• 08-09-2017 06:37 AM
    Dr. Lindsey
    Nice early growth on hairline repair at 8 months Dr. Lindsey
    Some of you guys may recall our patient from last winter. He's a 66 year old guy who had a bunch of "sprinkling" hair transplants over the years, has LIMITED donor hair, a tight scalp...and wants to define his hairline.

    He popped in this week with his NEW YOUNG WIFE and looks great...AND he has only just started to really grow in. He's a world traveller but I think we'll be able to get a real 15 month postop video when he's fully done...and as usual...the new wife asked if we could get another case out of him.... Newlyweds....

    The video is: http://vimeo.com/228964684

    AND his original video showing how we do hairline repairs is: http://vimeo.com/228966983

    Dr. Lindsey McLean VA


hair transplant surgeons

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