• 06-16-2015 03:36 PM

    Originally Posted by point02hairs View Post
    Registered solely to reply to this thread. In my experience, a hair transplant is by far the least desirable solution for baldness. The reason being was that as I grew older and more OK with the idea of shaving my head, I had this giant scar to contend with, plunging my confidence back to my early 20's.

    Further surgery was totally out of the question, and a hair piece feels more fake than an interested stripper. All my other non SMP tattoo's feel apart of me.

    I'm ok being bald at this point. I wasn't OK with others knowing I had a transplant. SMP helped me deal with the later. And in the end, confidence is truly the only solution to baldness. There's my .02

    no offense but that made me LOL. a HT is the least desirable solution for baldness? really? typical response from someone who can't afford a HT but can surely afford SMP and has now convinced himself that SMP is a better alternative then a HT. well, let me give you the FACTS! it not!
  • 06-17-2015 06:09 AM
    Hair transplants are a wonderful solution for MPB! I've almost completely restored my hair via 3 strip surgeries and 1 small FUE. It's look incredible and I'm very happy I did it. My crown was a bit thin still so I had Milena Lardi do SMP to thicken it up. I loved the results and that's when I decided to get trained and open my own SMP clinic.

    Since then I've had clients who do not want to opt for surgery and like the idea of a no-maintenance hairloss solution that gives the appearance of a shaved head. One recent client even works as a tech for a HT surgeon. I'll be posting his results soon. His cousin on the other hand, opted to go for FUE surgery. At one point we may enhance his density with some SMP.

    The point is there are several great options these days for people to address their hairloss, and technology is only making things better. I think it's easy to forget that not so long ago people were subject to nasty HT plugs or having to wear an odd-looking wig (these days even the new hair systems look pretty good) to cope with MPB.
  • 06-22-2015 06:44 PM
    Everyone's hairloss situation is different so its impossible to say which is the best solution for everyone. I'd say if your a NW2-3 with stable hairloss (its stayed the same way for a few years) then you'd be a good candidate for a hair transplant. If your a NW4-5 than a hair transplant is still an option but you may not get the results your hopping for, especially at the tune $15-$20 thousand for it. At a NW6-7 there really is no options, its SMP or bust.

    I'm a NW7 myself and tried a wig for a few months. It was very uncomfortable. I couldn't imagine wearing that for the rest of my life. To me a wig is not a viable hairloss solution.

    I've been researching SMP for about 6 months and have seen 100's of photos. It wasn't till last week that I had a chance to see it in person. I made an appointment with two of the major SMP clinics in the NYC area, just for the sake of seeing it in person, and I have to say I'm very impressed. I saw one guy who had it done over 10 years ago, another guy who had it for 3 years and I saw two people getting the treatment done while I was there. To all the nay sayers... SMP is the real deal. I don't think anyone on the street would be able to tell.


hair transplant surgeons

» The Bald Truth