• 10-11-2017 01:26 PM
    Not All PRP is The Same - Case #2
    In this presentation we have a 64 year old male that presented with general, moderate diffused thinning throughout the top off is scalp. Dr. Cooley administered one treatment of PRP with ACell. The patient had already been on finasteride consistently for ten years prior and he continues this medical regimen still.

    The patient returned after one year for a follow up visit and the improvements were noted. The hairs throughout the top of the scalp increased in terminal diameter and density improved as well. This is noted in the part line but also the crown. At this time it was discussed and agreed that a second treatment could be performed.

    The patient returned 18 months later with more improvements compared to the first procedure with an added increase in density and coverage. No other treatments were added and no alterations were made to his existing finasteride intake.



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