• 03-16-2010 02:38 AM
    Does Adrenal deficiency effect hair loss? (Interesting)
    Hi all, I've been on avodart and 5% minox (once a day) for about 6 or 7 months now. I've managed to slow my rapid hair loss progression at the temples but have still seen consistent slow loss around the sides of my head, not so much the temples. My hair looks ok and is about a NW 2.5. Right now however I happen to have small (velus?) hairs covering my head extensively enough to constitute a complete hair line (if they grew up of course)

    In concurrence with this I've also been dealing with strong CFS symptoms. I was originally diagnosed with sleep apnea, had a breather - doesn't work. Now i'm seeing a naturalist and he says i'm Adrenally exhausted and set me up on some pills.

    Needless to say they give me tons of energy as long as I take them consistently. Im 24 and have been dealing with hair loss, depression, mind fog and constantly fatigue since at least 18. Additionally, I have had a limited sex drive since at least as early as 20. Could adrenal deficiency be the cause of all of this? Specifically, does it cause hair loss? and it what pattern?
  • 03-18-2010 07:47 PM
    Dr. Glenn Charles
    I do think that severe Adrenal abnormalities can have a effect on hair loss. Since they are part of a complex system that controls many functions in your body including hormone regulation. Hopefully if you can straigten out those issues many of your other symptoms may be resolved. If you are genetically inclined to have hair loss then Adrenal problems could certainly speed up the process.


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