• 07-10-2013 09:34 PM

    Originally Posted by Proper View Post
    They sampled a reasonable source of men and women and then claims that over 40 million men and 21 million women suffers worldwide yet 7% seeks help. Theres no way that is accurate. "Help" is very subjective. Asking a friend about what to do about their hairloss is "help." Asking the doctor is seeking "help." And in a way, watching and acknowledging hairloss commercials is seeking "help." There are also a lot of people who want to seek help but are also lazy or embarassed to ask about their hair because it may sound like a trivial thing for someone to be worrying about hairloss when there are people who worry about not having a home.

    My answer is... I just lol.

    It's really simple to me what they meant by "help". What they meant by "help" was men who opt to either take today's FDA-approved medications for hair loss (minoxidil and/or finasteride) or choose to undergo hair transplantation or wear a wig. I don't think that 7% figure is inaccurate at all since each of the aforementioned ways of treating hair loss are either minimally effective or are plagued with huge downsides and limitations.


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