• 05-02-2013 03:05 PM

    Originally Posted by ChrisM View Post
    Minoxidil has a half life of 8 hrs. Which is why people recommend two uses once in the day and once in the evening covering 16 hours total in a 24 hour day. The temples might not work but then people have different sets of results depending on hair follicle miniaturization and over how long a period of time they were miniaturized AKA there is a point of no return and the baby hairs will stay baby hairs no matter what you do. So its a worthy gamble I suppose all in all.

    8 hours orally, 22 topically to the skin I believe. Though half lives are funny old things, since dosing at the time you're body has eliminated half the drug doesn't make perfect sense. Either way, rogaine recommend 1-2 times per day, and people get results on both.
  • 05-02-2013 03:13 PM

    Originally Posted by phlifter View Post
    ive started rogaine and i actually like how it styles my hair! im also taking .25 fin every monday, wednesday, and friday! i would also like to start nizoral, there a special type or can i just call CVS and ask if they have Nizoral? also do i get the 1% or 2%...i know im only supposed to use it two days a week! so 1% or 2%? and is there a special name or something, or just nizoral from CVS good? thanks

    Cool man, yeah it's not too bad at all is it. Try not to apply it to a wet scalp, you get too much absorption systemically (in your entire system, via blood), you could start getting some hairy ass ears or something.

    You got the whole setup right there, your hair will be bullet proof. Your best bet is letting it fade out of your mind and run in the background, enjoy the peace of mind.

    Like I say, 2% ketoconazole is better, more active ingredient, and it's standard in Europe, but you might only be able to get 1% without prescription. I just ordered mine from any old pharmacy, and looks like this: http://www.expresschemist.co.uk/pics...zoral-60ml.jpg
    Perhaps somewhere from USA could chime in on that one bud. Google shows a few different nizoral packagings, as long as their active ingredient is ketoconazole you should be fine.


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