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  • 03-21-2011 04:09 PM

    Originally Posted by thechamp View Post
    In the shower 15 20 hairs putting my hands threw after I shampoo

    Cant really expect constant non-shedding anyway - even non MPB sufferer's experience shedding as do cat's and dog's, see how it goes
  • 03-21-2011 04:17 PM
    I should be starting TRX within the next few days... At the moment, im shedding a fair bit.. probably notice 50+ a day when im sitting at my desk... Thing is, my scalp is in really poor condition at the moment.. It's itchy, with red lumps at the back... When I scratch is when I notice the hairs fall (they vary from medium thick, to fine in nature); similarly, when my scalp feels normal and healthy, I rarely notice any shedding, even going by the same methods. I went to the doc and he said I shampoo too much.. Instead of shampooing everyday, I should just cut it out altogether... Now he was eccentric, and I will continue to shampoo, but still think hes right in one respect: shampooing every day is probably removing all the natural oils, making my hair dry, whilst also causing my scalp to produce more sebum (which although gets cleaned off, might be bad for the roots of the hair in its excess). Does anyone else have this problem from washing every day or am I just over-sensitive to it?

    In any case, I don't think TRX2 will do much unless my scalp is healthy first. Also, if cutting down on the shampoo doesn't help, does anyone know much about PRP and if that can fix this kind of scalp related issue?

    *I should say that I will cut down shampooing to 4 days (hopefully) and see if that gradually helps.. to start off with, it should make it worse, seeing as I'll have to actually deal with the excess sebum that i'd usually just wash off, until my scalp stops over-producing it.. then hopefully cut down to 3 days a week. The problem really is, that I only starting shampooing so much, not because of itchiness, but because it makes my hair more manageable. Im half-tempted to just cut my hair short and cut down 3 days, cold-turkey.
  • 03-21-2011 04:21 PM

    Originally Posted by ohlife View Post
    I should be starting TRX within the next few days... At the moment, im shedding a fair bit.. probably notice 50+ a day when im sitting at my desk... Thing is, my scalp is in really poor condition at the moment.. It's itchy, with red lumps at the back... When I scratch is when I notice the hairs fall (they vary from medium thick, to fine in nature); similarly, when my scalp feels normal and healthy, I rarely notice any shedding, even going by the same methods. I went to the doc and he said I shampoo too much.. Instead of shampooing everyday, I should just cut it out altogether... Now he was eccentric, and I will continue to shampoo, but still think hes right in one respect: shampooing every day is probably removing all the natural oils, making my hair dry, whilst also causing my scalp to produce more sebum (which although gets cleaned off, might be bad for the roots of the hair in its excess). Does anyone else have this problem from washing every day or am I just over-sensitive to it?

    In any case, I don't think TRX2 will do much unless my scalp is healthy first. Also, if cutting down on the shampoo doesn't help, does anyone know much about PRP and if that can fix this kind of scalp related issue?

    Sounds like you haven't used Nizoral before? Unless i'm mistaken? I'm sure that would help get your scalp back into tip-top condition used two/three time per week, it helps me a great deal.
  • 03-21-2011 04:28 PM
    Yeah I have been using it about 2-3 times a week, and it seemed to help for a while, but my scalps just too dry to handle it now. Like I said, I dont think the problem is from fungal issues related to DHT, but just washing it in general too often, cleaning the natural oils off the scalp. I may just cut down to 3 washes a week full stop, with Nizoral as my only shampoo, which would probably be the best of both worlds. JCM, how many times a week do you actually wash your hair?

    *Also, I should note that not only is it true that when I scratch is when my hair falls out, but if i do this at the very back of my head (the so called donor area), even at the very bottom of the back, hairs fall out - even thick ones.
  • 03-21-2011 04:34 PM

    Originally Posted by ohlife View Post
    Yeah I have been using it about 2-3 times a week, and it seemed to help for a while, but my scalps just too dry to handle it now. Like I said, I dont think the problem is from fungal issues related to DHT, but just washing it in general too often, cleaning the natural oils off the scalp. I may just cut down to 3 washes a week full stop, with Nizoral as my only shampoo, which would probably be the best of both worlds. JCM, how many times a week do you actually wash your hair?

