• 10-02-2014 10:19 AM
    Hairloss treatment volunteers
    Hi guys,
    I have been a frequent visitor of the forums for awhile but just joined today to make this post.
    I am in my late 20s and have been struggling with thinning hair for about 4 years(that's when I first realized). I have tried A handful of OTC treatments along with Minoxidil and Finasteride with the following results;

    Oral OTC supplements -I never saw a change good or bad

    Shampoos- No Noticeable difference

    Minoxidil-I was never able to stick with Minoxidil long because it would always cause a massive shed. I have tried different brands at different points and the longest run was for 2 months with no improvement and accelerated hair loss. I know a lot of information says that's part of the process but I could not deal with it mentally.

    Finasteride- The only thing I have definitively seen an improvement from.
    However with the hair improvement came the sides. Mainly sexual sides but also slight depression, and lack of motivation/ambitions. I struggled with these for quite awhile and stopped finasteride at certain points and experimented with different dosages and timing. Without getting to long winded, I eventually accepted the sides because of the noticeble improvements in hair. I struggle with the decision to use finasteride and almost feel like it changes who I am as a person
    I have been using 1mg daily for 13 months straight now.
    I can almost certainly say it has not caused any regrowth but as far as hairs lost per shower finasteride cuts it In half.

    I have done a lot of reading and trial and error over the past few years and have finally come up with something that has worked better than anything I have tired. It is a topical solution I created that I use 6 nights a week before bed. I have used the formulation for 11 weeks now and I have had dramatic results. For the past 10 months or so I take weekly videos of my scalp and track how many hairs I lose per shower(how many I see on my hand after shampooing). It has reduced my hairs lost to single digits for the first time in 3 years. I can't say anything as far as regrowth yet but my hair looks noticeably thicker.

    I have enlisted two friends to try out the solution. Both have been using for 3 weeks. One has seen a noticeable improvement and is texting me after every shower loll. The other has not noticed a change bad but has admitted to not following my direction.

    Now what I am looking for is a few people to try out the solution. I know it's a huge leap of faith to trust anyone with your hair but I know I was willing to try anything and wish I came up with this years ago. I am looking for a few men with similar hair loss to mine. A 2 on the Norwood scale and who pay attention to hairs lost In shower or on pillow which I assume Is most.

    Now I am not trying to sell anybody anything or promise some magical full head of hair.
    I am no expert or doctor. I am a systems analyst and sit at a computer 10 hours a day. All I am just trying to do is share what has worked for me and see if it works for others.

    The treatment is two different solutions that are applied every other night each 6 nights a week before bed. Then washed out in morning per normal showering routine.
    I don't want to talk about what's in the solution at this point but I can say its nothing groundbreaking or mysterious. All straightforward ingredients in a formulation that has given me the best results I have had.

    Thanks for reading if you were able to make it this far.
    Post with any questions and if your interested.
    Thanks all
  • 10-11-2014 06:41 PM
    I think I fit the profile and I'd be happy to help out and give it a try. Send me a message and let me know what I have to do!


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