FredtheBelgian's FUE - 2000 grafts with Dr. De Reys - 24 Years Old NW5 from DPA

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  • fred970
    Senior Member
    • Nov 2009
    • 924

    Thank you for your support guys!

    Originally posted by morelocks
    agree the doc did a fantasitc job

    Fred - you said you were teased before. How many people have now noticed you have had work done? Are you admitting to a HT??

    just one tip from someone older and wiser and someone who went through 4 fue's before stabilising, pls MAKE SURE YOU NEVER come of rogaine. I really think you should be on propecia and fought with myself about this for 4 years but even when i was on minixodal i was stupid enough to stop and boy did i lose hair real fast. Whatever you do make sure you are on some form of DHT blocker because if you lose the hair in-between it will look odd

    Great results - as long as you remain on minixidol the next few years should be plain sailing in terms of hair worries

    thanks again for sharing your journey

    good luck
    No one has noticed I've had a transplant.

    Unfortunately, I can't take finasteride because I got drug-induced gynecomastia in the past.

    Thanks for the reminder, I won't come off minoxidil .


    • BeaveCake
      • Jan 2015
      • 82

      Originally posted by Notcoolanymore
      No it doesn't. If somebody puts their hands on you then that is a different story, but if they don't, no it doesn't. I would get into the ways "knocking someones teeth out" can end up costing you, but if you don't see where I am going with that, then go for it and see how it works out for you.
      I have in the past.

      In early school I was pushed around once and my grandmother asked if I made him bleed for it, In school I was well know for not being someone who screws around, despite what the zero tolerance enthusiast thought of me, I was still Vice President because most from my class loved me FOR the fact I wasn't afraid of the people who thought they were better, my last job the store director said something about a friend that disrespected him, I told him at least he wasn't some corporate lackey and he stood eye to eye for a long time. I broke the silence with asking if he wanted to settle it the respectable way like they used too, I didn't get fired or in trouble, the point is, is little things yes, but Fred said my girl would take advantage of me without hair, while I'm not worried about that insulting her calls for blood. Part of what makes us a weak people now is we never solve anything by talking anymore, this forum is proof. When you've had enough you gotta fight. Even in the Bible it says it reaches a point where it calls for action. Maybe it's the military family thing but besides a few parent calls in school where the old man actually laughed and said he was glad. And some scowls from co workers it's not caused me issues. Yeah cops have came before on vacations at party's when I stepped in on some prick coming on a girl kinda forcibly but they just told everybody to go home.

      We're way off topic but the fact we think that fighting when someone disrespects you to the extreme is unacceptable proves how far we've fallen , things are solved gets things out of the system and masked us grow up by proving we can't always win. Everyone's too afraid of everything. If you wouldn't be willing to fight someone who disrespects you family or other half, than I can't respect that. Either way off topic, but kinda loops back to this too. Back in the times when people who truly strong (and I mean all encompassing not over an individual, just tougher than all of us) hairloss wasn't as big. People had very real issues and dealt with them now we have become complacent.

      I have nothing against you personally not cool anymore but you can admit this forum any positivity as seen as an attack, so I was just more straightforward, they want to ban me fine I probably won't be logging on again anyway but I hope they at least keep the thread up that was positive for young guys who haven't fallen to the Jedi mind tricks of guys like Fred.


      • JayM
        Senior Member
        • Apr 2015
        • 411

        aha "In the Bible". You should probably read the Guru Granth Sahib or at least see how sikhism works. Maybe read the Quran. You may think you are strong because you can beat someones ass or get up after getting your ass beat but you have been hypocritical more than I can count.

        I would love to hear your story of pulling a 16 year old. I would love to hear how when you skydive all the girls pants fall down and swoon. But this is not the thread for it. I have come here to see what modern medicine can do. I want to see results and talk about the procedure. This is a thread where youngsters should come and see what can happen. This is a thread to look back on in 5 years and see where medicine has advanced.

        This is a personal account of everything that he has been through regarding his HT and is invaluable to persuade or dissuade people. Who cares what people say, I look at these pictures and I can make my own mind up if I like it or not. Fred could say anything under the sun to try and do mind tricks, but I look at the pictures and I make my own mind up.

