• 06-12-2012 01:01 AM
    how fast can you reach norwood 5,6
    does anyone know what the fastest time it can take for someone to go from a norwood 1 to a norwood 5 or 6 if completely untreated

    and also what is the average time it takes someone (destined to be a 5 or 6) to reach it also untreated.

    and we are talking MPB not any other cause of hair loss.
  • 06-12-2012 07:10 AM
    one can lose hair pretty fast because of mpb - untreated. not sure abt NW scale but one can go from not noticeable hairloss to ''WTF happened to you'' ... in as little as 2 Years
  • 06-12-2012 07:45 AM
    I've read stories, practically all concerning diffuse thinning, of extreme hair loss (NW0 to at least NW4) in less than a year.
    Might be exaggerated but it wouldn't surprise me

    But of course these are extraordinary cases, god knows what the average is.

    I don't think you can predict it really. Some people have a drastic hair loss period, some have a slow death over their life, some stop at a certain NW and lose more hair after several years, etc.
  • 06-12-2012 08:11 AM
    Follicle Death Row
    My father went from norwood 1 at 35 to norwood 5 or 6 by 40. No joke. It was that fast.
  • 06-12-2012 08:39 PM
    I would have been Norwood 5 or 6 right now if it was wasn't for finasteride.

    My childhood friend is my age, 23, and when I started balding he had a full head of hair. Then he started balding a couple of years after me but still had more hair than me, I told him about Propecia and Rogaine and he wasn't interested. He's now officially bald, I have a lot more hair than him. He is some how convinced I got a hair transplant. When I actually have maintained my hair and that's about it, but to him it looks like a lot more since he's bald.
  • 06-12-2012 11:55 PM

    Originally Posted by jman91 View Post
    does anyone know what the fastest time it can take for someone to go from a norwood 1 to a norwood 5 or 6 if completely untreated

    and also what is the average time it takes someone (destined to be a 5 or 6) to reach it also untreated.

    and we are talking MPB not any other cause of hair loss.

    I started loosing my hair at age 17 and by 19 I was a diffuse NW5. By 25 a complete NW7. Minoxidil won't work if you are too far gone or hairloss is too aggressive. Such was the case for me... Propicia wasn't available when this curse destroyed my youth. So to answer your question, it all depends on your genes. If propicia was around when I started to loose my hair, I would be on it today...
  • 06-13-2012 05:23 PM
    My Dad, went gradual NW1 to NW2 from 18 to 27-28 then a NW2- NW7 in the next 5 years.

    My Maternal Grandfather went from NW1 to NW3 from 22-23! But then stabilized there until 35-40 apparently, and he then pretty quickly lost it all up until NW6.

    My Paternal Grandfather went very gradually from NW1 at 18 to NW7 at 35
  • 06-13-2012 07:49 PM
    Fastest I saw was a diffuse loss. A guy in HS started at 17 and by 19 it was gone. Back then you hardly ever saw difuse balding and now I see it all over the boards.

    My family it starts and stops so it takes a long time. I saw my uncle tonight and he is a near NW6 but it started in his teens and took till about 65 to get there.


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