyme lysyl hydroxylase in human skin fibroblast cultures at concentrations down to 25 lmol L)1, leading to pro- duction of a collagen deficient in hydroxylysine.49 This appeared to be specific for lysyl hydroxylase as the activity of prolyl hydroxylase, which shares the same substrates and cofactors as lysyl hydroxylase, wasunaffected. Minoxidil (0Æ5 mmol L)1) also suppressed collagen synthesis by rat vibrissae dermal papilla cells, both in monolayer cultures and in cells grown in collagen gels.50 The concentrations of minoxidil used in these studies were quite high and the relevance of the results to hair growth is unknown".


            • VictimOfDHT
              Senior Member
              • Apr 2011
              • 748

              Ok. Don't take it then. I don't know why people keep coming here and telling us this drug does this and this one does that. Some people here have nothing better to do but keep telling us how bad Finasteride is and how it's the most dangerous drug ever made.... The same thing is going on with Minoxidil. Here and on other forums people keep telling us Minoxidil makes your face look like shit and makes you look older.... Ok. DON"T ****ING USE MINOXIDIL OR FIN. It's not like we're kids here. We know what the hell we're doing and all of us -I'm assuming- can make our own decisions. Why don't people get it? Talk about a topic that hasn't been discussed like 10 million times.

              And like I said before, I'd rather look 70 with hair than look young with no hair (bald), that is IF you can ever look young when you have a balding head.


              • khan
                Senior Member
                • Aug 2011
                • 151

                People on Ask a patient report as side effects of Rogain, among other things

                headache, foggy, feeling, sudden weight gain, loss of sex drive, premature ejaculation, erectile dysfunction, weakness, booby chest, raised blood pressure, soft erecions, extreme anxiety, lethargy, severe heart palp, stiffness in neck/choking sensation, insomnia, loss of size of penis over 3 month period................................

                Its all on

                Ok seriously!! Whats up with hairloss medication and side effects??


                • chrisis
                  Senior Member
                  • Feb 2012
                  • 1257

                  Originally posted by VictimOfDHT
                  Some people here have nothing better to do but keep telling us how bad Finasteride is and how it's the most dangerous drug ever made....

                  Ok. DON"T ****ING USE MINOXIDIL OR FIN. It's not like we're kids here. We know what the hell we're doing and all of us -I'm assuming- can make our own decisions. Why don't people get it? Talk about a topic that hasn't been discussed like 10 million times.
                  If it's been discussed 10 million times, then it begs the question why. There must be more to the side effects phenomenon than the 2% figure (on par with placebo) that Merck publicly states. It's therefore important that men are aware of this before they start the drug. If Merck aren't going to do it, who will?

                  We're here to share experiences and learn. Without the former, there's no latter.


                  • Follicle Death Row
                    Senior Member
                    • May 2011
                    • 1066

                    As mentioned it does effect collagen synthesis but just don't go smearing it on your face and you should be fine. No biggie. Tends to cause a knid of bloated appearance more often from what I've read. But its safety profile is very good.


                    • Tracy C
                      Senior Member
                      • Sep 2011
                      • 3125

                      Originally posted by VictimOfDHT
                      Ok. Don't take it then. I don't know why people keep coming here and telling us this drug does this and this one does that.
                      My theory is the companies that make the snake oils started all these scares to try to get people to stop using legitimate proven treatments and buy their bogus treatments instead.

                      Minoxidil has been on the market for a very long time. These scares are relatively recent buy comparison. Why was no one complaining about anything like this years before now? Maybe it only effects those who where raised by videos games this way.


                      • TheDude
                        Senior Member
                        • Oct 2010
                        • 108

                        Its called knowledge!

                        If people can't handle the truth and refuse to see the possibility that putting foreign substances in/on your body may have side effects then why are you on this forum??

                        I rather do something eyes open knowing as many outcomes as possible then go in blind folded.. And if you disagree get an education!

                        Conspiracy theories are nice way of telling the world that you have nothing better to do with your time..

                        I for one will be educated as to the consequences of taking such drugs, whether or not i decide to take them after that is my decision.


                        • Tracy C
                          Senior Member
                          • Sep 2011
                          • 3125

                          Originally posted by TheDude
                          And if you disagree get an education!
                          You are way out of line buster.


                          • TheDude
                            Senior Member
                            • Oct 2010
                            • 108

                            Originally posted by Tracy C
                            You are way out of line buster.
                            This thread isn't about you, its about facts, so im sorry if you feel offended..

                            But my opinion stands..

                            If anyone's out of line its you, why is your opinion more valid than mine.. I have the right to my opinion which by the way isn't my opinion because its based of proof.. is yours?

                            I want people to make educated decisions about the substances they put in/on their bodies, there's nothing wrong with that, if you feel otherwise open your own thread..


                            • khan
                              Senior Member
                              • Aug 2011
                              • 151

                              Originally posted by TheDude
                              This thread isn't about you, its about facts, so im sorry if you feel offended..

                              But my opinion stands..

                              If anyone's out of line its you, why is your opinion more valid than mine.. I have the right to my opinion which by the way isn't my opinion because its based of proof.. is yours?

                              I want people to make educated decisions about the substances they put in/on their bodies, there's nothing wrong with that, if you feel otherwise open your own thread..
                              Calm down Dude!! No one said you don't have the right to express your opinion. So feel free to do so.

                              The problem is none of these sides effects of Minoxidil or the drug that shall not be named, show up in clinical trials.

                              Originally posted by TheDude
                              my opinion which by the way isn't my opinion because its based of proof.. is yours?
                              What proof do you have against Minoxidil causing premature ageing? And please no deductive reasonining, we've all heard that before.

