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  • 04-27-2012 10:22 PM
    Mojo Risin
    I'm starting to believe there won't be a cure in my lifetime (I'm in my 20s).

    I'll have to change my avatar of Troll Cotsarelis for Troll David Hall.
  • 04-27-2012 10:53 PM
    Okay, if they don't release the results over the weekend (and they probably won't), they will be released either Monday morning prior to the market open or after the market closes. Based upon the retraction, the stock could sell off heavily first thing in the morning.

    If the results are actually decent, they have a moral obligation to release it over the weekend or in the morning pre-open, otherwise the shares could plummet in the AM, and then shoot back up again Tuesday. In order to avoid this, Replicel should disclose results pre-open. This would cut down on needless volatility.
  • 04-27-2012 11:17 PM

    Originally Posted by lpenergy View Post
    Okay, if they don't release the results over the weekend (and they probably won't), they will be released either Monday morning prior to the market open or after the market closes. Based upon the retraction, the stock could sell off heavily first thing in the morning.

    If the results are actually decent, they have a moral obligation to release it over the weekend or in the morning pre-open, otherwise the shares could plummet in the AM, and then shoot back up again Tuesday. In order to avoid this, Replicel should disclose results pre-open. This would cut down on needless volatility.

    I agree. I smell a class action lawsuit if they **** this up more than they already have so far.
  • 04-27-2012 11:43 PM

    Originally Posted by Mojo Risin View Post
    I'm starting to believe there won't be a cure in my lifetime (I'm in my 20s).

    I'll have to change my avatar of Troll Cotsarelis for Troll David Hall.

    Of course there will....Give it another 5-10 years. And if there isnt a cure by then, just give it another 5-10. But just in case there still isnt one, just give it another 5-10 years..................
  • 04-28-2012 12:29 AM
    Sorry if it's already been mentioned, but the treatment has already proven safe, so it seems they will continue with their phases, and hopefully they have at least some results in some patients to be able to work with for the next phase. I'm a little confused in what I'm gathering from you all, is it that they haven't shown results yet or is it that there are no good results?
  • 04-28-2012 12:42 AM
    Does not look good.

    Oh well, Monday to be sure.

    We are all going to be bald forever!
  • 04-28-2012 12:43 AM
    Replicel has misled us.

    Originally Posted by VictimOfDHT View Post
    Of course there will....Give it another 5-10 years. And if there isnt a cure by then, just give it another 5-10. But just in case there still isnt one, just give it another 5-10 years..................

    It's always 5 more years. I'm really bummed over this distressing news. I reallly thought this was the cure we hair loss sufferers were waiting for.
  • 04-28-2012 12:47 AM
    Think I will do micro pigmentation then. Well, there's still hoping for Histogen. Based on that before/after pic I saw, they should be able to develop a product within 5 years just from that. Even if it proves not effective for everyone, it should be a product if it has a chance of working that well.
  • 04-28-2012 01:03 AM
    What's really sickening is that all over the world, stem cells are being used all over the world to treat and cure various diseases RIGHT NOW, yet for hair loss, it seems like we're stuck with these companies being bogged down in extensive clinical trials and by the time that these companies are done with these clinical trials, we're all gonna be old men and will have lost precious years of our lives due to this hair loss disease. And these other stem cell treatments (to do such things as repair heart tissue and heal skin from burns) are performed by doctors in hospitals right now, not developed and attempted to be sold at a cost by commercial companies. Most doctors it seems won't perform these specialized stem cell treatments for hair loss probably because they see it as simply a "cosmetic issue", which is such a pile of horseshit. Hair loss is a disease that drastically and negatively affects nearly every aspect of the sufferer's life, and it really should be treated as such. What I wish would happen (and I'd bet it might) is that a doctor outside of the Western world will use some type of stem cell treatment that is very non-invasive, simpler than how complex we're lead to believe the process of hair loss actually is, and will grow a helluva lot more hair than the pathetic current treatments like the so-called Big 3. I've actually e-mailed several doctors outside the Western world about this; doctors that I've seen treat and somewhat cure diseases a hell of a lot more complicated than hair loss. I don't know, I just refuse to accept living with this hair loss and I will do everything I can to fight it. And I'm not just gonna sit back and wait years upon years while these companies plod through clinical trials only to have a viable treatment or cure for hair loss in 10 years. Sorry about ranting guys, but this hair loss disease is really something that we should have much better options for TODAY, and not 5-10 years from now. VictimOfDHT, I know you've echoed some of these sentiments in the past, and watch bro, I'm gonna have the same people on here on my tail arguing with me to death over this in literally a few hours!
  • 04-28-2012 01:24 AM
    Where is all of this "Replicel is doomed" hoopla coming from? The last I checked they haven't even released their results, and there are about a million equivocal reasons for why that might be. I've never seen a group of people jump to conclusions as aggressively as this forum does.


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