        You make no effort to hide the fact you get annoyed with Fred posting in the forum about hairloss and you do not agree with his point of view. As soon as I read your first comment I didn't think oh this guy genuinely wants to know. It was a question to try and undermine what Fred has done, to kick up not a debate but an argument. Yes I can see clearly that Fred bit, but man I would be disrespected as hell if someone comes in here all high and mighty thinking they are better than me, which you have stated so many times in your posts here. Its ironic how you simply can't see the hypocrisy of your posts.

        You claim how strong you are, how much better you are than people here. But all I see is someone who struggles to comprehend how violence and intimidation simply does not work on an internet forum. Debate, Informed and knowledgeable posts are what make it to the top. You have failed to see how your first post in fact radiates the discontent you have towards Fred.

        And I can't condone what Fred said either. But as I stated I clearly felt like your first comment was disrespectful and others feel this to. And Fred simply reacted how you reacted to you feeling disrespected. If you thought his HT was w*nk then we would all welcome you articulating a great post on how you think its not so good, maybe the sides seem thicker than the top, maybe not enough density in the hairline ect.

        Open a thread for debate about the ethical reasons you think people shouldn't get a HT. And there you can cite this thread, you can nearly say anything you want if you feel its prudent. And if I turn up to your thread, and I see good quality debate and Fred being sour, then I would happily reverse it and say this is what the thread is for, in line with posting policy ect.

        Do you have a thread on why you think HT could be the wrong choice for people and they should try to move on in an enlightening way? I would like to subscribe to it and it would be great to have a debate in there.


        • BeaveCake
          • Jan 2015
          • 82

          Originally posted by JayM
          aha "In the Bible". You should probably read the Guru Granth Sahib or at least see how sikhism works. Maybe read the Quran. You may think you are strong because you can beat someones ass or get up after getting your ass beat but you have been hypocritical more than I can count.

          I would love to hear your story of pulling a 16 year old. I would love to hear how when you skydive all the girls pants fall down and swoon. But this is not the thread for it. I have come here to see what modern medicine can do. I want to see results and talk about the procedure. This is a thread where youngsters should come and see what can happen. This is a thread to look back on in 5 years and see where medicine has advanced.

          This is a personal account of everything that he has been through regarding his HT and is invaluable to persuade or dissuade people. Who cares what people say, I look at these pictures and I can make my own mind up if I like it or not. Fred could say anything under the sun to try and do mind tricks, but I look at the pictures and I make my own mind up.

          You make no effort to hide the fact you get annoyed with Fred posting in the forum about hairloss and you do not agree with his point of view. As soon as I read your first comment I didn't think oh this guy genuinely wants to know. It was a question to try and undermine what Fred has done, to kick up not a debate but an argument. Yes I can see clearly that Fred bit, but man I would be disrespected as hell if someone comes in here all high and mighty thinking they are better than me, which you have stated so many times in your posts here. Its ironic how you simply can't see the hypocrisy of your posts.

          You claim how strong you are, how much better you are than people here. But all I see is someone who struggles to comprehend how violence and intimidation simply does not work on an internet forum. Debate, Informed and knowledgeable posts are what make it to the top. You have failed to see how your first post in fact radiates the discontent you have towards Fred.

          And I can't condone what Fred said either. But as I stated I clearly felt like your first comment was disrespectful and others feel this to. And Fred simply reacted how you reacted to you feeling disrespected. If you thought his HT was w*nk then we would all welcome you articulating a great post on how you think its not so good, maybe the sides seem thicker than the top, maybe not enough density in the hairline ect.

          Open a thread for debate about the ethical reasons you think people shouldn't get a HT. And there you can cite this thread, you can nearly say anything you want if you feel its prudent. And if I turn up to your thread, and I see good quality debate and Fred being sour, then I would happily reverse it and say this is what the thread is for, in line with posting policy ect.

