Sun Exposure after Hair Transplant

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  • greatjob!
    Senior Member
    • Aug 2011
    • 910

    While I agree that many sunscreens contain many harmful chemicals and that vitamin D is vital in the prevention of many diseases (there are countless studies currently going on studying vitamin D and diseases and cancer prevention) saying the UV rays are not a cause of cancer is completely false.

    UV rays cause damage to DNA. Not sure of your level of knowledge in biology so forgive me if you feel I am talking down, I am not, just trying to explain. DNA is composed of a phosphodiester backbone and four nucleotides that make up the entire genetic code--thymine, Cytosine, Adenine, and Guanine. When your cells are subjected to UV radiation the bonds of the pyrimidine nucleotide bases (thymine and Cytosine) form covalent bonds with one another when they are paired next to each other. These bonds are commonly referred to as thymine dimers and they create big problems when it comes time for the cell to replicate. These dimers lead to mutations and if these mutations occur in a gene such as an oncogene or a tumor suppressor gene they will lead to cancer. Skin cancer is one of the most common cancers because skin cells are one of the few cells in the body that are constantly replicating and also because every second you are in the sunlight 50-100 of these thymine dimers form. Have you every wondered why your skin turns red and is warm to the touch after a sun-burn? It is not because you have actually been burned, it is your immune system disposing of all of the cells that underwent programmed cell death (apoptosis) due to the formation of thymine dimers. Vitamin D is very important, however you don't need prolonged exposure to sunlight to produce adequate amounts.

    On a side not your comments about x-rays I mostly agree with. Ionizing radiation that you are subjected to from an x-ray is very bad. That's why they typically only recommend getting x-rays once a year unless the risk is justified. The guy earlier talking about the doctor that said the x-ray machine was no worse than going out in the sun is a moron and I would find a new doctor. If you want to talk about things that are going to increase the incidence of cancer just go to the airport. I have refused to go through the body scanners every time and instead opt for a pat down. Those things are so dangerous for frequent flyers, they are already subjected to elevated levels of radiation when they fly and now they are x-rayed before every flight, not good.


    • topcat
      Senior Member
      • May 2009
      • 849

      The body produces melanin which dissipates 99.9% of UV radiation as heat which prevents the formation of skin cancer. When the body is fed what it needs it has the ability to heal and protect itself under many circumstances. A good example would be the many foods that provide high anti viral activity which protect against cancers that are viral in origin.

      I will take my chances with the Sun over a cell phone or microwave any day.

      One can also work towards constantly trying to increase the length of their own telomeres which I do on a daily basis and you can include increasing the production of vitamin D at the top of that list. I would be willing to test the ability of my body to perform and resist disease against those who fear the sun any time and that is what it really comes down to I believe more in showing me the results and not so much of someone just claiming expertise.

      But I don't know maybe people hundreds of years ago had access to better sunscreens then we have today I wonder what they were.

      A CT scam is equivalent to 500 chest x-rays and the body has no way of protecting itself from this but for most something like this causes little fear through conditioning but heaven forbid someone should go outside in the sun and fresh air..........that's crazy talk.


      • topcat
        Senior Member
        • May 2009
        • 849

        Below is a cut and paste from Mercola which whom I share views with through my own experience. Not only are my c- reactive protein and homocysteine levels low they are extremely low.

        In one study of more than 2,000 women, those with higher vitamin D levels were found to have fewer aging-related changes in their DNA, as well as lowered inflammatory responsesiii. Women with higher levels of vitamin D are more likely to have longer telomeres, and vice versa. This means that people with higher levels of vitamin D may actually age more slowly than people with lower levels of vitamin D.

        Your leukocyte telomere length (LTL) is a predictor for aging related diseases. As you age, your LTL's become shorter, but, if you suffer from chronic inflammation, your telomeres decrease in length much faster, because your body's inflammatory response accelerates leukocyte turnover. Your vitamin D concentrations also decrease with age, whereas your C-reactive protein (a mediator of inflammation) increases. This inverse double-whammy increases your overall risk of developing autoimmune diseases such as multiple sclerosis, and rheumatoid arthritis.

        The good news is that vitamin D is a potent inhibitor of your body's inflammatory response, and by reducing inflammation, you diminish your turnover of leukocytes, effectively creating a positive chain reaction that can help protect you against a variety of diseases. In essence, it protects your body from the deterioration of aging. Researchers have found that subsets of leukocytes have receptors for the active form of vitamin D (D3), which allows the vitamin to have a direct effect on these cells. This may also explain the specific connection between vitamin D and autoimmune disease.

