Spencer Kobren Speak With Dr. Coen Gho - Is Hair Stem Cell Transplantation(HST) The

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  • didi
    Senior Member
    • Nov 2011
    • 1372

    OK, 35g/cm2 would be around 40-45% of original density, just on the border, slightly bellow

    Its enough for buzz cut but not if you want it longer as it will appear too thin,plus daylight would kill it


    • The Alchemist
      Senior Member
      • Mar 2011
      • 265

      Originally posted by Tracy C
      Actually, it was.

      No. I'm not.

      To be painfully honest about it, there is no way I would even date someone like you or The Alchemist. Much less marry either of you. I would not get involved with a guy who needed bossing around. My standards are much higher than that. Any partner of mine needs to be at least as smart as me.

      Lets not kid anyone, you're a bald female; and nasty, pyschologically damaged one at that. You're not even in the gene pool anymore -sexually irrelevant. Your "standards", though i'm sure they provide you comfort late into your dateless, tv-filled nights, are nothing more than vestigal remnants from a time that is no more for you. Your outbursts, pedantic nonsense and constant pleas to be taken as an authority on these boards are just symptomatic of your situation. It's very sad, really. Hopefully you can get some help and come terms with what must be a very difficult position for you.


      • BaldinLikeBaldwin
        Senior Member
        • Apr 2012
        • 224

        the hair loss community can be so cruel sometimes...

        why must my people fight each other I often wonder. can't we see we're only hurting ourselves?


        • yeahyeahyeah
          Senior Member
          • Nov 2011
          • 1818

          Originally posted by BaldinLikeBaldwin
          the hair loss community can be so cruel sometimes...

          why must my people fight each other I often wonder. can't we see we're only hurting ourselves?

          Tracy has an attitude problem, the fact that The Alchemist chimed in out of his own accord should tell you that a lot of people are sick and tired of her arrogance.

          If she was a lot nicer nobody would be an asshole to her.


          • Tracy C
            Senior Member
            • Sep 2011
            • 3125

            Originally posted by The Alchemist
            Lets not kid anyone...
            There was not a single word of honesty in that statement. Not a single word. Everything you said was completely fiction.

            Originally posted by yeahyeahyeah
            If she was a lot nicer nobody would be an butthole to her.
            You are still not paying attention, so you would not know how nice I am - or how nice I am not. I have actually helped a whole lot more people here than you know about - because you don't pay attention. I am not very nice to you because you do not deserve it. The reason you don't deserve it is because you don't pay attention and you act like a butt hole. If you deserved it, I would be a whole lot nicer to you. I honestly do not care about the butt holes anyways. Butt holes are going to be butt holes. So I don't waste my time or energy worrying about them.


            • Tracy C
              Senior Member
              • Sep 2011
              • 3125

              Originally posted by yeahyeahyeah
              Tracy has an attitude problem.
              BTW, I am not the one with the attitude problem.


              • yeahyeahyeah
                Senior Member
                • Nov 2011
                • 1818

                Originally posted by Tracy C
                There was not a single word of honesty in that statement. Not a single word. Everything you said was completely fiction.

                You are still not paying attention, so you would not know how nice I am - or how nice I am not. I have actually helped a whole lot more people here than you know about - because you don't pay attention. I am not very nice to you because you do not deserve it. The reason you don't deserve it is because you don't pay attention and you act like a butt hole. If you deserved it, I would be a whole lot nicer to you. I honestly do not care about the butt holes anyways. Butt holes are going to be butt holes. So I don't waste my time or energy worrying about them.
                **** off Tracy.

                Arguing with you is like arguing with a brick wall.


                • Tracy C
                  Senior Member
                  • Sep 2011
                  • 3125

                  Originally posted by yeahyeahyeah
                  Arguing with you is like arguing with a brick wall.
                  That's only because you are wrong.


                  • yeahyeahyeah
                    Senior Member
                    • Nov 2011
                    • 1818

                    Originally posted by Tracy C
                    That's only because you are wrong.
                    There you go, that one line sums you up.

                    You are arrogant, you ALWAYS want to be RIGHT and derail threads once someone challenges your vews by calling them a butthole.

                    You dont bring as much value to this place as you think.


                    • yeahyeahyeah
                      Senior Member
                      • Nov 2011
                      • 1818

                      Originally posted by yeahyeahyeah
                      There you go, that one line sums you up.

                      You are arrogant, you ALWAYS want to be RIGHT and derail threads once someone challenges your vews by calling them a butthole.

                      You dont bring as much value to this place as you think.
                      And to add, when you do give good advise its normally has a patronising tone to it.

                      Look at the way a poster in didi writes and compare that to your own writing style.

                      If you can't see whats wrong, then nothing can save you.


                      • Artista
                        Senior Member
                        • Apr 2010
                        • 2100

                        Can we move beyond this? I'm not criticizing either one of you and I have never been involved with squabbles here. Dont want to be.
                        Regardless as to who is right or wrong , can 'we' diplomatically absorb what has been said, reconsider our approaches, reassess the way we approach issues here , if needed, and remind ourselves that we are all here for the same serious problem.
                        Spencer's site IS the better hair loss website/forum and allows for wide latitude in free speech, keep in mind.
                        As i have viewed it here, each and every one of you do a great job in contributing to this forum.


                        • yeahyeahyeah
                          Senior Member
                          • Nov 2011
                          • 1818

                          Originally posted by Highlander
                          Some words in this thread are a bit harsh, but to add to this, she totally ignores (or fails to acknowledge) whenever she -is- wrong.

                          Like my thread about the shampoo where she was telling us about how it must be a scam because Keto has a patent on it. But then when I present proof that it ran out over a decade ago she goes totally quiet on the subject.

                          Stacy, I think you mean well. I wish we weren't enemies. But that said, you are very condescending to a lot of people on here. You need to be a whole lot more open to the possibility that you -are- in fact wrong.
                          The amazing thing is, everyone can see it.


                          • Tracy C
                            Senior Member
                            • Sep 2011
                            • 3125

                            Originally posted by Highlander
                            Like my thread about the shampoo where she was telling us about how it must be a scam.
                            I never said that specific shampoo was a scam and you did not present any real proof that it has 1% Ketoconazole in it. Your "say so" does not qualify as "proof". You cannot stake a claim that I was wrong about something that I never actually said. All that does is it makes you a liar. You are also very sick minded. I cannot believe anyone takes you seriously. Sadly, some people here do. I certainly don't. I can't - because I know better.

                            Originally posted by Highlander
                            I wish we weren't enemies.
                            I have no enemies. If you consider me an enemy that is a choice that you made all by yourself. Again, your mind is not right. You twist what I say around and put words into my mouth that I did not say. Others do not like the factual information that I share for whatever reason. These are not my opinions, these are the available facts. This is not information that I came up with all by myself. This is information that anyone can find if they choose credible sources. I do not have the time or the desire to worry about those people who simply do not like the facts of the matter. I certainly do not speculate as much as many others here, but I do speculate from time to time - if I have enough information to do. I do not care if anyone agrees with my speculation or not. It's just speculation.


                            • Tracy C
                              Senior Member
                              • Sep 2011
                              • 3125

                              Originally posted by yeahyeahyeah
                              If you can't see whats wrong, then nothing can save you.
                              I don't need to be saved because I'm not doing anything wrong. You are the one with the attitude problem. Not me.


                              • Tracy C
                                Senior Member
                                • Sep 2011
                                • 3125

                                Originally posted by yeahyeahyeah
                                The amazing thing is, everyone can see it.
                                The only people who have problem with me are those who have an attitude problem - like you. You don't notice that because you do not pay attention.

