what should i do?

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  • 02-10-2012 06:25 PM
    what should i do?
    is this bad? i mean not until recently did i start caring so much about my hair. someone mentioned it looked a little thin on top when my hair was a little longer than in this photo, and since then i have become obsessed with the top of my dang head to the point where i buzzed it because i couldnt take it anymore. my dad has a full head idk about his dad cause he died long before i was born, but my uncles all have hair. my mom side all the men have hair. so idk if its genetic, but im freaking out, even though from looking at old pictures and videos my hairline has always stayed the same and in some videos where i could see the top of my head my hair looked a little thin. my diet has never been good im in college and im stressed out alot idk if this has anything to do with it, but it seems everytime i run my hand through my head i see one or two hairs and it scare me.

    in this photo my hair is extremely short and idk if u can tell anything from it, but the top of my head the hairs all stick up and the sides they are all flat and so it could be creating an illusion that the top is much thinner that the rest......maybe. its hard because i ask people who've known me and they all say my hair has always looked a little thinner on top but i dont want to believe them. another not is im mixed with black and east indian so idk if that has anything to do with it.


    i mean before someone made a comment and i actually looked at my head i was never so obsessed. sorrr for the rambling novel i wrote. But this sucks my hair looks fine looking at it in the front but when i take a mirror and look at the top its thin
  • 02-10-2012 09:56 PM
    Yes, it looks thinner, but dude, you've already passed the lower stages of MPB. Just keep it cut real short like that and go with the flow.

    But glad you have close to symmetrical loss...I want to buzz right now but I'm scared to death it will look horrible because its asymmetric.
  • 02-10-2012 10:04 PM
    i just hate the fact that i don't know how long it will take to progress or if this is how its gonna be for a while. I just never noticed my hair until recently and now i can't stop thinking about it.
  • 02-10-2012 11:02 PM
    Looks normal to me, however you probably do not have the same density in the front scalp area as you used to have.

    This is a normal process, but if you end up getting down to 50% density you will easily be able to see it with the naked eye.

    Until then from 100-60% of normal density you are fine, you might be at 80% now. How old are you Elves90 - is 90 for year of birth, if you are infact 21/22, I would wait and see not stress about it. Take some pictures to compare with in a year or so, if things gets worse, I would go to have it checked up at an IAHRS specialist. I you already now are constantly worrying about it, go see a specialist now.

    Just note, that the one who made the comment on your hair, probably is hyper-sensitive him/her self to hair loss. There might not be anything in reality, but just a tendency from this person to notice things, that is important for him/her.
  • 02-11-2012 12:14 AM
    It does look like you are thinning in the areas of male pattern baldness. Other parts look thicker. I would be checked out by a doctor who specializes in hair loss. You caught it early and treatments work best if you catch it early.
  • 02-11-2012 02:25 AM
    Yeah I am 21. When my hair was maybe and inch longer I went to the dermatologist but before she even walked into the room she had a prescription for propecia written and just looked through my hair and said I might have mpb. That's what troubles me the uncertainty I mean when my hair was longer yeah it was thin in spots to the eye but I don't know if it was always thin like that or not I have no real point of reference cause I only paid attention to the top of my head until one person said something about it and I looked and I freaked out cause it was thin and I could see scalp on the top after taking a pic from the top.
  • 02-11-2012 07:21 AM
    Another thing id like to add is that i used to use alot of pomade on the top of my hair and that i have oily skin and an oily scalp could the oil be the thing hurting my hair?
  • 02-11-2012 08:17 AM
    Looks ok to me, thinning maybe, but not serious. Still a good frontal line and no balding crown.

    Oils don't hurt in general, some could even be beneficial.. olive, grape etc.
    But if You eat oily foods, processed oils and bad fats.. I'd give up on that.. imflamatory diet can only speed up the baldness as it can affect the balance of hormones. DHT causes MPB..
  • 02-11-2012 08:28 AM
    yeah i eat a lot of fast foods and junk, the last week ive tried to eliminate a lot of that and began taking vitamins and drinking more water. hopefully that will slow down the process. Right now im just trying to find a good shampoo and trying to get over the stress this hair has caused me.
  • 02-11-2012 08:38 AM
    Tracy C

    Originally Posted by evles90 View Post
    What should I do?

    It depends on what you want.

    What do you want?


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