• 09-10-2017 05:03 AM
    Hair loss is a hidden Epidemic : Men turning to drink and drugs
    Hi all,

    More than a quarter of men under the age of 35 turn to drink and drugs due to hair loss, new research shows. The survey of just over 2,000 men, commissioned by Asda Pharmacy, shows the major emotional strain placed on young men who are losing their hair.

    41pc of men under 35 said they would rather lose their home or sight in one eye than all of their hair, while 36pc of men under 35 referred to hair loss as one of their biggest worries. Almost four in ten (38pc) of the men surveyed said hair loss makes them feel depressed.

    See more of the article in the recent Telegraph article i featured in about Hair loss :


  • 09-11-2017 12:18 AM
    I would definitely be included in this statistic, I pretty much drank away my 20s, and probably the most significant contributing factor was hairloss. I think that "traumatised" is exactly the right word, when it happens so young, it's like your life is over before it has even properly started. As if the universe is saying "Some guys got lucky. Not you, though. You're old and unattractive at age 21."

    In the footballer Tony Cascarino's autobiography he talks about his father, and how abusive he was, and at one point he writes something like "Somebody needs to do a study of baldness and how it traumatises men, because that's where my father's anger came from."

    It needs a cure.
  • 09-12-2017 06:57 AM
    Thans for the comment


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