• 04-13-2018 12:20 PM
    Best way to avoid propecia side effects
    If You are having sexual side effects from propecia or finasteride the best way to fix that is adding t estesterone once weekly. 1 injection every two weeks of cypionate will completely stop sexual sides. If you have a problem with injections you can use test. Pills or cream. As far as gyno ( bitch tits) use Clomid or arimidex which will block estrogen and reverse aby damage.
  • 04-13-2018 03:16 PM
    Thats crazy. Propecia is already going to be raising your test levels a bit. Where can you get Estrogen Blocker tho? besides begging your doc.
  • 04-13-2018 05:33 PM
    Napsgear.org is a good source
  • 04-13-2018 05:34 PM
    Why is it crazy . I'm not saying to take 500+ mg I'm just saying 200 mg every 2 weeks. Trust me you will feel great and if you work out you will see good results
  • 04-13-2018 05:36 PM
    But napsgear.org and look under post cycle and ancillary items to find all kinds of estrogen blockers
  • 04-13-2018 05:37 PM
    Arimidex and clomid work great
  • 04-16-2018 07:05 AM
    Tesosterone will only work if ones natural T are already borderline low. However, dht is also responsible for libido to an extent and getting dht too low is the true issue. Also, there is speculation that propecia can destroy certain cells in the penis , prostate, and seminal tubes. This is speculation.
  • 04-16-2018 09:56 PM
    Even if your levels are not low , an increase in testosterone will still increase libido in a major way. Anyone taking anabolic steroids will tell you that sex drive goes thru the roof


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