• 02-13-2013 11:07 AM
    Today someone asked about my new haircut. I explained that it wasn't a haircut...
  • 02-13-2013 03:56 PM
    Fixed by 35
    Tame by my standards, but a good response nonetheless. Let a dumb **** know they're a dumb ****, never give them an inch. They'll be so shit scared of your put downs that they'll never mention your baldness.
  • 02-14-2013 12:18 PM

    Originally Posted by clandestine View Post
    Looking at myself introspectively, I think hair loss is stressing out my every day person. This, coupled with a struggle with depression which is relatively ongoing; I've acted out of character.

    At least, what I thought my character was. But what are values if we don't demonstrate them in our everyday, through action. It is action which defines a person, moreso than anything else.

    I need to apologize to someone today, I hope they take it to heart. I've not been myself, but sometimes it can be hard to make people see that, as all they experience is 'yourself', but not yourself.

    Clandestine, this happens to me all the time. Hair loss has really changed me as a person and to those to whom I am the closest with, the change is blatantly obvious. I yell more, I get pissed off more often, I don't enjoy the things that I used to love, and these feelings get reflected upon those with whom I interact. I have been transformed from a vivacious, energetic, and outgoing rocker to a depressed, introverted, and pissed off shell of the person that I once was. Whenever I lash out at some one close to me, I always apologize and say that I would never be acting this way were it not for this pain due to hair loss that I am experiencing. People who do not experience hair loss for themselves truly do not understand the pain that we go through each and every day.
  • 02-14-2013 01:50 PM
    DBHL; Sorry to hear you're having it rough too. I sometimes feel the incredible stress we can at times undergo as sufferers (be it hair loss, side effect, combination of, or otherwise) has the potential to make us stronger persons. But only if we find it within us to rise to the occasion, as well as refuse to admit defeat in the long run.

    All the best mate, try to relax, maybe a shift in paradigm is needed. Meditate, perhaps. Know we're always here for support should you need it.
  • 02-17-2013 11:27 PM
    Hey Clandestine, thanks a lot for the empathy. I always respected your point of view because you seem like a very sensible guy and you seem to practice what you preach. You don't preach about how hair loss should not define our identity and then go out and break the bank to ensure that you yourself will not go bald. Hypocrites like that really piss me off.

    You talk about this hair loss having the potential to make me a stronger person, but ever since I noticed this hair loss, I've just become a weaker, less confident, more inhibited person than I ever was.

    Anyway, I know that you're a young sufferer and I really sympathize with you. Actually, a friend of mine started losing his hair in high school and was actually part of a rock band at the same time. He got teased for it, but came up with some witty (yet angry and aggressive responses) and eventually thrived. He's living in Manhattan now, is married to a hot young lady, and is one of the most secure guys that I know.
  • 02-18-2013 02:09 AM
    I'll never get passed to it,i thought i was starting to be more cool with it but again today i feel worthless,i cant live with it,i just want to quit
  • 02-18-2013 02:13 PM

    Originally Posted by baldy1990 View Post
    I'll never get passed to it,i thought i was starting to be more cool with it but again today i feel worthless,i cant live with it,i just want to quit

    I'm sorry to read this, man. But, you constantly say you're unwilling to engage in what are currently accepted as viable treatments. I wholly respect your decision when it comes to treating your own body, but you're letting the time you have to act dissipate. Give it a good think-over and commit to whatever lifestyle you choose. Plenty of dudes embrace being bald - if that's who you would rather be, then do it up. There's a pretty good chance I'll end up as that dude some day.

    If you're certain you're uninterested in pharmaceutical treatment, find other ways to boost your mental well-being and physical appearance. Dwelling in self-pity probably radiates off of you in your daily functions, and I'll humbly venture that most women don't find that attractive. Pick a route, commit, and move on.
  • 02-18-2013 02:39 PM

    Originally Posted by baldy1990 View Post
    I'll never get passed to it,i thought i was starting to be more cool with it but again today i feel worthless,i cant live with it,i just want to quit

    Work hard on building up a career. When you'll have money, you won't have any problem with women. When I started balding, I just became an introvert and focused all my energy on my studies and career. I did very well academically. Look now I'm married with kids and my wife loves me.
  • 02-19-2013 10:30 AM

    Originally Posted by baldozer View Post
    Work hard on building up a career. When you'll have money, you won't have any problem with women. When I started balding, I just became an introvert and focused all my energy on my studies and career. I did very well academically. Look now I'm married with kids and my wife loves me.

    LMAO! I seriously cannot stand when people say this shit. "Don't worry about beauty, guys; just make a lot of money and some gold-digging whore will pretend to love you!"
  • 02-19-2013 10:39 AM

    Originally Posted by Aames View Post
    LMAO! I seriously cannot stand when people say this shit. "Don't worry about beauty, guys; just make a lot of money and some gold-digging whore will pretend to love you!"

    that's right!And why every balding men should be a heavy muscle dude???Baldozer is talking crap here.So if you go bald you must have money and be a body-builder,great but i dont want to be that guy lol,hopefully his low iq helped him to cope with baldness


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