        The absolute best way to optimize your vitamin D levels would be through safe sun exposure. I am fully aware that many will not be able to implement this recommendation due to lifestyle constraints, but I feel I would be reprehensibly negligent if I did not emphasize how superior photo vitamin D is compared to oral. So for those who are able to, I have provided the following video that helps you find the times exposing your skin to the sun will actually produce vitamin D in your location.


        • 35YrsAfter
          Doctor Representative
          • Aug 2012
          • 1421


          Could you send me the link. My whole family is into nutrition and I would like to see the video. There is really a LOT of great alternative information available that I have personally benefited from, so people should keep an open mind:

          -35YrsAfter works at Dr. Cole's office


          • gillenator
            Senior Member
            • Dec 2008
            • 1417

            Independent Patient Advocate

            NOTE: I am not a physician and not employed by any doctor/clinic. My opinions are not medical advice nor are they the opinions of the following endorsing physicians: Dr. Bob True & Dr. Bob Dorin


            • topcat
              Senior Member
              • May 2009
              • 849

              Here is a simple explanation of why sunscreens are cancer in a bottle outside of the fact of the chemicals themselves. Of course I don’t expect most of those here to agree but always good to get as many views as possible.

              The Sun’s radiation that does the most damage is the UVA rays and the rays that are most health promoting are the UVB rays. When you start applying this stuff to your body you block out all the UVB rays but not so much the UVA rays which is very bad as this promotes most of the skin cancers. Something else good to know it that most of the UVB rays are emitted between 10:00 AM and 3:00 PM which is when you want to be out in the Sun with no sunscreen. But of course if you haven’t built up the melanin in your skin than that might be a bad idea.

              It’s the UVB rays that causes the body to produce massive amounts of Vitamin D which protects your from cancer, lowers cholesterol, builds bones, raises testosterone etc. All good stuff just like it was intended.

              So in essence when you go out into only the early morning Sun or very late afternoon Sun with your sunscreen on you become a cancer producing machine. Now you know why you see all this skin cancer and cancers in general or at least one of the reasons.

              This information might save just one person.


              • topcat
                Senior Member
                • May 2009
                • 849

                If we were to ask the sunscreen manufacturers why skin cancer continues to explode they would simply tell you that you are not buying enough of their product. You need to apply more and apply it more often………lol………..funny how that works. But here is the thing if what I have written is true then the guy producing the sunscreen could very well be setting up yourself and your son, daughter, niece or nephew up for skin cancer. Is it possible that he already knows this is the case? It could very well be as usually the manufacturer is very knowledgeable about their product and anything associated with their product. Which would be the greater good here? Depends on where you are standing if it is someone who has experienced cancer or is worried about a loved one getting the disease you would probably want to know, if you are selling the sunscreen well that gets a little hairy and understandably so.

                Would be nice if we didn’t have to research every little decision we make but sometimes that seems to be the case at least for the big ones. Problem is we sometimes don’t know they are big decisions and only realize that in hindsight. Applying sunscreen seems like a simple decision but maybe it’s not.


                • gillenator
                  Senior Member
                  • Dec 2008
                  • 1417

                  The protective ozone layer has also been compromised from all of the pollution that our world continues to dump into the atmosphere.

                  There is a rise in just about every form of cancer imaginable. Very contaminated environment that we live in no matter what we consume or breathe.

                  You would think that the world would see an urgent need to stop the contamination but just lots of talk and very little action.
                  Independent Patient Advocate

                  NOTE: I am not a physician and not employed by any doctor/clinic. My opinions are not medical advice nor are they the opinions of the following endorsing physicians: Dr. Bob True & Dr. Bob Dorin


                  • 35YrsAfter
                    Doctor Representative
                    • Aug 2012
                    • 1421

                    Originally posted by topcat
                    If we were to ask the sunscreen manufacturers why skin cancer continues to explode they would simply tell you that you are not buying enough of their product. You need to apply more and apply it more often………lol………..funny how that works. But here is the thing if what I have written is true then the guy producing the sunscreen could very well be setting up yourself and your son, daughter, niece or nephew up for skin cancer. Is it possible that he already knows this is the case? It could very well be as usually the manufacturer is very knowledgeable about their product and anything associated with their product. Which would be the greater good here? Depends on where you are standing if it is someone who has experienced cancer or is worried about a loved one getting the disease you would probably want to know, if you are selling the sunscreen well that gets a little hairy and understandably so.

