Acupuncture & Hair loss

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  • 09-03-2010 03:28 PM
    Acupuncture & Hair loss
    Acupuncture & Hair

    while some patients have been treated specifically for hair related diseases and problems, often, when patients are treated for other physical issues, their hair naturally improves along with their body".

    Chinese medicine is a holistic medicine. This means that there is an awareness that what affects the body, will also affect the mind and what affect the mind will also affect the spirit. Going in the opposite direction, an emotional disorder can manifest in the body as a disease or other disharmony.

    "Chinese medicine and acupuncture teaches that the condition of the hair on the human body is ruled by two different physical organs in the body. While the kidneys have primary ruler ship over hair that on the scalp and head, the lungs actually govern all other hair on the human body".

    An example of this kidney connection is the fact that premature graying of the hair is considered by Chinese medical practioners to be directly related to a deficiency of "Kidney Jing". Dr. Mauro explained that "Jing is a substance that is stored and produced by the Kidneys that controls hair".

    So what does this mean? "when there is damage, weakness or disease affecting the kidneys, scalp hair will often react by falling out or becoming dry, brittle or damaged". "the kidneys and to some extent, the liver, can impact hair color, or lack of color". Which ties back to the premature graying of the hair due to a kidney deficiency.

    As previously explained, the overall color and condition of the hair is often a key indicator or illness in the body.

    Needles, Diet & Herbs


    "proper nutrition and vitamin supplementation can help overcome a majority of hair problems like weak strands or sluggish growth" serious hair loss issues need to be evaluated on a case-by-case basis for appropriate treatment.

    often combines a series of "needle treatments with Chinese herbs and special diet" to deal with "chronic or progressive hair related diseases".

    Can it cure all forms of hair loss including baldness? "Depending on a variety of factors that must be evaluated many cases can be significantly improved with the use of a custom designed treatment program."

    Does acupuncture really help hair loss and baldness issues? Many practioners do treat their patients for hair related diseases with some measure of success. Although needles may be utilized, the course of treatment prescribed may include a combination of Chinese herbs and diet along with the acupuncture.

    The Hubei Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine, #1, (published in 1994, page 49) reported the results of a study of 30 cases of baldness that were treated and studied over time. The study reported the successful reversal of hair loss for 25 out of 30 cases through the combined application of Chinese herbs and acupuncture treatments.

    Can acupuncture actually help with hair problems? While I personally believe it can, I am sure this is a controversial topic that should be examined on an individual basis.
  • 09-03-2010 03:45 PM
    nope. shit is bogus. if it ever helps for any reason its only cause of: Show me a paper about this in a real medical or scientific journal and I might give it some consideration.

    same with that BS practice of homeopathy.

    but hey, if it helps relieve stress, w/e, go for it.
  • 09-03-2010 04:09 PM
    Well I'm not 100% sure and I'll tell you why:

    After my hair was thinning and I had my first T-plant with really horrid results i was desperate to try anything to thicken my existing norwood pattern......Norwood 4

    First i started on propecia 1mg with little to no results then raised the dose to proscar 2.5 mg daily, Rogain 5% and revivogin...

    Though i started seeing some good results after the first massive shed phase I stayed stagnant for over the next 2 year or so .....

    At the time i went to my MED DOC for a checkup and found out he was also an Acupuncturist and explained my story...

    He said that he treated many patients with some good and some not so good results but at worst the circulation to my scalp will be increased

    In my mind this could be a good idea as i felt the proscar and other topical's may have an increased benefit.

    I started a 4 month treatment 2-3 times per week for about 45 min with little to no pain from the needles.

    After the treatment I noticed that the thinning areas not being helped by the meds started to thicken!

    I regained most of the norwood 4 scale almost back to a thinning 2a!......And it lasted for several years...I think it was due to the meds and treatment combination....

    Not saying for sure if the acupuncture treatment had anything to do with it but after a while with no treatments the areas went back to the progression from before the treatment.....

    Till this day it still never looked as thick as it did at that time.......

    After looking into a possible connection recently I think I may try another few month session just to see.....At this point i'm still taking the same dose of meds and topical's ....If i notice any changes in density at this point it would have been from the acupuncture med combination...

    But its just a shot in the dark....
  • 09-04-2010 01:11 AM
    Acupuncture is a placebo effect. It has no benefits for hair loss.
  • 03-11-2017 11:59 PM
    Treating a hair loss with acupuncture technique is a long-term process, which requires a lot of patience and dedication. No miracles should be expected overnight.

    It is common for people to lose hair on a daily basis, with some strands falling off each day. It’s also normal for your hair to grow thin over time, especially during the natural process of aging. What makes hair loss a condition for some people is when you are losing hair in clumps rather than strands.


    Expressive Therapy For Depression
  • 03-13-2017 06:01 AM
    ok acupuncture works for a myriad of conditions (pain relief, allergies, digestive issues, etc) but over 90% of the acupuncturists are just frauds in my opinion, so you have to find someone that has a good track record, reviews and recommendations. but acupuncture WILL NOT reverse androgenic alopecia, any acupuncturist that even suggests that is a fraud, in fact, a real acupuncturist who cares about the health of his patients will warn you sternly about using propecia and the ungodly shit it it doing to screw up out hormones..

    but again, no, acupuncture won't cure AA.


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