• 09-12-2017 07:21 PM
    What the cost for a HT in Turkey?
    For a strip procedure? I'm not a candidate for FUE. I've heard it's extremely cheap. Been thinking about going that route.
  • 09-15-2017 01:14 AM
    Try checking out Dr. Karadeniz, he does FUT and seems reliable. We talked earlier on how you should not get a HT at this point but if you absolutely must then don't go to Turkey for a cheap FUT. I bet you can find a 10 000 graft FUT for a hundred bucks if you start asking around. There are only a couple reputable surgeons in Turkey.

    You also seem to be in a hurry. I was just like you, I must get this done now! And I regret it. A lot! Take your time and do more research. Maybe even get a friend involved and check out the options with him.

    Once you are cut, you are cut. It's impossible to understand just what it means until you've done it. You are in high risk on doing a BIG mistake.


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