• 09-27-2014 04:56 PM
    The fact is all women are whores and have no empathy , this is a fact and god forbid if I ever have kids and have a daughter!!!
  • 09-27-2014 05:21 PM

    Originally Posted by Kudu View Post
    Thanks guys for replying. I'm not tall by any means, I'm about average, 5 11' but that guy is about the same height as me anyway. He's also got long douche bag hair that makes this guy look like a kid. I have a tapered, blond, jude law-like hair style and a beard. You're dead on about women Fred, and the reason this one really got to me is that I thought she was different. She thought I was a badass and wanted to do what I did and have fun. Toward the end of our 6 month relationship and you could hardly get her out of her house or get her to look up from her phone. Give me a couple of weeks and I'll probably find someone else. Just the fact that hair was an issue really messes with me. I have pretty high standards personality wise and looks wise, which sounds hypocritical but if an average looking chick really impresses me somehow, I'll go for her. I have standards but I'm not shallow.

    She sounds like a loser. And I'm hoping everyone on this thread is under 25, cause you all sound like teenagers. Someone intelligent is not going to care if you're going bald. Maybe 20 year old girls care (some of them), but once you get to be in your late twenties girls with any sense (hot and not hot) won't give a ****. The girl who dumped you will end up living in a trailer with her loser husband who will probably beat her. You sound like a productive and great guy, juts forget about your hair and live your life and get shit done, and someone who is worth your time will materialize. It never fails, you just have to retain your self esteem and do good things. Judging by the misogyny and completely ridiculous attitudes on here, I'm surprised any of you have ever been with a woman, and if you have I feel sorry for them.
  • 09-27-2014 07:06 PM

    Originally Posted by sdsurfin View Post
    Someone intelligent is not going to care if you're going bald.

    Jesus, what a stupid thing to say. So every girl that cares about a guy balding is automatically not intelligent ? LOL.

    Some of you guys on this forum...
  • 09-27-2014 10:31 PM
    I don't have a problem with the girl deciding to leave. Is it effed up? Yes it is, but it would have been worse if she left after a long term relationship. Be happy she didn't waste any more of your time. We all have our standards and she has the right to have hers. She might not like bald guys and you might not like women with small tits and no ass. There are plenty of women out there that are looking for guys with something going for them, find and spend time with those.
  • 09-27-2014 11:18 PM

    Originally Posted by HairIsLife View Post
    Jesus, what a stupid thing to say. So every girl that cares about a guy balding is automatically not intelligent ? LOL.

    Some of you guys on this forum...

    All I need to do is read your username to know you're a moron. And yes, any girl that bases whether or not she wants to stay with her boyfriend on his hair situation is likely an idiot. As I don't know these people, she could have left for any number of reasons that could be perfectly good ones. Maybe its because her boyfriend was on hair loss forums all the time and his insecurity about it bleeds through to his general way of carrying himself. Not every girl that has a preference for a lot of hair is an idiot, but any girl who has that as a deciding factor on whether they stay with someone is definitely shallow and probably dumb, especially if the guy is productive and a good partner otherwise. If someone intelligent loves you, they aren't gonna leave you because of hair. Not every intelligent woman will give a bald guy a chance in the first place, but most will, and most women don't judge handsomeness and attractiveness based on hair.

    I say this girl sounds like a loser because she clearly has nothing going on for herself. Someone who sits around in their apartment and does nothing does not sound lil a worthwhile human to spend time with. Also the fact that she left him for a guy who is a mess- pretty clear red flag that she a) has insecurity issues and b) is a waste of space herself. I know NO women at the age of 30 that will have anything to do with a guy who is doing nothing with his life. Only 18 year old girls want to make guys into projects. by their mid 20s girls want to be taken care of or at least have a partner who is equally as ambitious and productive. hair is a miniscule concern. Women are not all whores and in fact they are much more accepting than men of physical flaws, and the fact that young women will have faith in someone and try to better them shouldn't be seen as something counting against them. Every woman will run out of patience if a guy is being a loser, but very few will be shallow enough to leave someone because of the way their hair looks. Either way good riddance to bad rubbish. Maybe your next girl is even hotter or not as hot, but hopefully she's a lot better for you and a lot more deep.
  • 09-27-2014 11:28 PM

    Originally Posted by HairIsLife View Post
    Jesus, what a stupid thing to say. So every girl that cares about a guy balding is automatically not intelligent ? LOL.

    Some of you guys on this forum...

    Also "caring" is relative. Sure, I will probably "care" when my next girlfriend or wife gets old and starts to get wrinkles and her breasts sag. Aging sucks to see in ourselves as well as in others. But I'm not going to leave her for it. Balding is even less of an issue for most women, because it literally happens to almost every man at some point, and is not really a sign of aging or even particularly unattractive to most women. You have a much better chance of turning your mate off by getting fat or having bad teeth or hygiene or getting old in a million other ways. Anyway if you're as young as you sound I wouldn't worry about it much. In five years time there will most probably be much better treatments, replicel is just one example of advancements that are still being worked on (everyone looks at something like adorns and thinks its a disaster, but the fact is its just a hiccup in a chain of advancements and knowledge). And in ten you'll still be young (many of my friends are more handsome in their 40s, especially to women, than they were as twenty somethings) and there's a good chance they'll have something really game-changing. I don't think they are too far off with hair cloning, and for me it'll be kinda too late, but stem cell remedies are relatively on our doorstep in many areas of medicine. And if it doesn't pan out until we are old, then **** it, just be bald and don't think about it too much, millions of men have done great things and lived happy lives bald before you. just one of many shitty things in life that you must endure in order to be happy, and unless you're very lucky, probably not nearly the worst.
  • 09-28-2014 01:27 AM

    Originally Posted by sdsurfin View Post
    All I need to do is read your username to know you're a moron.

    And all I need to do is read your username to know you're a gay fag who surfs in San Diego. For a guy who is nearly 100% positive that a cure isn't coming in his lifetime, you sure spend ALOT of time on this forum. I don't really care to read your paragraphs cause you repeat the same shit every post so I'm sure I already read what you typed. Good luck to you sir.
  • 09-28-2014 07:48 PM
    OP, you might have a point. I've been rejected because of my looks more times than number of atoms in this universe...

    I am not handsome, and with hair loss, I look very old, and no woman wants anything to do with me....
  • 09-28-2014 08:49 PM

    Originally Posted by FlightTL View Post
    OP, you might have a point. I've been rejected because of my looks more times than number of atoms in this universe...

    I am not handsome, and with hair loss, I look very old, and no woman wants anything to do with me....

    Then go after older women and get laid today!
  • 09-28-2014 09:50 PM

    Originally Posted by Notcoolanymore View Post
    Then go after older women and get laid today!

    Great advice! I never thought of that....Thanks cat man!


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