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  • 02-09-2012 09:14 AM

    Originally Posted by jpm View Post
    oh and its slightly annoying to think that there are guys out there, who are replicels test patients who were probably nw6 and are going to be nw1 shortly lol! providing it works.

    If it actually works that fast or that powerful, I'd be amazed.

    I'm guessing it will never flip the scale for people. I do bet it will be most effective on guys with diffuse thinning. There will be plenty of old bad folliciles remaining trying to grow that they'll reverse course. The ones that are basically "dead" will remain "dead." The possibility of the transplants growing brand new hair will be the only hope.

    This isn't to say it won't have any efficacy on complete bald areas - I just want people to not have a nervous expectation of NW6 to NW1.

    If I'm wrong, well so be it, thats freakin' awesome. The science though to me says there needs to be some remaining hair that can be shielded from DHT.
  • 02-09-2012 09:27 AM

    Originally Posted by NotBelievingIt View Post
    If it actually works that fast or that powerful, I'd be amazed.

    I'm guessing it will never flip the scale for people. I do bet it will be most effective on guys with diffuse thinning. There will be plenty of old bad folliciles remaining trying to grow that they'll reverse course. The ones that are basically "dead" will remain "dead." The possibility of the transplants growing brand new hair will be the only hope.

    This isn't to say it won't have any efficacy on complete bald areas - I just want people to not have a nervous expectation of NW6 to NW1.

    If I'm wrong, well so be it, thats freakin' awesome. The science though to me says there needs to be some remaining hair that can be shielded from DHT.

    Didn't they regrow new hair on a mouses foot :D. They know it works otherwise they wouldnt bother with the trials, however the effectiveness is what we have to find out. If it's 70% 50% or even 100%(since they used an uber dose), that would mean we are all in a fast track to rockstar hairdos..

    at this point we dont know anything, other than they mentioned beating 20%.
  • 02-09-2012 09:43 AM
    Stay realistic, my friends. Maintain a healthy skepticism, with a bit of optimism.
  • 02-09-2012 12:58 PM

    Originally Posted by Kiwi View Post
    Yeah my understanding is that Histogen hair will last as long as your original hair before you started balding. So if you started balding at 30 you get another 30 years.

    That's probably a simplistic estimate, as DHT production is not constant over the course of a lifetime.
  • 02-09-2012 01:01 PM

    Originally Posted by TheLongnHairyProphet View Post
    If Replicel show good results, you can be sure Histogen/Aderans/Follica will not take 10/15 years. They will hurry the !@#% up

    Right, because the only thing stopping those other companies from getting to market sooner is that they're all just lollygagging around, waiting for a competitor to spur them into hurrying up.
  • 02-09-2012 01:03 PM

    Originally Posted by gmonasco View Post
    That's probably a simplistic estimate, as DHT production is not constant over the course of a lifetime.

    And its still a mistery how to quantify the damage caused by DHT, considering that the majority of people start balding after the end of puberty
  • 02-09-2012 06:52 PM

    Originally Posted by bigentries View Post
    And its still a mistery how to quantify the damage caused by DHT, considering that the majority of people start balding after the end of puberty

    Or you can start in late me... Ugh ...thanks for them genes mom and dad
  • 02-09-2012 08:53 PM
    Haters gon' Hate

    Originally Posted by gmonasco View Post
    Right, because the only thing stopping those other companies from getting to market sooner is that they're all just lollygagging around, waiting for a competitor to spur them into hurrying up.

    doesn't histogen and aderans have a potent formula already? they just want to improve their product, if replicel shows high results, other companies will release and go to phase 2,3 without delays with whatever they had and improve their results at the same time.

    or should they wait 10/15 years until they get 100% results and replicel/follica is already at your local store?

    One product is sure to dominate the market if it's fairly effective and comes first.
  • 02-10-2012 02:00 AM

    Originally Posted by Kiwi View Post
    Yeah my understanding is that Histogen hair will last as long as your original hair before you started balding. Do if you started balding at 30 you get another 30 years. Im sure by then none of this will matter and entirely new and different options will be available.

    So who cares if Histogen hair isnt truly permament :P

    The 30 year thing is what Gail Naughton said in one of her interviews but as a couple of other guys have pointed out, there are some problems with that argument:

    1. You don't go through baldness until adolesence. So if you start balding at 25 and hit puberty at 15 that's only 10 years. Which is still great but... Problem #2 is a bit more of an issue.

    2. It's not just a case of cumulative DHT exposure. The mechanism of DHT damage is not fully understood but seems to involve age somehow. If you stop taking Propecia you experience 'catch-up baldness' even though your follicles have been exposed to much less DHT over the time you took Propecia. If cumulative DHT exposure was the only cause, you wouldn't experience catch-up baldness, you'd just start balding again where you left off at the same rate you were balding before. It's like there's some sort of body clock running independently of DHT, and when the DHT levels return to normal, you 'fast-forward' straight to where you are on the clock.

    So I think realistically we just have no idea how long Histogen will last and there's only one way to find out - conduct the trials and wait and see.

    But even if it only lasts two years, I don't even care. I would sit through a series of injections every two years if it restored me my flowing locks. :)
  • 02-10-2012 07:04 AM

    Originally Posted by Pate View Post
    2. It's not just a case of cumulative DHT exposure. The mechanism of DHT damage is not fully understood but seems to involve age somehow. If you stop taking Propecia you experience 'catch-up baldness' even though your follicles have been exposed to much less DHT over the time you took Propecia. If cumulative DHT exposure was the only cause, you wouldn't experience catch-up baldness, you'd just start balding again where you left off at the same rate you were balding before. It's like there's some sort of body clock running independently of DHT, and when the DHT levels return to normal, you 'fast-forward' straight to where you are on the clock.

    I often wonder about this. Surely, it must relate to the aggresiveness of a person's hairloss. I understand that you lose what you gained within a year of stopping treatment, but surely you can't go from 3 to 5 within a year, especially if you taken fin for say ten years? IDK maybe I am just confused. Anyways hope replicel works out for all of us, even if it stops further progression.


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