• 02-07-2022 02:59 AM
    I have not encountered laser removal of transplanted hair. But the laser has quite strong power, so that you can try it. The result also depends on how your body reacts to the procedure. I started laser hair removal about six months ago. By nature, I have dark thick hair, so the result met my expectations. You can consult your doctor or a specialist in laser hair removal. They may advise you to have a trial session to see if this method is suitable for you. I have had Laser Hair Removal Vancouver and can highly recommend them.
  • 06-29-2022 07:27 AM
    I don't think laser hair removal of the transplanted hair will be any different than hair removal of native hair. However, it is still necessary to consult a specialist. I know my friend who lives in London found a clinic for a similar problem on beaulaser.co.uk. Proper preparation for laser hair removal is the key to obtaining the desired result without negative consequences. Therefore it is necessary to treat preparatory procedures responsibly, not ignore the doctor's recommendations, and ask questions on unclear points.
  • 08-29-2022 11:06 PM
    Hair removal will not be needed if you decide to go with the FUE LA HAIR TRANSPLANTS. But if you go with FUT (strip) method, you will need to remove hair from the donor area since it will be visible to others after surgery (especially if you are taking your shirt off). The good news is that the area doesn't need to be shaved. You can just tweeze the hair or use an electric trimmer. If you do choose to shave it, then it will need to be shaved again when the incision is closed with thread.


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