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  • 04-15-2012 12:46 AM

    Originally Posted by Jack21 View Post
    I HATE being back on this forum. I hate trying to defend myself online. I mean at the end of the day you're going to believe what you're going to believe and there is really nothing I can do or say to convince you otherwise.

    The picture of me with my hands taped? There's really no good reason why I took that picture. Maybe I was pissed off that day. Maybe I was just trying to look like a badass. I don't know. I take stupid pictures in the mirror sometimes. I can't be the only guy on earth who does that.

    As for me not being me....well I'm not sure how to address that one. I know that there is a personal message feature on this website, no? Send me a personal message and I'll give you my e-mail or my facebook. You are more than welcome to be a facebook friend and to peruse the hundreds of pictures of me on there....not all of them stupid mirror poses (but there are some).

    I guess I should be thankful that all you made fun of me for is trying to act like a tough guy.

    I don't know what else to say, jhol. I'm not anyone from AC. I'm me. I'll find a picture of me not being a tough guy to attach.



    Yea man I'll take you up on that. Message me your facebook link so I can see your results and see that you are who you say you are.
  • 04-15-2012 09:51 AM
    After spending hours online doing even more research, I just can't believe the lies that Artistry Concepts spews out about its competitors. On the following website ( they recently created bashing His Hair Clinic they make some very outrageous claims, which they cannot back up, nor do they show any links to where any of what they claim, can be viewed. However having combed over the His Hair Clinic website, I can't find any of the stuff they claim that HIS has said/done about them.

    I'm sorry but a company that goes around creating websites with false information about its competitors really must have a lot of time on their hands. The following statement made me laugh:

    "FALSE Mark Weston Posts as Happy Clients on Hair Loss Forums"

    I think Mark, you will find that to be TRUE, you have been busted many times in the past, happy clients posting in the lobby! Does that ring any bells?

    Another statement on there:

    "FALSE Mark Weston Banned From Hair Loss Forums"

    Really? Maybe you have a different understanding of the word BANNED.

    Mark Weston even claims on there "It has also come to our attention that several of HIS Hair Clinic's clients claimed that they have been told what to and what not to say on the HIS Forum."

    I've read the HIS Hair Clinic forum and I have seen many posts on their showing HIS Hair clinic in a negative light, or that some members don't like Ian Watsons 'hair', however all them posts remain and don't get deleted. There are countless threads of happy/not so happy clients, one or two that want the process reversed etc. So as usual Mark Weston is talking out of his rear end, when he claims that people are told what to and what not to post on there.

    He even bashes Good Look Ink on his website and its only a matter of time before he creates a special website bashing them as well. Business must really be real slow out in Englewood if he has time to create various websites bashing competitors and posting as 'happy' clients on forums.

    All power to you if you think that going to AC is for you. But for me or anyone who does their homework will realise that is not the place where you would want to let anyone anywhere near my head.
  • 04-15-2012 10:06 AM
    jholcollege11, I believe this is the link you are trying to post:

    There are countless cases of people posting on there a few years after having gone to Artistry Concepts. See some of the examples below that can be seen from the link above. And no one can accuse these and other guys on there of being shills, as they have been members on that forum long before Artistry Concepts even started tattooing heads in 2009.

    "I met with a person who went to Artistry Concepts and all the dots pretty much bled together or just turned into a large blob instead of a tiny dot. I wasn't impressed."
    jasonshadow - Member Since 10/16/2005

    Yeah, it looked great at first, but now I literally have a line in the front of my head. I grew my hair out, so kind of tough to see now, but I need to get it fixed asap.
    gap2117 - Member Since 05/05/2007

    There are many 'happy' clients posting on this forum that they have just had the treatment done at AC and they are over the moon. Well the guys above are posting what has happened a few years later. Do you really want your head to turn out like that?

