• 09-24-2015 07:46 AM
    Well said Not Giving up. Well said.

    And Fred, if you are confident in who you are then it doesn't matter what others think. If they "try to put me in my place" then I will 100% put them in theirs!

    Oh and you are "Hilarious" Fred. I can't stop laughing at you
  • 09-24-2015 09:09 AM
    Not giving up

    Originally Posted by Vic View Post
    Well said Not Giving up. Well said.

    And Fred, if you are confident in who you are then it doesn't matter what others think. If they "try to put me in my place" then I will 100% put them in theirs!

    Oh and you are "Hilarious" Fred. I can't stop laughing at you

    Spot on there, Vic. Spot on.

    And Fred, if you were so easily 'put in your place' when you were balding I have news for you bud, you're just not as strong as you like to tell everyone.

    In the meantime, feel free to look up what a narcissist is and go rethink your life :)
  • 09-24-2015 10:44 AM

    Originally Posted by fred970 View Post

    We've all heard of "that guy who is ugly but has women all over him because he's confident". Yet I've never seen that actually happen in the real world.

    I have on numerous occasions. apparently ur not trying hard enough..... its usually that exact attitude from dudes like you who never hook up with hot chics simply because they don't think they have a chance.

    law of averages..... the more hot women u hit on the better ur chances are. wen was the last time u actually hit on a HOT chic? have u asked urself that question lately.....
  • 09-24-2015 05:12 PM

    Originally Posted by Not giving up View Post
    And Fred, if you were so easily 'put in your place' when you were balding I have news for you bud, you're just not as strong as you like to tell everyone.

    Guys will try to remind you of your place, and it doesn't matter if you put them back at theirs.

    The fact will be: they already disrespected you because you were bald, it wouldn't have happened in the first place if you were "one of them".

    Oh, did I mention I was only talking about actual baldness. LOL at NW1-3 who think they have any idea of what it's like to be bald in your early 20's.

    Live your social life with a slick shiny NW5 at the age of 22, and come back to tell me how strong you are. Tough NW2 guys...
  • 09-24-2015 06:25 PM
    Freds opinion is blunt but honest!
    This is mans talk!
    I've been dating this really awesome woman for a month now and she's a great person! The friend,like most men would ask: Did you fvuck her yet?
    That's how it is ladies and gentlemen, procreation rules the nation and to think otherwise is just foolish. How many men would say, are you in love? did you buy her a ring yet? lol. It's all a bunch of feminist lies that women want you to believe for the sake of indoctrinating their own twisted ways and propaganda.
  • 09-24-2015 08:54 PM
    Wow this forum has a completely different perspective than ***
  • 09-24-2015 11:26 PM
    Not giving up

    Originally Posted by fred970 View Post
    Guys will try to remind you of your place, and it doesn't matter if you put them back at theirs.

    The fact will be: they already disrespected you because you were bald, it wouldn't have happened in the first place if you were "one of them".

    Oh, did I mention I was only talking about actual baldness. LOL at NW1-3 who think they have any idea of what it's like to be bald in your early 20's.

    Live your social life with a slick shiny NW5 at the age of 22, and come back to tell me how strong you are. Tough NW2 guys...

    Fantastic attitude yet again pal! 'Your baldness isn't as bad as my baldness.'
    Tell you what bro, let's just slap our dicks on the table and we'll see who is bigger if you're just interested in having a pointless competition.

    The sad thing is people come to these sites looking for two things: answers, and equally as important, hope, something you seem so hellbent on removing from this topic.

    So I'm going to ignore your point scoring. Yes I wasn't bald at 22 like you apparently were, I'm sorry that happened to you and you had to deal with it, but as you had 'dreamy blue eyes' (lol, who the hell even says that about themselves bro) I shall instead just share the story of my best friend, and hopefully to any impressionable Young desperate guy who will lose the fight against baldness at a young age might actually restore some hope into their lives.

    My best friend started losing his hair at 18. He's always been overweight so losing his hair at a young age was probably the last thing he needed. He got ripped by our buds (not so much myself as I didn't want to kick the guy when he was down.)
    His hairline was more or less gone by the time he hit 21. He was still overweight, the small amount of hair he had left on top was thin and awful. He had a girlfriend but she was nothing to brag about and treat him like he was nothing, telling him how he was fat constantly (ironically never mentioning his hair.)

    Fast forward to january 2014. He started to come to the gym with me. He trained hard until the summer of that year and he lost a good amount of weight, still a big guy, but he carried it better, more in his shoulders and arms and chest.
    That summer he finally braved the shave. He only had hair left on his crown by this point.
    His life changed. He continued in the gym, he broke up with the girl that treated him like dirt and met a girl he now lives with that I'd be proud to be banging. He's got a good job and works hard in life. He's a NW6 now but he's never let it hold him back.

    This isn't a story about his appearance despite the content thus far, because the point is, not once did my friend ever give up, even when our friends tried to rip on him for balding, or being overweight, he just threw an insult back at them and laughed. Guys will try to put each other down no matter what. It's what they do. If you have hairloss, yes, they'll probabbly mock you, but if you had acne they'll mock you for that, guys will mock each other for just about anything, the important thing isn't to feel all butt hurt about it like our friend Fred here. Take it on the chin, if they weren't mocking you about that, they'd mock you about something else, I've been a topless butler and modelled yet my friends still rip me to shreds for a number of things. No one is immune from banter. Be a lad, they'll be mocking you because they're insecure about something themselves, if you're getting a hard time, try not to show it, think of something witty to say and throw it the hell back at them. See how quick they are to mock you if you shine a big old spot light on something theyre so insecure about. Fight fire with Fire. Don't just accept you're balding and therefore deserve to be less than them. Be an alpha male and don't take any crap.

    Hope is a fragile thing, coming to this forum you'd think there is none but that's not true. There is hope for young bald guys out there. Your attitude towards life shall create the life you have, and clearly Fred's victim attitude stunk.

    Life does not end at NW6 and my best friend is living proof.
  • 09-25-2015 01:29 AM
    For one guy like your friend, there are 100 that will be f-cked. Hope is a dangerous thing.

    You know what gave me hope? Getting some of my hair back thanks to a hair transplant.

    Not being an overcompensating try-hard (that's how women will see it) who thought he could compensate for his ugly bald head with big muscles.

    Since I have some hair on m head again (thin NW2.5), the mockeries have magically stopped. Life is much more pleasant to live all of a sudden.
  • 09-25-2015 01:50 AM
    Not giving up
    Attention all. I was wrong, Fred is right.

    Abandon all hope. Fred had a bad time and you will too. Life is over. Quit your job. Live in a cave. Kill yourself. Do whatever. None of it matters, you're balding, it's all over.

    Wow. That felt great. I see why you do it Fred. Thank God you got your hair back and became a perfect human being again immune from all forms of persecution and mockery.

    You're right, it is magical.
  • 09-25-2015 12:24 PM
    and i ask... why the **** dont just use a hair prothesis ? i mean if you are so ***ed and sad etc why dont use it ? i will do it in a few weeks for the try and im sure it will be awesome.


hair transplant surgeons

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