Bald men are so ugly.

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  • 01-27-2015 08:37 PM

    Originally Posted by hairlessM View Post
    Add me to the bald moody guys with hang-ups list. The women are just being honest and I have to agree with them. Bald men are the most unappealing people in the world. Yeah, there are a few exceptions, but even the exceptions look like rubbish when surround by other men with hair. I don't blame women or society for looking down on us, the majority in this forum all agree as well, that's why they're all here. It really is gross looking.

    A lot of my friends pass for early 20's while most people think I'm early to mid 40's. THATS A TWENTY YEAR AGE GAP even though we are the same age. I cannot tell you how many times I have been the only nw7 under 60 in a room. There is nothing attractive or appealing or masculine about that and no woman wants to know you. Try picking your child up from school with a bunch of grandpa's who all have more hair then you. I wrote my life off years ago because of it and have no symphony towards anyone else's physical flaws because nothing is worse than this.

    And before anyone says it's all in my head, I never cared about it at all for the first 10 years but it was everybody else who made a big deal about it. My own mother and family used to tell me I looked horrendous with a shaved head and that no one will ever hire me or no woman will ever want to be with me. I heard it for years and years from everyone around me. Soon as it became obvious I was destined to be nw7 before 30 everyone began with the it "looks good", "it suits you", "don't worry about it" and all that rubbish. A complete 180 turn ie" the feel sorry card. It was drilled directly into my face that nobody likes bald men for years, and now that I am one, they all have to bite their tongue. I can't believe I have to live my whole adult life like this. Right now, not only do I hope they never cure it but I hope it becomes more and more common in both men and women.

    Hows that for a bitter rant?

    One of the most attractive things women is confidence. You clearly have none, and THAT is why you probably have a poor track record with attracting women, making you so bitter. Be a man, you'll be a man.
  • 01-27-2015 08:39 PM

    Originally Posted by FlightTL View Post
    My mom's friends used to laugh at me, both adult males and females, and say 'this old man looks ugly' or 'you'll never get a woman'.

    Sounds like you surround yourself with a**holes
  • 01-28-2015 09:02 PM

    Originally Posted by FlightTL View Post
    Is facial hair necessary. Vin D, Rock, Statham, and Kelly Slater are all clean shaven??????

    Vin D is Vin D and people either love him or hate him. Statham always has stubble. Kelly Slater is so tanned that it doesn't matter. All these guys are also between 5'7-5'10.
  • 01-28-2015 09:12 PM

    Originally Posted by baldozer View Post
    IMO, only those bald men look bad who are overweight or those who are ugly in the first place. I have lost a few pounds in the last few weeks and now I am looking much better. If you are bald, you must maintain low body fat and keep some facial hair. Its a cool look. Just look at Ronnie Colemann. He is a NW0, yet he keeps a bald head, because he looks much cooler with it. The Rock also looks much better now than he used to with hair.

    Ronnie Colemann is black and it also goes with his huge frame and profession. The Rock is 6'4 and huge and only has a temple problem. Both these guys are bigger than 95% of guys in the world so it's a bad comparison for your average balding white guy to shave his head and think he will look like either of them. FWIW I don't have any other body issues.
  • 01-29-2015 03:33 AM

    Originally Posted by hairlessM View Post
    Ronnie Colemann is black and it also goes with his huge frame and profession. The Rock is 6'4 and huge and only has a temple problem. Both these guys are bigger than 95% of guys in the world so it's a bad comparison for your average balding white guy to shave his head and think he will look like either of them. FWIW I don't have any other body issues.

    I forgot about tanning. A tanned skin looks much better than a pale skin if you are bald. Take for example Rude from final fantasy. He looks fabulous bald with that skin tone. A strong neck like Rude's also help if you are bald. Moreover, bald makes you look taller, as your head looks smaller with no hair, thus making your body look bigger. Therefore, for a guy with average height like me, bald is the way to go.
  • 01-29-2015 06:21 PM

    Originally Posted by baldozer View Post
    I forgot about tanning. A tanned skin looks much better than a pale skin if you are bald. Take for example Rude from final fantasy. He looks fabulous bald with that skin tone. A strong neck like Rude's also help if you are bald. Moreover, bald makes you look taller, as your head looks smaller with no hair, thus making your body look bigger. Therefore, for a guy with average height like me, bald is the way to go.

