Anti Depressants???

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  • 12-02-2012 01:58 PM
    lol the difference between depressed people and non-depressed people is not the lack of prescriptions to anti-depressants... go for a walk or something. Anti depressants and hair loss will yield you 100 million results on google.
  • 12-02-2012 02:08 PM
    Breaking Bald

    Originally Posted by 2020 View Post
    lol the difference between depressed people and non-depressed people is not the lack of prescriptions to anti-depressants... go for a walk or something. Anti depressants and hair loss will yield you 100 million results on google.

    I don't think it is as simple as that mate!...Going for a walk will not solve my problems.
  • 12-02-2012 02:11 PM

    Originally Posted by 2020 View Post
    lol the difference between depressed people and non-depressed people is not the lack of prescriptions to anti-depressants... go for a walk or something. Anti depressants and hair loss will yield you 100 million results on google.

    It's not that simple 2020, it's a real disease that some people are prone to more than others.
    I do think all of us here have suffered with depression to varying degrees though. When I was about breaking bald's age I felt hopeless and was extremely depressed. I chose to get on Propecia which helped me with my hair loss and my depression but I think I was prone to depression way before I started to go bald. Delphi's suggestions are good ones as I have been exercising quite regularly for the past 5 years and find it very therapeutic. It's gives me an outlet and when I am finished with my daily routine I am in much better sprits for many hours.

    I do think that I have a chemical problem, but I don't want to take medication for it. I've been getting through it quite well and have more good days than bad days now. Drinking always makes it much worse for me the next day just like Delphi suggested.
  • 12-02-2012 02:28 PM
    Breaking Bald

    Originally Posted by J_B_Davis View Post
    It's not that simple 2020, it's a real disease that some people are prone to more than others.
    I do think all of us here have suffered with depression to varying degrees though. When I was about breaking bald's age I felt hopeless and was extremely depressed. I chose to get on Propecia which helped me with my hair loss and my depression but I think I was prone to depression way before I started to go bald. Delphi's suggestions are good ones as I have been exercising quite regularly for the past 5 years and find it very therapeutic. It's gives me an outlet and when I am finished with my daily routine I am in much better sprits for many hours.

    I do think that I have a chemical problem, but I don't want to take medication for it. I've been getting through it quite well and have more good days than bad days now. Drinking always makes it much worse for me the next day just like Delphi suggested.

    Yeah maybe a therapist is my best bet, shame they cost so much! What age are you now may I ask? Are you depressed now still?
  • 12-02-2012 03:32 PM
    Hey Breaking Bald

    Im 22 too and also thinning whilst on no medication at the moment. I won't lie, I hate waking up and seeing my hair thin, I hate looking in the mirror sometimes and seeing how people would judge me.

    But also, I try and try to go on with life as best as I can because I know in some areas, people really don't give a f*** if Im bald, they don't. Like at work, no one gives a crap, I just do my job, carry on as normal.

    My work paid for my counselling, six 1 hour sessions of CBT has given me a whole new perspective, Im trying to get to the gym too (easier said then done) and just focus on other things.

    My advice is, if you are feeling down and pretty down, a combination of CBT, Anti-depressants (through a GP or therapist) would be beneficial. Plus if you're using hair meds, my friend, I would say carry on with life, you're fighting your battle and that has to be your motivation, it will become mine.
  • 12-02-2012 03:52 PM
    Breaking Bald
    I know man, I am losing ground fast! But I'm honestly so scared about playing Russian roulette with my hormones. If I got ED can you imagine how much worse my depression would be? Plus I heard it can cause depression too?

    I have suffered depression before hair loss as well due to family issues but now its pretty much down to my hair loss. But I am prone to being bipolar, it runs in my family.
  • 12-02-2012 07:38 PM
    25 going on 65
    Anti depressants helped me a little, but not much. I quit them.
    Your chances of experiencing sexual sides (including persistent ones) are as great or greater on anti depressants compared to finasteride. I had sexual sides on citralopram which was one reason I stopped using it.
    Funny enough, finasteride saved my sex life and probably has had a major role in treating my depression, in the sense of helping my self image. It is a huge burden off my mind to no longer be losing hair.

    However for some people with depression, anti depressants are an important part of treatment. Everyone is different, also the dose can make a big difference as some people need much more than others. You can talk to your doctor about them. If you decide to try anti depressants I would recommend trying therapy as well.
    Some things that help me manage depression are exercise, sleep, diet, sex and work. I regularly self medicated with pot and alcohol at one time, but in my experience they were not good long term treatments. I was just desperate for immediate relief at the time. (However some people seem to respond positively to pot when using it for depression....again everyone is different)
    Good luck. I know how horrible it can be when you're depressed, and would not wish it on anyone
  • 12-02-2012 08:32 PM
    I've suffered from depression and anxiety since I was a teen ager. I have tried many meds, but don't tolerate any of them well as they all cause me insomnia. I have found CBT quite helpful, but honestly, exercise is my greatest weapon in the arsenal to fight it. I had a shrink once tell me that half of all low to moderate depressions are cured by excercise.

    I think meds have there place - I just didn't do well on them.

    Think of fighting depression like fighting hair loss - a multipronged attack will yeid you the best results. With proper diet, excercise, Managing work and life stress, CBT and possibly meds you can beat it!
  • 12-02-2012 11:06 PM

    Originally Posted by Ktownmatti View Post
    I've suffered from depression and anxiety since I was a teen ager. I have tried many meds, but don't tolerate any of them well as they all cause me insomnia. I have found CBT quite helpful, but honestly, exercise is my greatest weapon in the arsenal to fight it. I had a shrink once tell me that half of all low to moderate depressions are cured by excercise.

    I think meds have there place - I just didn't do well on them.

    Think of fighting depression like fighting hair loss - a multipronged attack will yeid you the best results. With proper diet, excercise, Managing work and life stress, CBT and possibly meds you can beat it!

    The above is the best option. Since noticing my hair shedding, I've joined a gym, Im eating better. Still waiting on decent treatments from my GP, appointment this week to look at my bloodwork...

    But in answer to your original question, the above is good, but I think knowing you're actually 'taking it on' can also be a major boost.
  • 12-03-2012 09:38 AM
    Mind over matter.

    My best friend was balding since high school and always had severe cyst acne and this guy doesn't give a rats ass. His in the chubby side and really paled. He never cares about what people think about him, he will laugh in there faces and walk away. I've never seen him depress or cry, always out and about doing fun activities. Hitting up chicks and just being him, his currently in the military and he doesn't give a flying ****. That's the type of attitude you need mate.


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