Don't Have Children

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  • 04-08-2010 02:24 AM
    Fixed by 35
    Only two things will solve the problem. The first is 'acceptance.' This involves going through years of denial and lying to myself and my friends to pretend that baldness is no big thing. The lies include:

    1) Telling myself I'm not wasting my time when I'm shaving my head every single day for the rest of my life, because I'll look really 'good.' This version of acceptance works when you've got so used to the ugly bald face staring back at you that you think you look 'okay.'

    2) Pretending to be confident around others. Acceptance comes when I've so cleverly deceived myself that I am actually confident around others, even when they're making their low brow jokes that are about as funny as getting cancer. This deception is fragile though, and can shatter at any moment, so personally I would consider it a bit dangerous.

    3) Deceiving myself into believing the reason every prematurely bald man I've ever known spent most of their lives as an underachiever had nothing to do with their baldness. The fact that bald men on average earn 20% less has nothing to do with their baldness. Of course it doesn't!

    Alternatively, instead of being an idiot, I could devote my time to finding a cure. That is a solution that really will change my life and the lives of millions of others. In the mean time, with no cure available, the best remedy is prevention. But by all means go and have a slap head child if you want, they'll eventually hate you for putting them on the earth just to live the life of a loser, but it'll be fun whilst they're at home. A bit like having a pet for a few years I suppose.

    And if you don't think they'll eventually hate you, believe me they will. You think baldness is bad now? It'll be worse in the future. Image is becoming everything in an era which has no time to get to know people. I haven't spoken to my parents for about five months since my mother cracked a bald joke and believe me the likelihood is your children will do that too.
  • 04-17-2010 02:10 AM
    Dude what the hell.

    You are totally wrong about the children thing.

    If I was totally 100% bald right now. Would I not want a life? Why would children be mad at their dad for having a bald gene? He can't control it.

    A LIFE?

    Seriously dude.

    Besides. Every generation believes there will be a cure probably. But I am fairly certain with regenerative medicine in OUR time we will find a cure.

    You need to change your views on this.
  • 04-17-2010 11:12 AM
    Never going to change. For many of us who are somewhat older and had no cure what good does a cure do for us? Can you guarantee a cure is coming? They said the same stuff in 1990- Guess what? Never happened and my hopes were crushed. No kids for me period. I would never do this to anyone. Perhaps you feel different. Everyone is entitled to his/her opinion. I have met many who feel the same as myself at alopecia meetings, hair replacement centers and of course here online. Don't think that I am alone trust me I am not. I am most likely slightly older and more experienced in life than most here. Never, ever have children. Blessed are those who are never born. You cannot change minds but keep trying. :o
  • 04-17-2010 12:57 PM
    Wow, baldness is really a sad destroys lives. Clearly it has impacted your life a lot.

    I am sorry to hear that...I am just in the early stages. But I can imagine if I was N6 life would suck...

    Geez man. I dunno what to say. I know that id rather live though. wtf
  • 04-17-2010 03:18 PM
    Yeah I am afraid baldness has truly ruined me in many ways. I have come a long way with the corrective surgery and must put on a good front as far as work and socializing. I have lost many so called friends though. Most people do not understand. One must go on but the state of mind that baldness causes is purely traumatic. It will most likely be this way forever but I will continue through the surgical route. It is my only hope and has worked very well as far as that goes. There really is no other choice. I am hoping though that one day I will live rather than exist. It truly plays a role in how we feel about ourselves. A lot of it of course is psychological. Mind over matter- but very difficult to do.
  • 04-17-2010 10:03 PM

    Originally Posted by Fixed by 35 View Post
    . I haven't spoken to my parents for about five months since my mother cracked a bald joke and believe me the likelihood is your children will do that too.

    Wow. That was pretty cruel of your Mom. Has she apologized to you?
  • 04-18-2010 04:50 PM
    What bald joke did she crack?

    I remember when I was really young I used to crack a bald joke at my dad now and then. He never cared...or atleast that was what I thought. Balding definitely gives you a whole new look on things. I regret doing that, not that I did it to a cap extent.

    I also remember back in primary school. There was a guy who came to perform...I can't remember what he did exactly...

    But when he was done with his performance one of the children just wanted to be "nice" and to greet the guy and kinda be "friendlike" he didn't mean it or really think anything of balding or so. The kid said "Yeah! baldie, cheers man!"

    He screamed that. Everyone heard it in the hall. I remember the look on one of the female teachers' face...she was OMG!

    The look on her face definitely said "oh no balding sucks, bald people are ugly dont make fun of them"


    Many of my friends have made me lift my hair at my hairline to see where its at...really annoying.

    Recently a friend of my brother called ME baldy...just kinda casual jokingly you know I said something semi offensive like hey dummy whatcha doin here eating our food again you know just kinda make him feel bad and we always joke around and stuff you know good friends...then he says "yeah baldy" I just smiled and walked away. At the time I was kinda really annoyed by it. I didn't think it was that apparant that I was balding. But other people definitely notice it because some people have really full hairlines.

    once again I end a post in saying....i hope minox and finasteride work for me...i hope I can regain some lost hairs.
  • 05-02-2010 06:20 PM
    I started going bald around 16. I was already going through bouts of severe depression so nothing seemed to matter to me. I've been going through cycles of depression for as long as I can remember so I can't blame it on my hair loss but it certainly hasn't helped.

    I'm now 23 with a norwood 7 hair line and I shave my head every other day. As someone who lost their hair young I will attest that it has affected me profoundly. People have played it off as no big deal on those rare occasions that I said anything about it and it infuriates me. I'll put a challenge to anyone who says it's no big deal. Let me buzz cut you and then use a razor to simulate that classic horseshoe look on your head. Let's see how all that charm and wit fairs for you.

    I was cynical before it started falling out but certainly no one would argue that hair loss is an uplifting experience.

    The difference a hat makes in how people see me...
  • 05-02-2010 06:23 PM
    Yeah...back when started noticing my hair fall out it sucked so bad.

    That day that I realized I would never have the hair that I always had again... totally sucked. I guess we get used to that.

    Then lose some more damn hair and go through that all over again....

    Stupid hair loss...
  • 05-03-2010 06:14 AM
    I'm three years off 40, and I have no children.

    I'm a straight guy and single. I have just never met the right woman. :D

    I also don't want to be tied down. I might have children, you never know. Maybe when I'm 75, my sexy female carer might take advantage of me and give me a few kids.:eek::D


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