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  • Hamish Stewart
    Junior Member
    • Oct 2010
    • 5

    Recoverup Stem Cell Hair Regeneration

    Hi All,

    I'm the Marketing Manager of Recoverup, and just posting a quick note to say that we are finally "ready for business" for the international market. Previous to this, the last 18 months or so, we've been 'testing the market' by focusing on customers in the Taiwan and Malaysia areas. We didn’t anticipate the response from the internet to our website. To this date, we still haven’t registered our website anywhere, nor have we issued a single press release to mainstream media!

    I'm also sorry to those who've been experiencing delays in our operations. Some have complained about slow response, and the fact we use standard answers to some email questions, etc. All I can say is that we are new, and have experienced some hiccups in our launch. For this I apologise.

    However, the treatment really works. It's ethical, safe and effective. (We only use stem cells taken from your own body).

    It's not a "miracle grow" - but it does significantly help with thinning or patchy hair. Dr. Pan, whom I'm posting this on behalf of, has empirical data showing at least 40% improvement in treated areas. That said, if you are completely bald in a particular area, a hair transplant may still be your best option.

    Have a good day!

    Hamish Stewart


    • Dutch_Dude
      Senior Member
      • Jul 2010
      • 238

      Originally posted by Hamish Stewart
      Hi All,

      I'm the Marketing Manager of Recoverup, and just posting a quick note to say that we are finally "ready for business" for the international market. Previous to this, the last 18 months or so, we've been 'testing the market' by focusing on customers in the Taiwan and Malaysia areas. We didn’t anticipate the response from the internet to our website. To this date, we still haven’t registered our website anywhere, nor have we issued a single press release to mainstream media!

      I'm also sorry to those who've been experiencing delays in our operations. Some have complained about slow response, and the fact we use standard answers to some email questions, etc. All I can say is that we are new, and have experienced some hiccups in our launch. For this I apologise.

      However, the treatment really works. It's ethical, safe and effective. (We only use stem cells taken from your own body).

      It's not a "miracle grow" - but it does significantly help with thinning or patchy hair. Dr. Pan, whom I'm posting this on behalf of, has empirical data showing at least 40% improvement in treated areas. That said, if you are completely bald in a particular area, a hair transplant may still be your best option.

      Have a good day!

      Hamish Stewart
      I'm sorry Mr. Stewart, but when I went on the Recoverup website, I saw no pictures of any results. It's very difficult to believe this when you don't see any evidence that it works.


      • mlao
        Senior Member
        • Oct 2009
        • 387

        I agree real pictures and testimonials or it isn't real!


        • Fixed by 35
          Senior Member
          • Mar 2010
          • 618

          Pictures on the internet aren't particularly good evidence either. I could photograph my head now, spray hair on or use Toppik (or, if I'm really audacious like a certain product that makes claims about the thymus gland, I could slap on an obvious wig) and take another photograph and say I've been using just about anything.

          The only real evidence is peer review and even then a healthy scepticism is required.

          Yet, I say all this, and I'm still going to try TRX 2! I'll let you guys know how it goes; I think it might work.


          • KeepTheHair
            Senior Member
            • Mar 2010
            • 1215

            Heh, yeah...let us know how that goes.

            Why do u believe in it enough to try it ?


            • Fixed by 35
              Senior Member
              • Mar 2010
              • 618

              I believe in it because of the people behind it. People outside of the UK might not appreciate the high regard that both the university and the sponsors backing the TRX 2 project have. Also, unlike a lot of shady scams, the company is based in Europe (predominantly the UK and Germany) where it will be reasonably well regulated compared to, say, the USA or the Developing and Third World.

              Oxford University is just not the type of institution that would back a scammer, and Whitfield remains involved in their glycobiology department. His expertise was originally in potassium ion channels and their role in diabetes and hepatitis, but of course they also play an important role in hair growth as minoxidil arguably demonstrates. So, it's not like he's involved in the wrong science.

              The lack of pictures is frustrating, however I can at least appreciate why they cannot provide these. UK patent law, and EU patent law for that matter, is very anal. The minute you publicise anything about what your product looks like, how it works or what results you've got, it becomes nye on impossible to patent your product. In other words, once people know about your product, if it's not already patented it belongs to the public. The internet itself is a classic example of that, though Tim Berners Lee never wanted to patent it anyway.


              • KeepTheHair
                Senior Member
                • Mar 2010
                • 1215

                So it will first be out in 2011? Then you prob have to wait 5 months to see if it works... damn. This all takes so much time.

                I do hope it works though, really do.


                • Fixed by 35
                  Senior Member
                  • Mar 2010
                  • 618

                  It's a tense time because I'm having a slight shed and I'm a Norwood III with a diffuse Norwood VI pattern emerging. The product is for those who are Norwood I - Norwood IV, so hopefully I won't be too disfigured by January and can use it to good effect!


