Hair Restoration

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  • 10-26-2015 03:02 AM
    Hi, When we talk about hair loss in men and women. Most probably 95% counts for heredity which all the cases for alopecia (baldness). There are many other reasons like diet, stress, illness or medication. There is significant procedure. In every surgical procedure doctors provides anesthesia to reduce the pain while hair restoration so no need to worry about the pain factor. Factors which causes hair loss likely mentioned below :
    1. Mediations, vitamins or minerals : Several ,medicines & drugs used to treat high BP, heart problems.
    2. Illness including thyroid disease, several infection or flu ; fungus infection such as ringworm of scalp

    Treatments on hair loss : Rogaine(topical minoxidil) and propecia(finasteride) are the only drugs approved by FDA to treat pattern baldness.
    I hope this is useful treatment procedure to cure your hair related issues.
  • 11-05-2015 06:18 AM
    Wanted to ask the same question, by the answers were perfect. Thank you.
  • 03-09-2016 11:49 PM
    In female pattern baldness, however, these donor areas are usually unstable. They are thinning, just like the other areas of the head. The donor areas in women are affected by follicle-killing DHT. That means that if you remove hair and accompanying follicles from these donor areas in women and transplant them to other areas, it's just going to fall out. Any doctor who would attempt to transplant hair from an unstable donor site is potentially unethical and may just be trying to take economic advantage of the patient.
  • 03-14-2016 03:13 AM
    hair restoration
    It's a type of surgery that moves hair you already have to fill an area with thin or no hair.
    First, the surgeon cleans your scalp and injects medicine to numb the back of your head. Your doctor will choose one of two methods for the transplant: follicular unit strip surgery (FUSS) or follicular unit extraction (FUE).

    If you’re getting the FUE procedure, the surgeon’s team will shave the back of your scalp. Then, the doctor will remove hair follicles one by one from there. The area heals with small dots, which your existing hair will cover.

    After that point, both procedures are the same. After he prepares the grafts, the surgeon cleans and numbs the area where the hair will go, creates holes or slits with a scalpel or needle, and delicately places each graft in one of the holes.
  • 06-25-2018 09:58 PM

    Originally Posted by johnhelen69 View Post
    I am a 45 year old woman with thinning hair and was considering getting a hair restoration treatment done. Can anyone explain how the procedure is done and whether it is painful?

    Hair restoration process or treatment is performed when you suffer from significant hair loss, or thinning hair. It is a procedure to remove hair follicles from one part of your body and planting them to your head or the balding area. For more information on hair loss treatment, you may visit the given reference, as any licensed dermatologist only can help you in this with proper guidance. Hope this helps.
  • 03-05-2019 07:45 PM
    Amir Yazdan, MD
    You can see the below video in regards to how a hair transplant procedure is done in general. Although the patient is a male, the procedure is similar for females.
  • 11-21-2019 04:33 AM
    what did you do about it?
  • 03-24-2020 11:40 PM
    You can use cold laser therapy which is very helpful hair restroation
  • 07-08-2020 03:16 AM
    Hair restoration treatment is easy, it is not so painful. There are some points
    1. The surgeon will use a scalpel to cut out a strip of scalp skin from the back of the head. The incision is typically several inches long.
    2. This is then closed with stitches.
    3. The surgeon next separates the removed portion of the scalp into small sections using a magnifying lens and sharp surgical knife. When implanted, these sections will help achieve natural-looking hair growth.

    While after that you any doubts then before transplantation consult with best or experienced surgeon, he provide the best advice to you.
  • 07-08-2020 05:14 AM
    I think hair transplant treatment is little bit painful but overall experience of hair transplant surgery is good.


hair transplant surgeons

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