Replicel Sets The Record Straight

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  • tbtadmin
    • Sep 2008
    • 990

    Replicel Sets The Record Straight

    Spencer Kobren speaks with VP of Business and Corporate development for Replicel Life Sciences, R. Lee Buckler, to set the record straight and to clear up all of the misinformation about the company and its efforts to move forward with its DSC cell therapy treatment for androgenetic alopecia. It appears that it’s full steam ahead for Replicel and the reasons for some of the delays had nothing to do with the online speculation that has been circulating throughout the hair loss community.

  • jamesst11
    Senior Member
    • Jun 2014
    • 1092

    "it's reasonable to believe", "it's reasonable to believe".... blah blah blah...


    • PayDay
      Senior Member
      • Nov 2008
      • 604

      Originally posted by jamesst11
      "it's reasonable to believe", "it's reasonable to believe".... blah blah blah...
      It's understandable to be cynical jamess11, but I think its pretty cool that things are moving forward and at least we have an explanation directly from one of the heads of the company, instead of hearing it from some third party. I'm optimistic, but have no delusions that this is going to be the cure anytime soon. Maybe 2020 if all goes well.


      • jamesst11
        Senior Member
        • Jun 2014
        • 1092

        Originally posted by PayDay
        It's understandable to be cynical jamess11, but I think its pretty cool that things are moving forward and at least we have an explanation directly from one of the heads of the company, instead of hearing it from some third party. I'm optimistic, but have no delusions that this is going to be the cure anytime soon. Maybe 2020 if all goes well.
        Payday, you're a good man.


        • PayDay
          Senior Member
          • Nov 2008
          • 604

          Originally posted by jamesst11
          Payday, you're a good man.
          Thanks! I try my best to have a positive, but realistic outlook. TBT has helped me so much in this respect.


          • Thinning87
            Senior Member
            • Dec 2012
            • 847

            Well guys I'm obviously glad to hear they are moving along, but let's face it: if they really will have to catch follicles "at the right moment" with an injection in order to jumpstart hair growth, then it'll be pretty tough for us who are a bit older to really benefit from these treatments.

            We know that follicles that stopped creating hair a long time ago don't "die", but we also know that their anagen phase is shorter and shorter at every cycle... so I would think this translates into the fact that it'll also be harder and harder to jumpstart growth as every cycle passes.

            Of course we will have to wait and see efficacy, but I wouldn't set my hopes to high on this one. I could even hear Spencer's voice decrease in enthusiasm when the interview reached that point!

            And guess what, if they hadn't been stopped for the reasons they mentioned, they would probably be 2-3 years ahead of schedule, making someone like me more likely to benefit from their work...


            • PayDay
              Senior Member
              • Nov 2008
              • 604

              Originally posted by Thinning87
              Well guys I'm obviously glad to hear they are moving along, but let's face it: if they really will have to catch follicles "at the right moment" with an injection in order to jumpstart hair growth, then it'll be pretty tough for us who are a bit older to really benefit from these treatments.

              We know that follicles that stopped creating hair a long time ago don't "die", but we also know that their anagen phase is shorter and shorter at every cycle... so I would think this translates into the fact that it'll also be harder and harder to jumpstart growth as every cycle passes.

              Of course we will have to wait and see efficacy, but I wouldn't set my hopes to high on this one. I could even hear Spencer's voice decrease in enthusiasm when the interview reached that point!

              And guess what, if they hadn't been stopped for the reasons they mentioned, they would probably be 2-3 years ahead of schedule, making someone like me more likely to benefit from their work...

              I hear you, but while the life span of miniaturized hair is much shorter, like you said, they still cycle and enter a growth phase, so where there is life, there is hope.


              • paleocapa89
                • Sep 2015
                • 52

                So if I understand it correctly, then Replicel's method is basically a vaccination to immunize DHT sensitive follicles. Full headed people will greatly benefit from that but not us. That's sad


                • Hubris
                  Senior Member
                  • Jul 2015
                  • 120

                  Originally posted by paleocapa89
                  So if I understand it correctly, then Replicel's method is basically a vaccination to immunize DHT sensitive follicles. Full headed people will greatly benefit from that but not us. That's sad
                  I think for anyone less than a NW5, this treatment could be highly beneficial. Consider the possibilities for a diffuse thinner with an intact hairline.


                  • Arieux
                    • Jun 2015
                    • 86

                    @ Hubris: I think that even for NW5 it would be beneficial in order to prevent him from Nw 6 or 7. And then he will give some regrowth and can just do big HT.


                    • Hubris
                      Senior Member
                      • Jul 2015
                      • 120

                      Originally posted by Arieux
                      @ Hubris: I think that even for NW5 it would be beneficial in order to prevent him from Nw 6 or 7. And then he will give some regrowth and can just do big HT.
                      I agree to an extent, but, this is my thinking. Assuming Replicel is only for prevention of further hair loss, as the above interview seems to indicate, then the patient cannot expect any significant regrowth. A NW5 cannot expect a very acceptable level of coverage following a hair transplant either. And then finally, no one is concerned about moving from a NW5 to a 6 or 7 in of itself. They only care because it makes the job of moving back to a NW0-2 much harder.


                      • amadeus
                        Senior Member
                        • Dec 2008
                        • 295

                        Great interview! I see it as very promising and while guys who are very bald might not benefit from Replicel as much, it seems like if it works as advertised, it will help millions of people, both men and women who are actively balding, which I would say is the vast majority of those who read this forum. Spencer always does such a good job of just letting the people who he interviews speak without loading them up with too many questions. Seems like he has a knack of just guiding the people he’s interviewing to answer all of our questions without firing off one after the other. He’s really talented, a real pro and I really appreciate that he did this for us. I saw on Twitter that there is more to come, so I’m curious who else he spoke to?


                        • clee984
                          Senior Member
                          • Feb 2010
                          • 252

                          I'm just always happy when I hear that things are moving forward. There have been advances in hair transplants, and the ubiquity of the internet has helped with communities like this, and I kinda feel like we're 'due' a medical advance, ya know? You hear so much about stem cells and such, and it's been a long old time since propecia was a new thing.


                          • Delphi
                            Senior Member
                            • Mar 2009
                            • 546

                            You are the MAN Spencer! Thanks you so much for doing this for us! Like you always say, I'm not putting my life on hold waiting for these treatments, but it sounds like a guy in my position hair wise can really benefit for this treatment once it hits the market and it seems like it going to happen relatively soon. Hey, I'll be on a plane to Japan as soon as it's approved and proven to really work. I of course will wait until you say it's worth it and that it works.


                            • J_B_Davis
                              Senior Member
                              • Dec 2008
                              • 409

                              I agree with everyone that it was a really informative interview, that cleared up a lot of the questions surrounding Replicel, but I’m not as enthusiastic about the timeline at this point. I mean everything has to go perfectly for it to be available in Japan by 2019 and we all know how these things work. So, taking possible setbacks into consideration, I think we are probably looking at another decade before all is said and done. I’m still glad the forum was given this this great interview and insightful information, but for the guys who think any of these treatments are right around the corner, I would not get my hopes up.

