• 07-22-2010 12:44 PM
    I see . . . I take it Rogaine causes dandruff, and this shampoo cures that??
  • 07-23-2010 09:03 AM
    It was originally intended to treat dandruff but it was later found that the active ingredient, ketoconazole, inhibits the binding of DHT, and other androgens, to the target receptors. It is also a good anti-inflammatory and reduces sebum build-up.

    Nizoral can be used 2-3 times a week and it is recommended that you leave it on for 5 minutes before rinsing to give it time to penetrate and really do its job.
  • 07-23-2010 09:21 AM
    I`ve had several hair transplants spanning a decade,the first few were terrible but my last few with Shapiro medical group were excellent.I`ll post an update on my crown soon as its looking amazing.
  • 08-12-2010 10:18 PM
    Mr. 4000
    I am not happy with my results at all

    I was a 3V, and wanted one and done, a doc and sales rep said it could be done....

    I wanted to go to H&W but out of the country wasnt on the table

    It is unnatural in the hairline touch up, poor angle, can't blend it with the native which has thinned
    Scalp stretching has thinned out my native as well
    my priority goal of crown work coverage was not achieved
    and the scar still has tension

    I use concealer now when i go anywhere important, and never had to in the past. Even with fine to med fine hair I had plenty of hair in the front. I wanted my hair line maintained or lowered, but it is higher now than before.

    Many grafts were just place behind the existing hairline which confused me because we never talked about that at all during the consult.

    If I had to do over, I would not have had the procedure done, the future is going to be a nightmare IMO, I thought after this I would be good for five to ten years as my hairloss was very slow.

    There is no way all my graft grew, no way.

    I could used a fix now, but I won't do strip again, when the donor is closed your scalp is pulled lower and backwards so much the temples become more and more exposed and the native hair becomes more see through. At lest that has been my experience.

    and FUE is just too much risk.
  • 08-13-2010 05:36 AM
    Mr 4000, your experience is not unusual. There are many dissatisfied persons who have undergone hair transplants. These persons are trying to move on with their lives and are not posting on these forums.

    I deeply regret getting a hair transplant. The hairline does not look natural and I have this permanent strip scar in the back of my head that prevents me from wearing a short hair style.

    The bottom line? To everyone out there: Don't do it. Don't get a hair transplant. Don't make the same mistake that I made and that Mr 4000 made.
  • 08-13-2010 06:20 AM
    Mr. 4000

    Originally Posted by Don'tDoIt View Post
    Mr 4000, your experience is not unusual. There are many dissatisfied persons who have undergone hair transplants. These persons are trying to move on with their lives and are not posting on these forums.

    I deeply regret getting a hair transplant. The hairline does not look natural and I have this permanent strip scar in the back of my head that prevents me from wearing a short hair style.

    The bottom line? Don't do it. Don't get a hair transplant. Don't make the same mistake that I made.

    I already made the mistake

    what are you doing to deal with the hairline?

    I just had 1 procedure done and I'm not even considered finished with the total end result but it won't improve much from here. The hairline can be spotted a mile away.

    It was a big mistake financially and cosmetically. I will never look the same, I hope the tension in the scar stops at some point. I still feel it a couple times a day.

    I'm have to worry about every hair and how it lays or the transplants can be seen or my scalp shows in the front third, where it never did before. I have to say my surgeon came up small.

    My sides are much lower from the scalp stretching and the back and crown is also lower. Even turn in my skull there are thin areas now where I had total coverage.

    I though I was a great candidate because of my level of balding and the size of my head and donor availability, but I was wrong, more damage was done than improvement.

    My problem was in the crown, but now it is in the crown and mostly the frontal third which really angers me.

    I never had a problem getting out of the shower, towel dry my hair, and out the door, with the bald and thin crown.

    Now its, is my hairline covered is the hair that used to be fine at 1 inch long enough to cover the stretched scalp? Did I use enough nanogen ( just to but that stuff is embarrassing to me after spending the money I did.

    I have seriously considered consulting with a lawyer but want to work it out with my doc first, I think that is only fair. I'm sure they are not trying for poor results

    The time, recovery, travel and money is the worst part to even consider doing this again, People who take this lightly are insane.

    I agree don't do it, not matter what age and level you are.

    My doctor keeps asking me to take propecia and rogaine, and I says to him, what the hell is the point of the HT if I'm taking drugs and spending money on rogaine? I understand the whole keep what you have, but my hairloss has stabilized for the last 3 years own its own. I did have one shed after the transplant, but was told that is normal.
  • 08-13-2010 11:12 AM

    Originally Posted by Mr. 4000 View Post
    I am not happy with my results at all

    I was a 3V, and wanted one and done, a doc and sales rep said it could be done....

    I wanted to go to H&W but out of the country wasnt on the table

    Who was your doctor, then?

    If you don't want to identify anyone specifically, was it at least one of the doctors of fine reputation who is frequently mentioned in this forum, or was it just some local doctor who does not have a wider reputation for excellence?
  • 08-13-2010 12:23 PM
    Mr. 4000

    Originally Posted by gmonasco View Post
    Who was your doctor, then?

    If you don't want to identify anyone specifically, was it at least one of the doctors of fine reputation who is frequently mentioned in this forum, or was it just some local doctor who does not have a wider reputation for excellence?

    no names, but decent rep
  • 08-13-2010 01:53 PM

    Originally Posted by Don'tDoIt View Post
    Mr 4000, your experience is not unusual. There are many dissatisfied persons who have undergone hair transplants. These persons are trying to move on with their lives and are not posting on these forums.

    I deeply regret getting a hair transplant. The hairline does not look natural and I have this permanent strip scar in the back of my head that prevents me from wearing a short hair style.

    The bottom line? Don't do it. Don't get a hair transplant. Don't make the same mistake that I made.

    It is true that many dissatisfied patients do not post on the forums. More than anything, they tend to blame themselves.
  • 08-29-2010 10:41 AM
    Mr. 4000
    lets bump this, this could be the most important thread ever on this board.

    How many people are 100% satisfied with their first HT?

    Was it worth the time and money?

    Did you have to do a second to save face?

    Where are all the experts on this board? You are going to get the truth from the doctors and their staff? THere is not one doctor around even the one's that post here, that would ever dare to tell you about the case of unhappy clients.

    I had a Sales Rep tell me she never seen one bad result come out of a certain doctors office when I asked her what was the worst she has seen. Funny how I know more than she does. Go figure.


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