• 04-21-2010 11:25 AM
    Why do some guys wear very bad toupees?
    In this day and age, the term 'toupee' has been replaced with the more friendly description 'hair system'.

    You usually find that the hair system in 2010 is far superior than the old toupees of the 1970s and 1980s.

    Today's hair replacement systems are usually made with Swiss or French lace with graduated hairlines for invisibility.

    So why oh why do some men who are bald just stick what looks like a piece of old raggy carpet on their heads?

    Most of these guys are over 50 - surely their eyesight can't be fading. But more to the point, why the heck are these BAD TOUPEES still being made and sold?!

  • 04-21-2010 12:14 PM
    Because it is a relative term like any other thing.

    The good toupees are good because this crap still exist :)

    This guy is definitely too old to have hair that colorful and only on top...wtf lol it does not look natural at all. Still looks better than nothing probably. But he could have done much better.
  • 04-21-2010 12:20 PM
    Good question. I guess it's along the same lines as why some men think comb-overs disguise their hair loss. I think a lot of people have very distorted perceptions of themselves- sometimes seeing things as much worse than they are and sometimes, in the case of the guy pictured, thinking something looks great when it's really tragically conspicuous. That's why everyone needs a good friend to tell them the truth.:)
  • 04-21-2010 12:29 PM
    It could be yes that they look in the mirror and think 'it's only hair' and whatever I put on my head that is made of hair, 'will look real.'

    Delusion. Thanks for your comments. :)
  • 04-21-2010 12:43 PM
    I think some people believe that this type of toupee is all that exists, which I guess is good for the guys wearing the good ones that nobody can detect. In general when people think of a toupee they think they all look like this monstrosity, I guess the same can be said for hair transplants too.
  • 04-22-2010 12:17 AM

    Originally Posted by Delphi View Post
    I think some people believe that this type of toupee is all that exists, which I guess is good for the guys wearing the good ones that nobody can detect. In general when people think of a toupee they think they all look like this monstrosity, I guess the same can be said for hair transplants too.

    Yeah. Good point!:D
  • 04-22-2010 02:21 AM
    Fixed by 35
    It's an extremely good thing that rubbish like this exists and even better that even famous people wear them.

    As long as people think toupees are bad and obvious, they won't notice the good ones!

    Loads of people must wear toupees these days. The statistics suggest a huge number of people are bald, yet I know hardly anyone who is balding.
  • 04-22-2010 04:11 AM

    Originally Posted by Fixed by 35 View Post
    It's an extremely good thing that rubbish like this exists and even better that even famous people wear them.

    As long as people think toupees are bad and obvious, they won't notice the good ones!

    Loads of people must wear toupees these days. The statistics suggest a huge number of people are bald, yet I know hardly anyone who is balding.

    I spent over $500 on a hair system from a local salon about two years ago. I thought it looked good, yet still I'd get funny looks from people who'd look up at 'my hair' and stare.

    After a few weeks, I threw it in the trash. Obviously it wasn't good enough. :D

    But I'm still looking for another one. I still fancy hair. IF it's good. ;)
  • 04-22-2010 04:56 AM
    Fixed by 35
    I think you'd need to spend a fair bit more than $500 if you wanted it to look real. It's been suggested that hair transplants quickly become the cheaper option after a few years of wearing a hair piece.

    Apparently a decent hair piece starts from about £600. At the current exchange rate, I'm guessing that's around $1,000. It's not unrealistic to spend £2,000 on a good one, which would work out in excess of $3,000 per year.

    In addition to this, the best ones are extremely well attached using the same glue as they use for prothetic limbs! In order to keep looking real a lot of maintenance is involved, including estimates of around £40 per month at the 'salon.'

    All this puts me off really. I'm just glad I've got the optimism of the Big Five working on permanent solutions, because without that hope there's really not much to live for.
  • 04-22-2010 07:36 AM
    There's no way I'd pay £2,000 for a hair system. I could get a good second hand car for that.:D

    Especially as I have learned they (hair systems) only last around three months if you're lucky as all the hair falls out.


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