• 02-07-2018 04:45 PM

    Originally Posted by jacknap View Post
    nice man! did u do anything in particular to recover?

    Well at first i obviously panicked so stopped taking propecia the instant i realised i wasnt quite right. Then spent the next 2-3 weeks taking vitamins to help with production of testosterone and libido. Think i migjt have put what i tool in my original posts. Apart from that i didnt nothing else apart from worry and cry a good few times lol. It just came back to me naturally like the one night i just knew something had clicked back to normal and things were back on track . Honestly mate if there was anything i did to help myself i would share it in a instant cause having a dick that dont work because of propecia is no joke. Also i think a bit of the problem at least for me probably 5% of the problem became mental like constantly thinking about it and thinking i cant get a boner just didnt help me. Dont get me wrong the issue was propecia but overthinking didnt help me. So 95% propecia and 5% mental but only after propecia ****ed me up if you understand me. Im the type of guy that can just kiss my girlfriend and instantly get turned on, watching porn as well but when i had my crash if thats what people call it i couldnt even get mildly aroused watching shit loads of porn ( i didnt have a gf at this point). But yeah possibly my saving grace was telling a friend about it so someone knew what i was going through and just working, if i didnt have a job i probably would of been toast because too much thinking is not a good thing when left alone for long periods of time.
    Anyway have a read and reply, i ll come back and try to answer any questions u boys might have.
    Gotta spread the positive vibes because if it helps but 1 person i ll be happy cause there wasnt any positive posts out there when i was struggling. Best wishes lads, i ll be back. :)
  • 02-07-2018 06:01 PM

    Originally Posted by Dr Dan McGrath View Post
    Dear Aznstan,
    Great question. The truth is that all the hair on your head is going to be affected to one degree or another by the presence of DHT.
    The donor hair we use for transplant should not be affected to any great degree such that it would not grow. Having said that though when you look at the donor hair region of a patient who uses propecia you can't argue with the fact that the hair in its caliper size(shaft size) gets bigger.
    So the use of propecia in a hair transplant is twofold really, protecting the existing hair and helping to thicken up the donor hair which of course will translate into a better cosmetic result with the transplant.

    Hope this helps,

    Dr Dan

    I had transplants and when I later started taking propecia, not only did the transplanted hairs grow better but also the hair remaining in my donor area covered my scalp better.
  • 11-06-2018 05:28 AM
    Long story short + sharing the experience :There is no set time when a man should ejaculate during sex. But it’s probably too soon if you have an orgasm before intercourse or less than a minute after you start. It’s a problem because when you ejaculate you lose your erection and can’t continue having sex. You and your partner may feel there’s not enough time to enjoy it. It’s a common issue for men. I am personally have checked a bunch of mediCations, mediTations, sessions with a psychologist - and finally, last Friday, have found the thing priligy https://worldpharm365.com/product/pr...-with-bitcoin/ - now the sheriff has back in town, fellas!
  • 12-04-2018 10:20 PM

    Originally Posted by inbrugge View Post
    I used topical fin for about a month at a low dosage, and some RU for about 2 weeks.

    Just within that short period, I developed gyno and delivered a blow to my libido. Luckily, after dropping the pills, my libido somewhat recovered (still not where I used to be).

    It's been about 1.5-2 years since I quit, and I'm still not back to 100%. I feel very lucky that I still get morning wood and can pop an erection if I have to (sometimes have to warm up a bit). And my ejaculate is still not as full as it used to be (not as watery as when I was using the pills).

    Has anyone here seen a doctor and got some advice from them regarding usage?
    Any positive stories about improvement due to treatments?


    hey dude I crashed from using ru58841 myself. MY libido is still not back to normal 1.5 years later. Recovered about 50% from absolute nothing? I post on swole source so make an account an message me there cause I doubt I'll remember to check this site. I'm doing cdnuts protocol which he used to recover from post finasteride syndrome. It helps but having another RU crash guy along for the ride would be cool cause I do get paranoid since I crashed from RU not fin.

    Is your libido back to normal? For me remaining sides are often I can't stay asleep like I used too, my face is a bit puffier than it used too, libido is not that high and I don't get aroused as easily. And a slight twitch on my right jaw. If you look at my thread on swole source I say my exact story and what not about it.
  • 12-05-2018 03:16 PM
    Too bad the the original poster didn't come back to update on his situation. I'd be so curious. I hope everybody else recovered from sides. It's interesting that almost every drug meant for hair loss has the possibility of killing one's sexual drive and boners (finasteride does, RU seems to do it, dutasteride, beta sitosterol, even SP could do)... what shitty options...


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