Took 1mg of Propecia

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  • mjj
    Junior Member
    • Aug 2012
    • 7

    Took 1mg of Propecia

    Hi guys,

    Been reading this forum for a few months now when I noticed my hairline started receding at the temples. For a 19 year old, this absolutely tore me up. To be honest, the recession isn't even that bad and I'm probably just a NW2, but the difference in hairline from a year ago until now was enough to get me worried.

    Anyway, so recently I went to a dermatologist and got given a prescription to Propecia. He first ordered blood tests to check that everything was in order, and they came back fine.

    So about 3 days ago now I took my first tablet and it wasn't long after that where I realised I was experiencing sides. I have been unable to maintain an erection and getting it up has been hard as well, it seems to only go to 70% if i'm lucky. My libido also took a massive hit as well.

    Now in all honesty, I didn't think one tablet would have such an effect on me. It's not really getting me down or anything, I'm actually fine in that sense. But I was wondering is it normal for people to experience sides only after one tablet? and how long is it before these sides normally settle down?

    I only really planned on being on propecia for a year as I'm moving overseas and didn't want to come back with significantly less hair, which might not even happen. I really don't have that much of an issue with going Bald, I just don't want it to be in the next year.

  • NotBelievingIt
    Senior Member
    • Oct 2011
    • 595

    You would have had to have an exceptionally low DHT level to begin with, which would have probably manifested itself otherwise.

    In other words, this is likely psychosomatic.


    • mjj
      Junior Member
      • Aug 2012
      • 7

      Originally posted by NotBelievingIt
      You would have had to have an exceptionally low DHT level to begin with, which would have probably manifested itself otherwise.

      In other words, this is likely psychosomatic.
      See I thought it was psychosomatic as well. But it's weird because I never worried about the sides and the only reason I noticed it was coming to masturbate and realising I felt nothing. Couldn't get it up without trying way too hard, which is very unusual for me considering I could normally go up to 4 times a day. I suppose a good way to describe it is trying to go again 30 seconds after ejaculating, you don't want it, your penis doesn't want it, it just felt really insensitive.

      I don't know, it could be psychosomatic, but it feels like it's not.


      • dex89
        Senior Member
        • Jul 2012
        • 809

        You should stick threw it, I had a similar problem but I was still able to have sex with my ex cause I made it go up, mentally and by jerking it(sorry:/). It lasted up to 2-4 months. After that, I got horny 24/7, like a normal average male. I actually believe my penis grew about a half or full inch.(no joke) I get complements and positive complains if you know what I mean, during sex.

        Good luck


        • mjj
          Junior Member
          • Aug 2012
          • 7

          Originally posted by dex89
          You should stick threw it, I had a similar problem but I was still able to have sex with my ex cause I made it go up, mentally and by jerking it(sorry:/). It lasted up to 2-4 months. After that, I got horny 24/7, like a normal average male. I actually believe my penis grew about a half or full inch.(no joke) I get complements and positive complains if you know what I mean, during sex.

          Good luck
          Cheers mate. Yeah I hear many people who get it back soon after starting. Thing is, I kind of want to be going at full speed for the next few weeks as I'm planning to do a contiki around Europe

          So I'm thinking of staying off it until the tour is over and then maybe weaning onto it.


          • dex89
            Senior Member
            • Jul 2012
            • 809

            Originally posted by mjj
            Cheers mate. Yeah I hear many people who get it back soon after starting. Thing is, I kind of want to be going at full speed for the next few weeks as I'm planning to do a contiki around Europe

            So I'm thinking of staying off it until the tour is over and then maybe weaning onto it.
            hmmm try one of those viagra pills or natural erection pills, do some research on that. Lol anyways, have fun brotha.