          Do you have a thread on why you think HT could be the wrong choice for people and they should try to move on in an enlightening way? I would like to subscribe to it and it would be great to have a debate in there.
          First off I never said I skydive to get girls to swoon, I started in my Ranger training and love it so I do it as recreation, I'm not getting into the Fred thing but I have more respect for guys who go out and take what they want and life and stand for what they believe in regardless of consequence or if it calls for violence, it's a family mindset which is why we're such good soldiers. But if you honestly expect me to categorize the likes of a defeatist like Fred with guys who risk lives and take lives for others that's something I would not do.

          As far as the rest I posted a thread entitled. 'Hair matters some but not as much as many here make it out to be' on this site detailing how she asked me to prom etc and I even admit at first I was worried about what girls would think, but it tells how I realized quickly they were false fears. If you actually want to check it out unless that was sarcasm. I'm not saying I'm some unstoppable force of nature and I only want one girl I'm not trying to make a bunch swoon. So I don't know where that came from. But I know in Ranger school , hell even Army basic guys like Fred would not be tolerated, in Rangers the cadre can actually put hands on you and are forced to for some tests, he would have been destroyed. Plus if he losses it over hairloss how would he survive losing a father and watching his mother break down?
          He'd either A, break down back to pyschosis or B, handle it better meaning to him hairloss is more detrimental than family loss and suffering which no , you can call me a hypocrite or anything all you want there. I'll never respect that.


          • JayM
            Senior Member
            • Apr 2015
            • 411

            I will check it out! I wasn't being sarcastic at all. Yeh dude look I know where you are coming from. But people really do come here simply to check out the work. Academically for me it's huge to see where HT are, and where they are going. The documentation of this process is hugely beneficial. I have seen threads where the work is horrible and people will say so and that is how it needs to be.

            Sorry Fred for derailing this thread. As I said anyway before honestly, I wouldn't be able to tell you have had work done. Would you yourself personally recommend the surgeon? Would you go back again or have you used up most of your donor area? Is this what you were expecting? and will you be tempted to see what it looks like grown out?


            • fred970
              Senior Member
              • Nov 2009
              • 924

              It's OK. Yes I would definitely recommend De Reys, he has more than 10 years of experience now which makes him one of the most experienced FUE surgeons in the world.

              I've already asked him by e-mail how many grafts he could possibly put in my crown. He said 1500 the last time I saw him and I would like to know if a higher number was possible.

              I won't do it right away of course, maybe in a year or so. Honestly, it's exactly what I expected, it's roughly 5000 hairs on a NW5 area so you can't expect it to look amazing.

              But it's more than enough to make me happy and lift all the worries about hair loss off my shoulders. It's enough to let me live my life the way I want it without thinking about hair 24/7.

              I think it would look quite good grown, but there is a transitional stage where the overall appearance looks bad and I don't really want to go through it. Plus I always look better with buzzed hair.

              It's not something people said to make me feel better, it's actually the case. My hair is curly and I look "dorkier" with long hair for some reason. Buzzed hair makes me look sharp.


              • JayM
                Senior Member
                • Apr 2015
                • 411

                I think its a really good result coming back from NW5!

                Would you consider body hair for the crown area if you like it buzzed? Is that really a viable option? because I hear that if your plan is to have it short, it could add some real thickness?


                • Notcoolanymore
                  Senior Member
                  • Jun 2013
                  • 2260

                  I am checking out on all the ass kicking talk. Lets talk about hair loss, I am sure there are forums to talk about fighting and monster trucks and the like. Lets stick to what this forum was made for.

                  Fred's result looks great. I don't think anybody can deny that except the guys with a full head of hair that will except nothing but their original hairline and density. Coming from a NW5 I will say you made the right decision without question. If/when my hair gets worse I will definitely look into getting an FUE myself. Shame I won't get as great of a deal as you did, but if I get the results you did it will be worth the price.


                  • morelocks
                    • Jul 2009
                    • 91

                    iv been around for around 7 years on these forums

                    in my opinion this is a top ten result when you consider he has a great looking doner and also came from a norwood 5

                    i am however worried what will happen if rogaine stops working. The good thing is though, he can probably still go down to zero shaven without scarring as he has only had one procedure

                    and he has had this done in 2014/2015 a year when docs are so much more clued up on FUE


                    • finalcut
                      Junior Member
                      • May 2015
                      • 7

                      Great result. Have you ever considered getting smp ? At that lenght you wear your hair, with smp it would look like you have full density.


