• 06-15-2020 05:34 AM
    Pradeep Sethi, MD
    6 Attachment(s)
    Hair Transplantation: 3505 grafts, Grade 6 @Eugenix Hair Sciences by Drs Sethi
    The index patient was 36 years old and was Grade VI on the Norwood Hamilton Scale of baldness. We gave him 3505 grafts for the coverage of his FRONTAL ZONE with adequate density out of which 500 grafts were taken from the beard. His crown will be transplanted later when he is ready for it. For the crown and the mid-scalp, we prescribed him medications such as Finasteride and multivitamins His long hair hides most of the balding in the crown completely. At 4 months, he saw a complete look change. Within 8 months, there was even more density on his scalp. By the 10th month, as shown in the video, he got absolute density and his hair looks absolutely amazing.



hair transplant surgeons

» The Bald Truth