• 04-02-2009 12:12 AM
    Wounding the scalp + Platelet Rich Plasma grows hair
    I don't want to get my hopes up, but this looks very exciting. Check out the ABC video.

    Thoughs? Comments?
  • 04-02-2009 07:39 PM
    It certainly is exciting. I like the immediate regrowth and that there is no need for incision -- but I have serious concerns about the need to go back every year -- is it just one hair cycle of growth and then it's gone? I'm also skeptical that Dr. Greco is not an IAHRS surgeon. I don't know the man, and he may be making a huge breakthough, but why wouldn't he have been recognized by the IAHRS if he's been around a long time and is good at what he does (not to mention being sort of a pioneer)?

    Thanks for the link though! I'm definitely interested in hearing an informed response from Spencer or one of the other hair gurus on this site.

  • 04-02-2009 08:11 PM
    Hmmmm ... interesting. This may sound very weird, but the first thing I noticed when I watched the video is that the doctor in it (Doctor Greco) does not appear to me an MD or a DO. It seems he has a PhD. I have never heard of a PhD doing any sort of "surgery" on a human before. Maybe I am wrong, but that's what I noticed almost immediately.

  • 04-03-2009 02:23 PM
    This does sound exciting, if anything, doesn't this show that we are on the right path? I wonder if any IAHRS would be willing to experiment with this. It's kind of a bummer that we have to wait around for the studies to be done, but has anyone even started doing the studies now (through the FDA)? If not, then why? I feel like we could be losing precious time, but thats my opinion.
  • 04-03-2009 06:06 PM
    Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy Info
    Interesting news piece illustrating how PRP works for healing injuries.

  • 04-04-2009 09:57 AM
    This looks VERY exciting. Since we're not talking about having to push a drug through the FDA, I’m assuming that doctors who are willing to offer this technique can begin offering it at any time. I’m a right about this?
  • 04-04-2009 10:07 AM
    wow... I'm really excited then, just by the simple fact that Dr. Feller believes it works so soon. I commend Dr. Feller for making my day because usually he's very skeptical and wants real proof.... so, if Dr. Feller thinks it works, then I know it works. Also, I must commend you again for starting this type of treatment before the summer ends... what a good day for the hair loss community!
  • 04-05-2009 10:06 AM
    This is unbelivable news!!! There has to be more to this. What are the side effects? Will all IAHRS doctors be offering this? Dr. Feller when can I come to see you to have this done?
  • 04-05-2009 11:06 AM
    Call me a skeptic, but I don’t think is is going to be the cure that we are all hoping for. I hope I’m wrong, but I’ve been disappointed before.
  • 04-05-2009 11:39 AM

    It does not appear that this is the cure we are hoping for. However, if this is just another line of defense that we can add to minoxidil, finasteride, and dutasteride, this is wonderful news to a lot of people. These drugs work for some people and not others. Also, many people on the hair loss forums report that these drugs lose effectiveness over time. If PRP works to continue halting hair loss, this is huge.


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