                      • fred970
                        Senior Member
                        • Nov 2009
                        • 924

                        Originally posted by finalcut
                        Great result. Have you ever considered getting smp ? At that lenght you wear your hair, with smp it would look like you have full density.
                        I'm thinking about it, but I will first do another FUE. I prioritize real hair over tattoos. I'm cautious of doing too much and I think less is more.


                        • Jasari
                          Senior Member
                          • May 2011
                          • 252

                          Originally posted by fred970
                          I'm thinking about it, but I will first do another FUE. I prioritize real hair over tattoos. I'm cautious of doing too much and I think less is more.
                          Coming from a guy who has done SMP I wouldn't recommend it in your case.

                          With SMP when you actually see it up close and personal you need to razor shave otherwise it is very very noticeable.

                          If you were to do it: Sure you'd look like you have a dense FULL head of hair but would it actually look better? I don't think so.

                          For white guys as strange at it sounds, there is a very very noticeable difference in appearance from razor shaved to even one week stubble.

                          Your hairline at the moment is perfect. Do you look like you have hairloss? Sure. But the hairline is squared off, it's all very symmetrical and the look is about as good as you can ask for.

                          Hair loss isn't a bad thing when the symmetry is there [Which is what you have with the FUE hairline].

                          With future loss, if you can get a little bit of hair sprinkled in with FUE to stop the slick bald look, you'll be fine.

                          All IMO of course


                          • MrBald
                            Junior Member
                            • Aug 2014
                            • 23

                            Fred! I wonder, there are many clinics in Belgium, what made you choose Dr De Reys instead of the others, which also has good reputation world wide?

                            I am wondering because I am planning a HT myself, and your seem to have turned out well, so maybe I choose the same doctor. I am from sweden though, so its a quite distance to travel.

                            I am also thinking about the clinics in Istanbul, do you have any thoughts or opinions about them Fred?


                            • WHTC Clinic
                              IAHRS Recommended Hair Transplant Surgeon
                              • Oct 2013
                              • 427

                              Originally posted by fred970
                              I'm thinking about it, but I will first do another FUE. I prioritize real hair over tattoos. I'm cautious of doing too much and I think less is more.
                              The growth yield was good. Less is more.
                              Click here for a free hair loss recommendation from Dr. Patrick Mwamba

                              My opinions are my own. I am one representative of MyWHTC clinic.

                              Consultations with Dr. Patrick Mwamba
                              London, UK - Available (Sat.)
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                              Follow us: Facebook - Youtube - Pinterest

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                              les meilleures solutions chirurgicales pour la perte de cheveux


                              • fred970
                                Senior Member
                                • Nov 2009
                                • 924

                                Originally posted by MrBald
                                Fred! I wonder, there are many clinics in Belgium, what made you choose Dr De Reys instead of the others, which also has good reputation world wide?

                                I am wondering because I am planning a HT myself, and your seem to have turned out well, so maybe I choose the same doctor. I am from sweden though, so its a quite distance to travel.

                                I am also thinking about the clinics in Istanbul, do you have any thoughts or opinions about them Fred?
                                First reason: De Reys was the only want who accepted to perform on me. I saw Dr. Bisanga for example and he said I wasn't a good candidate because I was so bald at such a young age.

                                Second reason: the price. There are a lot of reputable surgeons in Belgium, but only De Reys and the prohairclinic (which also turned me down) offer democratic prices.

                                Don't worry about the travel distance, when I went in for my hair transplant with De Reys, I met another patient coming out with 3000 grafts on his NW6, and he was from Sweden.

                                If you go to Turkey, I would only recommend these two doctors, based on their excellent reputations: Doganay and Erdogan.

                                Originally posted by WHTC Clinic
                                The growth yield was good. Less is more.
                                I agree. My second hair transplant wouldn't be to improve density or lowering the hair line, just to reasonably fill my NW6 crown that is soon going to be a desert.