    How tall are you any way? You are always knocking short guys so I thought you must of be 6'4+ or something. Tanned skin and yeah you are kinda gonna look fine anyway.
  • 01-30-2015 02:40 AM

    Originally Posted by hairlessM View Post
    How tall are you any way? You are always knocking short guys so I thought you must of be 6'4+ or something. Tanned skin and yeah you are kinda gonna look fine anyway.

    I am average height, and yes I have a tanned skin.
  • 01-30-2015 05:55 AM
    25 going on 65
    The # of guys who can be goodlooking while bald is miniscule. But a higher % of black guys, Samoan guys etc. can get away with it for some reason

    To even have a chance you must have great skull shape/size (extremely rare), you can not have a prominent nose in profile (many noses look normal or even good w/ hair but not w/o), your ears must be close to the head & not too large or small. Then other things like natural skin tone (regardless of tan or paleness) bone structure of the face make a big difference

    Even then you will never be as good as if you had hair. There is a certain striking beauty that only men w/ hair can achieve & it puts your life in a different category from everyone else. Nothing else can reproduce this effect, not confidence or money or anything

    Fame will get you a better life in many ways but even a famous average-looking guy will never experience the feeling of how women react when just looking at your face makes their brain chemistry go crazy

    There are men all over the world who had this & then lost it due to this genetic curse. MPB proves if there is a god, he is evil
  • 01-30-2015 08:16 AM

    Originally Posted by 25 going on 65 View Post
    The # of guys who can be goodlooking while bald is miniscule. But a higher % of black guys, Samoan guys etc. can get away with it for some reason

    To even have a chance you must have great skull shape/size (extremely rare), you can not have a prominent nose in profile (many noses look normal or even good w/ hair but not w/o), your ears must be close to the head & not too large or small. Then other things like natural skin tone (regardless of tan or paleness) bone structure of the face make a big difference

    Even then you will never be as good as if you had hair. There is a certain striking beauty that only men w/ hair can achieve & it puts your life in a different category from everyone else. Nothing else can reproduce this effect, not confidence or money or anything

    Fame will get you a better life in many ways but even a famous average-looking guy will never experience the feeling of how women react when just looking at your face makes their brain chemistry go crazy

    There are men all over the world who had this & then lost it due to this genetic curse. MPB proves if there is a god, he is evil

    The following is true for me.

    Ears close to your head: Yes, my ears are so close to the head that they are almost invisible.
    Tanned: Yes
    Prominent Nose: I don't know what you mean by that, but I do have a prominent brow ridge with deep set eyes and the nose tip is quite far from the cheeks. I mean my nose is the opposite of what you see in asian guys, who have flat noses.
  • 01-30-2015 06:47 PM

    Originally Posted by Jasari View Post
    99% of the time it isn't hot women who say this. It's repulsive trolls that you wouldn't bang if there was no one left on earth.

    Typically they say this stuff to make themselves feel better and for the most part don't even believe it themselves. The other thing to keep in mind is that there are a lot of trolls online and it's doubtful half the stuff you read even comes from actual females.

    Either way it's irrelevant. 99% of men aren't banging hot women. With or without hair. If you've lost it all, use that as motivation to turn yourself into that 1%. Hair loss isn't the deal breaker - Being one of the 99% of guys who accept mediocrity is the deal breaker.

    You do realize you've more or less, in this post alone, said the only thing important about a woman is her appearance, and that men's appearance doesn't matter as long as he doesn't settle for an unattractive woman, right?

    This is a bit depressing.

    Actually this whole thread is depressing.

    It seems like every time a guy gets insulted by a chick on here his first instinct is to call all (or most, or even many) women ****s, or worthless, or stupid, or whatever, and how they're evil and shallow-- and then after calling them shallow, talk about how it's only the ugly ones saying it anyway so they don't matter.


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