• 11-23-2018 11:43 PM
    You would probably need to get in contact with those doctors and ask. One of them was the guy Spencer interviews in a video he posted in this thread.

    I think that if this works for you there would be a a much greater media frenzi than there was for the AA patient. Dr Christiniano says results could begin within a few days. Good luck.
  • 12-16-2018 08:29 AM
    I work in an Rheumatoid Arthritis clinic. We give intravenous immune modulators like this JAK inhibitor. My observation is the men and women getting these medications that are similar to Xeljanz (tofacitinib) is hair loss, not hair growth. While each of these medications affect different immune antibodies, I don't see how Tofacitinib topically would help AGA. Then again Christiano claims success. I will wait for the studies and research.
  • 04-10-2019 12:35 AM
    Did this product available for purchase now? Do you know any website to buy it?
  • 09-11-2020 07:53 PM
    Hi all, I have stopped using the Tofacitinib because of its immunosuppressive effect (systemically) that I have started to feel. One thing that caught my attention was that I got a cold sore, and I do not recall ever having had a herpes coldsore on my lip plus I started catching colds from my young children, and I almost never have a runny nose, and here I had a cough, a runny nose, protracted malaise headaches etc. The other thing I noticed is that my back stopped hurting. In the past it would hurt like once every 3 months and for about 6 months it did not hurt even when it should have after a workout. So I stopped the Tofacitinib use and my hair results disappeared within 6 months or less.
  • 12-10-2020 03:48 PM
    Chinese sage, which has a proper chemical name, is a jak inhibitor whuch is widely available and cheap.
    Ive been using this amongst other things which I am happy to share if anyond is interested. I use it topically
  • 12-10-2020 04:12 PM
    I think though the presentation of aa and aga differs it is becoming apparent that the molecular
    pathways and therefore the treatment may be the same. And the profit of finding a cure
    for male pattern hair loss is much greater than those more orphaned diseases of aa, means there is high motivation for that solution.
  • 03-19-2021 09:31 PM
    I have started using 0.2% topical Dutasteride dissolved in coconut oil 4 months ago and after taking pictures, I have noticed that the number of terminal hair has more than doubled, perhaps tripled. My children noticed the trend without prompting and thought that it was normal for a man to grow hair in place of a previously bald area. I am way past the point of "no return" several readers said. I guess for some to return means growing dense and homogeneous in thickness hair...
    I also have not experienced the chronic pruritus of the scalp that has been plaguing me for the past 20 years. I just have no reason to scratch my scalp anymore. It is a very satisfying condition I must add. I will take pictures at 3 month intervals and see how deep is the rabbit hole.
  • 08-31-2022 04:43 PM
    complications associated with a hair transplant:
    complications associated with a hair transplant:

    They can include:

    swelling of the scalp
    bruising around the eyes
    a crust that forms on the areas of the scalp where hair was removed or implanted
    numbness or lack of sensation on the treated areas of the scalp
    inflammation or infection of the hair follicles, which is known as folliculitis
    shock loss, or sudden but typically temporary loss of the transplanted hair
    unnatural-looking tufts of hair
  • 08-31-2022 04:46 PM
    A hair transplant is a good option for people who can afford the high cost of the procedure and haven’t found success from treatments like minoxidil or Rogaine. Hair transplant surgery is relatively low risk compared with other surgeries, but it isn’t without risks. There is also always the possibility that your hair regrowth may be minimal.

    But if this is a procedure you are interested in and the potential rewards outweigh the costs and risks, consider talking with your doctor to see if this is a good option. https://tusmundo.net/
  • 10-27-2022 07:42 AM
    thanks for sharing. interesting stuff.


hair transplant surgeons

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