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  • 07-01-2010 07:39 AM
    From what we've seen from one single injection, is it safe to say in a few years people will be able to have a full if not mostly covered head of hair?
  • 07-05-2010 12:38 PM
    no it is not safe to say that. there is still a long way to go and i although they are saying 2013 to 2015 i would be very suprised if anything happened. fingers are crossed but i think 10-20 yrs away is more realistic.
  • 07-05-2010 02:10 PM
    I think 10 to 20 years is a very pessimistic view. If you haven't noticed Adreans has posted pictures similar to Histogens in their recent company literature. I don't think they would have done this unless they felt there was some sort of competition. So unless you are privy to insider information that nobody else has I would try and think in a positive light.
  • 07-05-2010 02:19 PM
    Think what you want, but I'm being realistic. In the early 1990's people thought we would have a cure for aids by now. Hair loss sufferers thought the same thing. Have we made improvement in treatments? Absolutely. Are we closer to a cure? Yes. Do we have a cure? No.

    My dad and my brother are both doctors and have told me the same thing over and over. It takes a loonnggg time to have treatments for any illness or disease ect. come to fruition. Most of what scientists do don't work. Moreover, we are just beginning to understand cell therapy but we really have no clue how these things work yet and its going to take a long time to figure this out. People thought once we had the human genome we would be able to cure so many things, has that happened yet?

    I'm keeping my fingers crossed like everybody else, but if you think something is going to come out with regards to multiplication or cloning in the next 5 yrs you are going to be very very very disappointed.
  • 07-05-2010 02:32 PM
    I am not naive and yes I am hopeful. I cannot imagine that a company like Aderans would waste time and money on something that is 20 years away.
    It's simply bad business.
    25 years ago minoxidil was a wonder drug, 10 years ago Propecia was the same.
    For the first time in history there are companies trying to come up with new therapies. I am not saying that Histogen will regrow an entire head of hair but if its efficacy is 25 to 30 percent better then what's available now that would be a success.
    I get that you are a realist but even Spencer is optimistic so why not wait and see.
  • 07-05-2010 02:43 PM
    Well the you obviously know nothing about pharmaceutical companies b/c they 'waste' time and money on things that dont work all the time. In fact, most of what they spend their time and money on doesnt work. Moreover, most drugs that are on the market today took years and years of development and fda trials before they were released. Nothing wrong with hoping for the best but realistically we are a long ways off. If you want to believe otherwise thats fine i'm not here to convince you of anything.
  • 07-05-2010 02:54 PM
    last time I checked Aderans was not a pharmaceutical company. I will continue to believe.
  • 07-05-2010 03:02 PM
    you do that...in the meantime feel free to ask any ht doctor or industry insider if they think this medical technology will be commercially available in the next 5 years.
  • 07-05-2010 03:09 PM
    This is a quote from Dr. Hasson and even though he says 5 to 10 years (hopefully) he does say it. I would like to think he has a small bit of insight into this.
  • 07-05-2010 03:12 PM
    "The technology is still several years away. Hopefully available in the next 5-10 years. "

    "hopefully"...whatever helps u sleep at night bro.


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