• 04-22-2017 09:09 PM
    I'm not sure why you are using Finasteride and Dutasteride at the same time. Or why you wouldn't just taken .5mg dutasteride daily. Fin has a very short half life (like most drugs) to where it might work better splitting the dose twice a day. Dut has a half life which is insanely long compared to most drugs. It's 4-5 weeks long. So taking 1mg now means in one month you'll still have .5mg in you. Dut also lowers dht levels the same amount whether you take fin with it or not. The extra fin is a waste of money at best.

    Even if the powder you get is substantially cheaper and that's why you get it I would still just stick to .375mg dut a day. Some doctors prescribe it at .5mg EOD or every third day because it still builds up in he body with such a long half life. And it does more than fin. The fin you are taking realistically is simply not doing anything in your body except being there.
  • 05-20-2017 02:56 AM
    Anyone know who the best supplier of this is ?
  • 08-07-2017 10:40 AM
    Hey WarLord- I have noticed your posts and admire your knowledge of bodybuilding and the like and you seem a lot like me. I have dabbled in anabolics with great results but have had to halt them now due to my fear of further hairloss..Is the dutasteride still working for you? I was on fin for almost 20 years when all of a sudden for no real reason my hairloss accelerated rapidly after all those years of nothing but a little thinning at the crown. Now its big thinning at the crown and formerly solid frontal hairline is getting raggedy. I switched to dut .5 mg daily about 1.5 years ago and like you it appeared to immediately halt my hairloss but not for long.... After a couple of months I began onec again to have some big shed days that are horribly unnerving and depressing. How my day will go is pretty much predicated on how much hair I shed that morning..I have noticed a very significant loss of libido on dut which fin did not seem to do to me but have soldiered on ...as to tell the truth I am very much like you in that regard and I would rather have no muscles and no libido than be bald which I find to be my own personal hell which could almost drive me to suicide..How are things going with you these days?
  • 08-08-2017 09:18 AM
    Anil Sharma
    Make sure it is from a trusted source!
  • 09-04-2017 05:32 AM
    How critical is this for you? I mean have you ever been to some Doctor?
  • 12-26-2019 01:17 PM
    All SARMs can cause hair loss.

    The extent to which they can cause it is based upon their own inherent tissue selectivity and androgenicity.…
  • 08-18-2020 09:38 PM
    Sarms are not DHT converted. Is this statement incorrect?
    Other steroids (not all) are.
  • 09-04-2020 12:48 AM
    I think that everything that contains chemicals can cause real problems with health. So losing hair is possible.
  • 09-04-2020 08:11 AM
  • 05-30-2021 01:18 PM
    I understand that it's been 8 years since this thread started, but I decided to add an important piece of information that will clarify my old post: For a long time, it was a mindboggling mystery for me why I experienced (mild) hair regrowth on finasteride, S4, and Ostarine, but then my hair loss started again 2 months after the end of the cycle. I don't know why, but I ignored my notes that I was writing during the cycle. And they were the key to this "mystery".

    First of all, it is unlikely that SARMs were the trigger because once something hits your hair, it takes about 2 months until you notice the negative effect. (Hairs must enter a rest phase.) Therefore, I wouldn't be losing hair 4 months after the start of the cycle. That's too late.

    When I looked at my notes, I wondered what I was doing two months before the hair loss started, i.e. at the end of the cycle (late August 2012). I realized that simultaneously with SARMs, I was taking anastrozol (anti-estrogen, testosterone booster), and my testosterone increased to normal (albeit below average) levels (325 ng/dl). This was not my normal practice because I was always taking anastrozole after the end of the cycle. The use of anastrozole together with SARMs was a fatal mistake because SARMs cause the decrease of SHBG (sex-hormone binding globulin) and increase the level of free androgens. In other words, my free androgen level must have been extraordinarily high (maybe something like 5-times higher than normally), and even the below-average level of testosterone and DHT was enough to cause a heavy shock to my hair. There is no other explanation.

    I should add that I ran three short (3-4-week) cycles with S4 during the last years (50-60 mg/day), but I have never experienced any problems. But I use 0.5 mg dutasteride daily, in addition to 5% minoxidil, and I always multiplied my dutasteride dosage during the cycles. My DHT levels are close to zero after 8 years, and the longer I take dutasteride, the more they decrease. Regrettably, I did not experience any marked regrowth of the lost hair (like other users of dutasteride and minoxidil), but still, I am Norwood2 and fine.


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