    Seriously guys do your homework, this is not some little tattoo somewhere on your body which you can cover up, this is going to be on the top of your head!!!
  • 04-15-2012 10:30 AM
    Yes, I came across that hairlosstruth crap a few weeks back and got a nice laugh. ON ACs website they talk so much about what can happen if you go to one of their competitors, the UK based one in particular (real subtle) and talk so much about pigments bleeding together and migrating. If you look on page 15 of that link morrison posted it has ac clients talking about their hairline tats blended together creating one straight line- Exactly what ac warns will happen with other providers. I agree with morrison that business must be slow for them to have all this time to bash HIS and GLI, but the more important issue is that it clearly reveals their character or lack thereof. I am wary of any business that acts in such a low class manner b/c if they are so hateful to their competition, what is going to happen when the client calls them and says they are having trouble with the pigments blending together and need an enhancement?? They will get very angry and tell you that is impossible b/c their achm2 method couldnt do that and then they will proceed to blame you (the client) saying you must have not followed aftercare. On that link morrison posted, a guy by screen name dht assassin says that when he asked about a particular style he wanted for his hairline, Gale- Mark's wife- responded saying that "Mark will determine the style you need. He is the artist and no one can tell him how to do his job." WOW!
  • 04-15-2012 12:32 PM
    I guess jack 21 was bluffing, no Facebook link from him yet
  • 04-15-2012 02:54 PM
    I sent you the link
    I sent you the link to my fb page.


    Originally Posted by jholcollege11 View Post
    I guess jack 21 was bluffing, no Facebook link from him yet

  • 04-15-2012 03:32 PM
    I had a hair transplant almost ten years ago which left me with an enormous, horrible, Frankenstein Monster scar at the back of my head. That HT was the worst decision of my life. I wrote about it extensively on here about 18 months ago before I went the "medical tattoo" route. If you search Jack 21, you'll see the thread that went on for weeks with a lot of people offering a lot of advice. Anyway, the one "positive" (if a positive can come from something that made me virtually suicidal) was that the hair transplanted to the top of my head took hold and grew (and continue to grow).

    As a result with the AC follicles and my own hair there is a good 3 D illusion. The thing of it is that in order to achieve the most realistic look my hair has to be very short. I mean I can grow my hair out to a #1 (what is that 1/4 inch?) but then the difference between my hair and the tattoo becomes more obvious. I don't go all the way down to no guard. I usually go with the #1 guard on the beard trimmer. Yesterday I actually used the #2 guard. For me that length of hair works the best.

    If you take a look at the never ending thread that I started 18 months or go you'll see my whole story. To make a long story short I dealt with SO many different people in the "hair restoration" industry who were scummy predators who know just how absolutely desperate bald/balding men are and lied to and cheated me. I have always felt that the gang at AC were the only people in this whole ordeal who ever treated me with respect and kindness.

    Anyway, whatever you do, do not get a hair transplant.


    Originally Posted by jholcollege11 View Post
    I hear ya man, but I think it depends on the amount of hair you already have going into it so that density can be achieved. I have a good amount but it is thin and I have fleshy spots, but I wouldnt mind doing the 0 guard thing either. Are you happy with the 1 guard cut?

  • 04-15-2012 04:03 PM
    last thing - check your profile
    I don't know how long you've been on here, but you have a personal profile page where I've sent you my e-mail, and now my facebook and a couple of other notes. Just click on your own screen name. I think that will take you there.


    Originally Posted by jholcollege11 View Post
    I guess jack 21 was bluffing, no Facebook link from him yet

  • 04-15-2012 04:43 PM
    Jack, I've commented on your posts a bit last year. Glad to see you're doing better and that what you've done has worked for me. The issue that I see with head tattooing would be that if a woman that you're with wants to feel your head but then feels no stubble of hair where the micro-pigmented tattoos are. What are your thoughts on that?
  • 04-15-2012 05:19 PM
    stubble on top
    Hey, good to hear from you again. The ONE good thing that I have going for me is that I still have a fair amount of hair on top. It is not enough to look like anything but a wispy, ugly mess when grown out, but when shaved it feels like stubble. When I rub the top of my head it feels the same as rubbing the sides of my head. I have not had any "incidents of detection" in intimate situations. What I have had a lot of is "Why do you shave your head? You're not balding?" or "Why don't you just grow that hair out?"


    Originally Posted by DepressedByHairLoss View Post
    Jack, I've commented on your posts a bit last year. Glad to see you're doing better and that what you've done has worked for me. The issue that I see with head tattooing would be that if a woman that you're with wants to feel your head but then feels no stubble of hair where the micro-pigmented tattoos are. What are your thoughts on that?


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