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  • 06-20-2011 04:06 AM
    Hi there,

    One of the most reputable hair surgeons in Australia is Russell Knudsen. I went for a consultation with him back in late 2003 when I was 21. He told me to get on Fin and then Regaine. I had a lot of faith in him and he was understanding and did not suggest anything too dramatic for me.

    For those who don't know him, here's a bio:

    "Dr Russell Knudsen is a highly experienced surgeon with well over 4000 hair transplant procedures performed over 24 years. He is a full-time specialist in this field and internationally recognized for his contributions to hair restoration surgery. He is an author in three current textbooks on hair transplantation and has had numerous scientific articles published. He is past-President of both the International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery and the Australasian Society of Hair Restoration Surgeons.

    In 2000 he was awarded the prestigious Golden Follicle Award by the International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery for contributions to the field of hair restoration surgery."

    I emailed him recently and he replied about my thinning hair. I thought that was also very kind, contacting me and providing advice without an appointment.

    On his website he says 'Lasers have NOT been proven effective in treating genetic hairloss'. This is in line with everything I've heard about laser treatments.

    However on his homepage he posted this on 20 May:

    "There has been a lot of interest in low powered laser devices and their effect on hair loss. Recent research suggests that it has a stimulatory effect on hair follicles. This could be an effective secondary (i.e. additional) treatment for hair loss in patients who are balding or thinning. It certainly also may be effective in seasonal increased hair shedding (a moult).

    However, the delivery system and amount of laser exposure is critical to the chances of success. A new device called the Lasercap, applies 224 laser lights continuously to the scalp in the comfort of your own home. It uses rechargeable batteries, can be worn under a cap or hat and can be used at your convenience. Suggested dosage schedules is 15-30 minutes every second day.

    The major advantage of this device, compared to hand held devices, is that the correct energy level is continuously applied to the scalp. Hand held laser devices only apply energy for a very short period of time if used to the manufacturer’s instructions."

    Could this be worth using? I really do have faith in Dr Knudsen and if he endorses this there could be some merit to it.
  • 06-20-2011 04:11 AM
    Lasercap is the same like a tinfoil hat its Bullshit
  • 06-20-2011 04:17 AM

    Lasers are scams.
  • 06-20-2011 11:55 AM

    Originally Posted by kanyon View Post
    Hi there,

    One of the most reputable hair surgeons in Australia is Russell Knudsen. I went for a consultation with him back in late 2003 when I was 21. He told me to get on Fin and then Regaine. I had a lot of faith in him and he was understanding and did not suggest anything too dramatic for me.

    For those who don't know him, here's a bio:

    "Dr Russell Knudsen is a highly experienced surgeon with well over 4000 hair transplant procedures performed over 24 years. He is a full-time specialist in this field and internationally recognized for his contributions to hair restoration surgery. He is an author in three current textbooks on hair transplantation and has had numerous scientific articles published. He is past-President of both the International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery and the Australasian Society of Hair Restoration Surgeons.

    In 2000 he was awarded the prestigious Golden Follicle Award by the International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery for contributions to the field of hair restoration surgery."

    I emailed him recently and he replied about my thinning hair. I thought that was also very kind, contacting me and providing advice without an appointment.

    On his website he says 'Lasers have NOT been proven effective in treating genetic hairloss'. This is in line with everything I've heard about laser treatments.

    However on his homepage he posted this on 20 May:

    "There has been a lot of interest in low powered laser devices and their effect on hair loss. Recent research suggests that it has a stimulatory effect on hair follicles. This could be an effective secondary (i.e. additional) treatment for hair loss in patients who are balding or thinning. It certainly also may be effective in seasonal increased hair shedding (a moult).

    However, the delivery system and amount of laser exposure is critical to the chances of success. A new device called the Lasercap, applies 224 laser lights continuously to the scalp in the comfort of your own home. It uses rechargeable batteries, can be worn under a cap or hat and can be used at your convenience. Suggested dosage schedules is 15-30 minutes every second day.

    The major advantage of this device, compared to hand held devices, is that the correct energy level is continuously applied to the scalp. Hand held laser devices only apply energy for a very short period of time if used to the manufacturer’s instructions."

    Could this be worth using? I really do have faith in Dr Knudsen and if he endorses this there could be some merit to it.

    I know a women who took up this laser buisness and have seen her results. It wont grow a bald mans hair back but whatever hair you do have it will certainly make thicker and stronger looking.
  • 06-20-2011 12:52 PM
    Of course, like for example Dont masturbate and your hair comes back
  • 06-20-2011 04:38 PM
    If it's not too expensive I would try it because I trust this particular doctor.

    Whoa, just checked it's $3,000! I think I'll give it a miss.
  • 06-21-2011 02:49 AM
    IMHO laser treatment for hairloss is complete rubbish. i spent £4, 000 on a 2 year course of laser hood treatment - waste of money and time.:mad:
  • 06-21-2011 03:44 AM
    £4, 000

    Wow this is pretty pretty bad :mad:
  • 06-21-2011 07:02 AM
    £4,000 is too expensive to spend on something that's not 100% sure to work.
    There's just too much products and I would give this a try if not for the high price and low guarantee.
  • 06-21-2011 07:29 AM
    I was scammed by this laser crap and I wasted money that I could have spent on my family. Why would so many people be on this forum if lasers really worked?


hair transplant surgeons

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