    I wash my hair quite regularly, every other day usually. I certainly wouldnt over do it with Nizoral - i have been using a herbal shampoo called Avalon as well, but that actually does dry my scalp too much, so wouldn't recommend that.

    I do also use Johnsons baby shampoo, thats very mild and might be of use to you?
  • 03-21-2011 04:56 PM
    Yeah, I mean like I said, every other day day isn't too bad, at least compared to every day. I think I'd do well to cut down on overall shampooing to at least 4 times a week (hopefully at least 3), to prevent my scalp from drying out, and when I do shampoo to use something like nizoral/baby shampoo. It's a catch22 though, because in doing so I sacrifice the short-term benefits of washing every day (i.e. being able to manage my hair so it doesn't look like its thinning), for the chance that it may help in the long run (giving it a chance to hang around for a bit longer). It's just really hard for me to embrace my hair loss and put it on display for every one to see, which is what would actually result from cutting down on the washing
  • 03-21-2011 05:09 PM
    Yeah it's tricky, I like to wash frequently simply because it gives me more volume.
    Not really looking forward to the summer either, damn rays of sun penetrate and expose me like nothing else.
  • 03-21-2011 07:38 PM
    Fixed by 35
    Okay, an update. This stuff is working, without a shadow of a doubt. Don't put the champagne on ice just yet, because I've only been taking TRX2 for four weeks and the results are minimal, but there are a handful of darkening, small hairs at the front and my hair is less dry and straw like. Whether this develops into anything more substantial remains to be seen but this product has already done what eight years of minoxidil, propecia, avodart, Revivogen, Procerin, Thymuskin (yeah, I really was stupid enough to use this stuff), saw palmetto, nettle root and ketokonazole couldn't.

    For the record, I am not taking any other product at the moment (not even ketokonazole shampoo). The only other possibility is that the half life of dutasteride is incomplete, although I am doubtful of this as it was never effective at regrowth before anyway.
  • 03-21-2011 07:59 PM

    Originally Posted by Fixed by 35 View Post
    Okay, an update. This stuff is working, without a shadow of a doubt. Don't put the champagne on ice just yet, because I've only been taking TRX2 for four weeks and the results are minimal, but there are a handful of darkening, small hairs at the front and my hair is less dry and straw like. Whether this develops into anything more substantial remains to be seen but this product has already done what eight years of minoxidil, propecia, avodart, Revivogen, Procerin, Thymuskin (yeah, I really was stupid enough to use this stuff), saw palmetto, nettle root and ketokonazole couldn't.

    For the record, I am not taking any other product at the moment (not even ketokonazole shampoo). The only other possibility is that the half life of dutasteride is incomplete, although I am doubtful of this as it was never effective at regrowth before anyway.

    Did Dut stop your hairloss at least? Why you stop taking it? I know this isn't the thread but I'm trying it now and was considering trx2. Did you experience any testicle pain? My right nut hurts ha. For almost a week, goes and comes back. If you want to reply on another thread, it's cool, I just wanted to take advantage right here since you brought it up. Maybe you can help me out with your experience. Thanks
  • 03-21-2011 09:10 PM
    Fixed by 35
    I stopped taking dutasteride because:

    1) It's expensive;
    2) It didn't work at all after taking it for two years;
    3) It's apparently bad for the liver (no idea if this is true);
    4) Because it isn't sold as a hair loss drug, it's hard to get hold of and difficult to ascertain whether the product received is real or not.

    'Nut pain' is a symptom I've heard of. If you're prepared to have 'nut pain' to save your hair, you might as well castrate yourself!

    I also thought long and hard about the benefits of taking anti-androgens and decided I was treating a symptom rather than a cause. I take the view that taking anti-androgens for hair loss is, in the long term, about as effective as putting a plaster (bandaid for the yanks) on a haemophiliac.

    I base this theory on the idea that all men produce DHT and most hair is not susceptible to it. After all, we don't all become Pierluigi Collina because of DHT. The problem is not DHT; it's our scalp hair's reaction to it.

    Thus, any cure for hair loss will treat our scalp hair's problem, not the DHT itself. Now, I'm no scientist, but I base my theory on experience. Blocking androgens never worked for me.


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