            • Dan26
              Senior Member
              • Jul 2012
              • 1270

              Bro, a lower dose inhibits the same amount of DHT. I would encourage taking 1/4 or 1/2 of a pill days apart, at least to start off. I'm waiting for someone on here to give me a reason otherwise. I'm 19 and planning on starting soon at a low dose. I don't want to explain why it is a good idea to start low again, so here is a thread that will give you some insight --- >

              Good luck


              • mjj
                Junior Member
                • Aug 2012
                • 7

                Hey guys, cheers for the advice. To be honest. I'm into my third day after i initially took my pill and I reckon im back to about 90%. So I think I'm definitely just going to wait until after Ive finished my holiday and then ease my way into it by taking lower doses EOD and then build my way in. I can't imagine how much of an impact a little tablet has on your bodys hormone levels, but thats what we want it to do I suppose.


                • mando
                  Junior Member
                  • Jul 2012
                  • 1

                  I am also 19 and happened to me too. I took one and experienced side effects, never took it again!


                  • mjj
                    Junior Member
                    • Aug 2012
                    • 7

                    Originally posted by mando
                    I am also 19 and happened to me too. I took one and experienced side effects, never took it again!
                    I never really got worried though. I honestly think sides were going to be expected. Generally whenever you expose your body to a foreign chemical it always has its strongest effect at the start when your body cannot acclimatize to it. Think about it. Alcohol is a good example, the first time you drink your body cannot handle it but then over time you develop an increasing tolerance to it.

                    I'm not put off it just yet, but if I start on small doses EOD and I still get sides then I'd rather just live with losing my hair. It's seriously not the end of the world, look around nearly every male over the age of 30 has some form of hair loss. Even a lot in their 20's.


                    • mjj
                      Junior Member
                      • Aug 2012
                      • 7

                      Ok, It's been like 2 months since I first posted this and I just wanted to say a few things.

                      I've been taking 1mg of Propecia every day and the side effects are non existent. I am sure it was all psychosomatic to begin with, but I've experienced no loss of libido after the first 2 weeks, no weak erections etc etc. I stopped thinking about the negative effects I was reading and just enjoyed being young and what would you know I was fine.

                      Looking at my hair loss, it's much more noticeable to me, actually you probably couldn't tell from the way my hair naturally lies. Yes, my temples have receded on both sides, I first noticed this maybe 5-6 months ago. Since then there has been no noticeable change in my opinion, even with what I thought was a strong shed (Could just be natural hair fall). So yes, my temples are receded/receding, but I seem to forget that I still have pretty much a full thick head of hair, and that the M shaped hairline I have now does not necessarily mean I will definitely lose my hair young. Looking around, I notice many people my age who have much worse hairlines but you would be so brave to call them balding.

                      I'm probably going to stick on the fin 1mg EOD though to save costs, I want to give it the time it needs to see if I can see any improvement. The shed i'm currently experiencing is really not that different to what I was experiencing before. In fact I really don't have evidence that I'm losing more than 100 hairs a day, as far as I can tell anyway.

                      So I know that one day I will probably lose most of my hair. No one in my family started losing hair before their mid 30's and I know this doesn't mean much, but many of them had the M shaped hairlines from a young age. All I know is these forums can be really detrimental to the mental wellbeing of people in their late teens/early twenties. We're living in such a superficial age, and it's so easy to get caught up in things which are really a non-issue. Sure I acknowledge that there are many young people who suffer aggressive hair loss, and for them these places are great. But for me, someone who has lost a bit of hair on his temples...I really don't want to come back here until it's major loss. I've got the advice from my Derm, I'm taking my measures to ensure it doesn't get significantly worse in the near future, however, if I'm 30 and I have no hair on my crown, so what!!! I'll shave my head and deal with it, because take a look around, nearly every male loses hair, it's a part of life. Yes it sucks when you're young, but once I'm older sure I would love my hair, but it's completely normal to see guys in their mid to late 20's who are bald and don't let it get them down at all.

                      Suppose the message is; if you're young and it's worrying you, speak to your doctor about your treatment options, then forget the name of this site, and go out and live your life. Don't stress yourself into submission.