                    Would be nice if we didn’t have to research every little decision we make but sometimes that seems to be the case at least for the big ones. Problem is we sometimes don’t know they are big decisions and only realize that in hindsight. Applying sunscreen seems like a simple decision but maybe it’s not.
                    I grew up in the San Fernando valley in California. My dad always cut my hair short as a kid and I kept it that way until I was 10 or 11. When I was younger, It seemed that I could spend a good part of the day out in the sun and not get burned. I don't think my parents ever bought sunscreen when I was a kid. It wasn't until I was over 14 that I started getting sunburned. There may have been a change to the earth's protective layer that's responsible for that. Not sure. These days I can't spend more than an hour outdoors without getting burned. I do believe that some sun exposure is healthy and people these days are extreme in their attitude with regards to avoiding the sun altogether.

                    The news about sunscreen is troubling. I read an article several years ago related to dermatologists rethinking their position on sun exposure when patients are having melanoma removed from areas of their body that had relatively little sun.

                    35YrsAfter works at Dr. Cole's office
                    Pioneer in total follicular unit hair transplantation and microscopic dissection, focusing on transforming hair restoration surgery from cosmetically unacceptable results into aesthetically pleasing results.



                    • gillenator
                      Senior Member
                      • Dec 2008
                      • 1417

                      Good post greatjob. It will be interesting to see if the frequent travelers who subject themselves to these ongoing xray screenings will develop a variety of cancers in the future.
                      Independent Patient Advocate

                      NOTE: I am not a physician and not employed by any doctor/clinic. My opinions are not medical advice nor are they the opinions of the following endorsing physicians: Dr. Bob True & Dr. Bob Dorin


                      • 35YrsAfter
                        Doctor Representative
                        • Aug 2012
                        • 1421

                        Originally posted by greatjob!
                        If you want to talk about things that are going to increase the incidence of cancer just go to the airport. I have refused to go through the body scanners every time and instead opt for a pat down. Those things are so dangerous for frequent flyers, they are already subjected to elevated levels of radiation when they fly and now they are x-rayed before every flight, not good.
                        I agree.

                        35YrsAfter works at Dr. Cole's office


                        • gillenator
                          Senior Member
                          • Dec 2008
                          • 1417

                          And it's very doubtful that the govt would ever share the actual exposure risks associated with these screenings!

                          This is where good ole' common sense applies!
                          Independent Patient Advocate

                          NOTE: I am not a physician and not employed by any doctor/clinic. My opinions are not medical advice nor are they the opinions of the following endorsing physicians: Dr. Bob True & Dr. Bob Dorin


                          • topcat
                            Senior Member
                            • May 2009
                            • 849

                            I would suggest reading at least 20 books or more on sunshine, vitamin D, and sunscreens and you might very well walk away with a different point of view.


                            • gillenator
                              Senior Member
                              • Dec 2008
                              • 1417

                              There is definitely a lot of info out there but it does not take rocket science to figure out the potential damage that can be done.
                              Independent Patient Advocate

                              NOTE: I am not a physician and not employed by any doctor/clinic. My opinions are not medical advice nor are they the opinions of the following endorsing physicians: Dr. Bob True & Dr. Bob Dorin


                              • topcat
                                Senior Member
                                • May 2009
                                • 849

                                Okay I don’t want to beat a dead horse here but most people are simply misinformed. Anyone that knows a subject extremely well knows that most of what is printed or repeated outside of well researched books is often incorrect. More potential damage is being done in other forms as one only needs to look at this massive amount of obesity all around us.

                                I was at the airport the other day and I counted two people that seemed to have had sun exposure and this is O’Hare airport one of the busiest. About 90% of the people could only be described as obese and out of shape with a high percentage having tattoos and cell phones glued to their ear. But you see that is what has become normal. In fact I felt a little out of place that is how backwards our society has become.

                                I’m 50 and in the best shape of my life both physically and mentally. I do not get sick nor do I have any aches and pains. I do not need any types of medications prescription or over the counter. I have not been to a doctor in almost 30 years outside of ht and sunshine is part of that lifestyle…..what about you?

