• 10-12-2015 07:01 PM

    Originally Posted by J_B_Davis View Post
    To be completely honest with you, 2200 grafts might help to give you a little more fullness but as you know, hair loss is usually progressive. You are still quite young, so no one really knows how far you will progress. At best, if all goes as planned, including all the grafts growing, no issues with the scar and no shock loss, it will be a temporary fix. Maybe 5 years, maybe 10 years, you just don’t know. If you do suffer with shock loss it can take a year or more just for the lost hair to regrow to around 5 or 6 inches so it won’t be that easy to hide unless you cut your hair very short.

    I don’t mean to discourage you and Dr. Bernstein is one of the most knowledgeable and respected HT surgeons around, and is known for having great judgment, but if you are looking for a long term fix and if you believe that 2200 grafts will make a huge impact on your appearance, you might want to reconsider surgery.

    Couldn't have said it better... You are thinning in a DIFFUSE pattern and I don't think that anyone can argue with the fact that diffused thinners are the WORST candidates for hair transplants... How is any HT surgeon supposed to place the recipient grafts carefully enough to avoid transection among ALL the hairs you STILL HAVE in that area??? I personally believe with ANY HT SURGEON, you would be rolling the dice here... here are a few things to consider. Take this into account while remembering that I am not a physician, but I believe myself to be very knowledgeable about this, after years of research:

    1) Is telogen effluvium likely after an HT? - I believe it is WAY more common than people think. TE is a response within the follicles to an extensive enough trauma ANY place in the body... This is a direct trauma directly to your scalp, right next to all the surrounding follicles. People chalk it up to "shock loss" and this comfy term is what a lot of doctors will tell you... BULLSH*T... I have read COUNTLESS times where patients continue to have drastic hairloss months after the transplant

    2) Will is grow back? Once again, this is totally rolling the dice. You would be transplanting into a zone that is already thinning, DIFFUSELY... meaning that area of the scalp is containing follicles that are sensitive. If you do have TE, not only would you have wide spread hair loss, but my guess is that it would impact that area more significantly.

    Once again, this is my opinion. I may be biased because, yes, it happened to me and it destroyed my hair. Like clock work, three months after the transplant, for about 6 months, I literally lost half of my hair and now it's even worst. Also, as I said previously, I am NOT trying to scare you... but you come here for personal opinions and patient experiences as well. I would SERIOUSLY question ANY HT doctor that would perform surgery on you.

    Also, I don't know if I missed this, but are you on any medications?
  • 10-13-2015 06:07 AM

    Originally Posted by jamesst11 View Post
    Also, I don't know if I missed this, but are you on any medications?

    I am not on any medication. I just ordered minoxidil... But I know I wont keep using it for long as I do not see any result and I just notice the hassle and greasiness.

    I have diffuse thinning on top... but no thinning on the back of my head.

    Also, my hairloss has been stabilized for a long time (at least 13 years or so). I haven't seen any progress for ages. So I think it won't progress.


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