Eugenix grade 7 patient result

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  • Pradeep Sethi, MD
    IAHRS Recommended Hair Transplant Surgeon
    • Oct 2018
    • 1190

    Eugenix grade 7 patient result

    Grade 7

    First Sitting
    1 year back, front and mid scalp
    Total no. of grafts - 5212
    Scalp - 2642
    Beard - 2570

    Second Sitting
    7 months back, Crown
    Total no. of grafts - 2912
    Scalp - 1452
    Beard - 1460

    You know what’s traumatising? Having to hear no when you want to hear yes… that’s whats traumatising!
    When it comes to aesthetics and paid procedure, one would usually think that any doctor would take up the case and produce a complete turnaround look. Alas, that is not true most times.
    When Mr Jangs came to us with a heavy heart, we were surprised that he had been facing rejection from so many clinics for his hair transplantation procedure. He was a Grade 7 on the Norwood Hamilton Scale of baldness and had thinning in his donor also. A lot of the clinics were actually scared to take up his case for the procedure.
    Cases like his highlight the difference in the expertise, ethics and the will to do something correct in the different clinics proclaiming themselves to be the best. There is nothing sort of best or worst. It is always about whether you have the ethics, character, courage and the skills to get the perfect job done.
    So, we decided to go for 5212 grafts for his first session; where we extracted 2642 grafts from his back scalp and 2570 grafts from his beard. We covered 2/3rd area of his scalp with this procedure. As you can witness his results after 7 months of the first session, he has a beautiful growth.
    Thereafter, we decided to go for the second session for the 1/3rd area. The following pictures shall depict his growth after 7 months of the second session and 14 months after the first session.
    The process of hair transplant is so much more than just a medical procedure where you extract and implant grafts. It is about having the intelligence to capitalise on the available grafts and to intelligently place them on the correct places. It is about artistry at it’s core. It is always about creating a magical illusion that breathes through and through and could most possibly bring colours into the lives of individuals who would otherwise be disappointed in life all simply because of something as insignificant as – hair!
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    Pradeep Sethi, MD
    Hair Transplant Surgeon at Eugenix Hair Sciences
    Member, International Alliance of Hair Restoration Surgeons (IAHRS)
    View my IAHRS Profile