                  • mlao
                    Senior Member
                    • Oct 2009
                    • 387

                    Fixed by 35, I know you value your privacy and I respect that but if it's successful would you object to posting some photos. It would help us all.


                    • River
                      Junior Member
                      • Mar 2009
                      • 25

                      Fixed by 35.
                      I enjoy reading your posts, and I think you are clearly an intelligent man. As such, I owe it to you to submit a credible argument outlining why I think that trx2 will fail its users.

                      From the trx2 website:
                      Potassium ion channels have been implicated in a vast array of diseases ranging from Hepatitis C to Diabetes. These small pore-forming protein structures control the transport of potassium ions across the hair follicle’s cell membrane and are essential for retaining the follicle’s full biological activity and function.

                      The recent discovery that potassium ion channels exist within the dermal papilla cells of human hair follicles provided a novel therapeutic target for researchers.

                      TRX2 scientists have demonstrated that as people experience hair loss the function of potassium channels within hair follicles diminishes. The effect is impaired membrane potential and interrupted ion transportation across the hair follicles cellular membranes – resulting in shrinking follicles and thinning hair.

                      By restoring the functionality of potassium ion channels that have broken down over time, our proprietary TRX2™ Molecular Hair Growth Supplement has been proven to restore hair follicle growth and postpone the progression of hair loss in patients suffering from the early stages of hair loss (Norwood 1-4). It truly is the first product of its kind.
                      A claim has been made that damage to potassium ion channels within hair follicles causes hair loss. If the ion channels can be repaired, they claim, hair loss can be halted and hair may be restored.

                      At this point, I would like to point out that we already have a drug like this. It's called finasteride, and it has gone thorugh human trials, and been proven to work, in like a hundred peer reviewed medical journals. As a medication, it has also gone through extensive safety and efficacy testing.

                      What you may not be aware of is that this extensive testing is not required for all medication. I'm not entirely sure what the situtation is in the U.K., but in Australia, there are two major types of medications; registered medications and listed medications. With registered medications, a company needs human trials, peer reviewed journals and a hell of a lot of evidence to get permission to sell their product.

                      Listed medications require no where near so much evidence. This is what the vitamin industry relies on. While vitamins are useful for people who have a deficiency, they don't work to prevent hairloss for example. Nonetheless, you often see vitamin companes making absurd claims about how vitamins can assist with a myriad of unrelated conditions. This doesn't prevent their approval from being sold, however.

                      From what I can tell, TRX2 is being marketed as a dietary supplement. In Australia, this means that they will not have to go through the difficult registered medication process. Rather, they will go through the listed medication process. As such, they will not have to prove that their medication works.

                      This makes me very suspicous.


                      • Dutch_Dude
                        Senior Member
                        • Jul 2010
                        • 238

                        that trx2 is tablets right? and i think it's available now, isn't it? they don't have pictures either on their website...


                        • Fixed by 35
                          Senior Member
                          • Mar 2010
                          • 618

                          They're selling it as a dietary supplement pending peer reviews etc. And they're much more transparent about that than scammers are. We'll see, I think this is worth a try.


                          • Dutch_Dude
                            Senior Member
                            • Jul 2010
                            • 238

                            Originally posted by Fixed by 35
                            They're selling it as a dietary supplement pending peer reviews etc. And they're much more transparent about that than scammers are. We'll see, I think this is worth a try.
                            if it's legit, then i is going to order me some on 10 jan.

                            i hope you could take it together with finasteride though. i read about this guy somewhere before...and if a university participates in such research and products then it couldn't be that big of a scam...


                            • Fixed by 35
                              Senior Member
                              • Mar 2010
                              • 618

                              You can take it with finasteride if you want. Whitfield recommends people replace finasteride with a vitimin supplement not because Propecia isn't the more effective option but because he questions the side effects of the drug and believes they may be severe. He has a point, we know there is a risk, but the option is still ours.

                              I need to be careful now because I don't want to get a whole board spending a lot of money on junk. Perhaps one or two people would be interested in trialing the product with me, and then we'll report back to the others before everyone makes Whitfield rich?!


                              • Dutch_Dude
                                Senior Member
                                • Jul 2010
                                • 238

                                Originally posted by Fixed by 35
                                You can take it with finasteride if you want. Whitfield recommends people replace finasteride with a vitimin supplement not because Propecia isn't the more effective option but because he questions the side effects of the drug and believes they may be severe. He has a point, we know there is a risk, but the option is still ours.

                                I need to be careful now because I don't want to get a whole board spending a lot of money on junk. Perhaps one or two people would be interested in trialing the product with me, and then we'll report back to the others before everyone makes Whitfield rich?!
                                i don't mind taking it together with you. i guess i'll place my order in the beginning of january then...i'm just afraid of a few things...maybe whitfield's pills do have side effects...maybe they don't even work and it's just a scam...of course you want to believe something works but...i don't know, it seems a little suspicious...what if it interferes with my finasteride?

