HT or not? Dilemma...

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  • 05-30-2012 05:49 PM
    HT or not? Dilemma...
    I keep swaying back and forward on the topic of getting a hair transplant. Some days I think yes, with absolute certainty; other days I wonder if the expense, energy and potential for failure make it worthwhile in my particular situation.

    Recently I had my hair cut and I've had more compliments about my hair now than ever before in my life! What the hell? I guess I'm just doing a great job of concealing the receded areas that only myself and my hairdresser ever get to see. I feel pretty ugly otherwise.

    Here's a pic I posted on Facebook that received the positive comments, by people who have no idea I'm suffering from hair loss:

    You can't really see my hair all that well. Perhaps the distortion created by the light hides some of the loss, and therefore people assume it looks better than it actually is. Like an optical illusion...

    I started minoxidil liquid and foam back in January and suffered a pretty heavy shed for a couple of months. I think this explains why I became obsessive on this topic, to the extent of consulting with hair transplant doctors and spending hour upon hour scouring the internet and posting on forums, such as this one. Within the last month or two, my hair has recovered post-minoxidil shed, and I feel it's a lot better. Whether this means I'm content is another matter. I still think it concerns me, and I think if I didn't get the op now, I'd simply be delaying it for further down the line. Am I not better to take advantage of this option while I still have a fair few years of youth ahead of me, than to desperately try to turn back the clock in 5-10 years time and regret not having acted sooner?

    Opinions welcome, but I think I just needed to get this off my chest.
  • 05-30-2012 06:57 PM

    Originally Posted by chrisis View Post
    ...........and I think if I didn't get the op now, I'd simply be delaying it for further down the line. Am I not better to take advantage of this option while I still have a fair few years of youth ahead of me, than to desperately try to turn back the clock in 5-10 years time and regret not having acted sooner?

    Opinions welcome, but I think I just needed to get this off my chest.

    BUZz IT !!

    If you get a HT , they'll probably do the front 1/2 or 1/3 then in 10 yrs , or whatever , you will lose more hair , it will be thin and you will worry about it all over .

    If I had the b*lls I should have buzzed mine a long time ago

    I had 1 HT ( 12 yrs ago ) and am now buzzing it with 1.5 guard all over and living with the faint sign of a scar .........I don't care about the scar , but I feel alot better the shorter my hair is

    BUZz IT !!
  • 05-30-2012 07:02 PM
    Follicle Death Row
    I'm in the same boat Chrisis. Also can't really tolerate finasteride which sucks. Not for the usual reasons mind. Keeping it longer on the top too and the sides tight but I can't get away with this forever. Buzzed to a 2 all over last year to assess the damage and people were like wtf you started balding overnight but it's as if they've forgotten now.

    I'm always going back and forth on the idea. I know realistically I can't get it done until probably the summer of 2015 by which time I'll be 29. It's then or never for me I think.

    Annoying thing is a hairline or a lack of dramatically changes my appearance I feel, so it's so disheartening seeing it erode away in my 20s.

    The idea of a substandard result is terrifying so who knows what to do. What pisses me off about a lot of the clinics is a lack of videos. Photos tell lies big time. I pretty much have it rounded to 2 or 3 clinics should I ever go for it.
  • 05-30-2012 07:03 PM
    Follicle Death Row
    Hair looks pretty decent there btw.
  • 05-30-2012 07:16 PM
    Which are the 2 or 3 clinics you've got in mind Follicle?

    Dave52, I don't look good with a buzzed hair cut. I've tried it. I feel much more attractive doing what I do now, even if it's not perfect. Buzzing it would be a regret. It does seem your answer to every topic here is "buzz it".
  • 05-30-2012 07:20 PM
    I would just enjoy the fact that you can hide it and sorta have the apperance of a full head of hair until it gets worse than you could just shave it but for now you should just enjoy what you have left.
  • 05-30-2012 07:21 PM
    Follicle Death Row
    Look at what's possible now Dave52:

    This was the first of two transplants for this guy. He caught another 3500 after this.
  • 05-30-2012 07:31 PM
    I can't see loss in that pic. Maybe it is the lighting as you say but your hair looks fine in that pic.

    Please don't take this the wrong way as I mean it as a compliment, but your style was very popular in America back in the mid 80's. It was started by an American TV/Movie star who had it on his TV show. Those of us who were kids back then tried to copy it. I never did but a friend did.
  • 05-30-2012 07:40 PM
    Follicle Death Row
    @Mpb47 - Every second young gent in London seems to have this hairstyle nowadays. Definitely a trendy one at the moment.
  • 05-30-2012 07:48 PM
    HT's are PERMANENT. Scars in most cases ARE PERMANENT. We don't even know how HT's will interfere with the future treatments.

    I wouldn't advise anyone to get a transplant right now, not until the end of this year. These things are all coming before the end of this year:

    PGD2 blockers, bimatoprost, Histogen phase 2, aderans phase 2....


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