Hair Restoration

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  • 06-20-2011 09:07 PM
    Hair Restoration
    I am a 45 year old woman with thinning hair and was considering getting a hair restoration treatment done. Can anyone explain how the procedure is done and whether it is painful?
  • 06-29-2011 11:49 AM
    Hair is taken from the donor region (the back) and placed in the front /thinning/bald areas.

    There is relatively little pain involved however make sure you do your research and make sure HT surgery is for you:cool:
  • 08-18-2011 10:42 PM

    Originally Posted by johnhelen69 View Post
    I am a 45 year old woman with thinning hair and was considering getting a hair restoration treatment done. Can anyone explain how the procedure is done and whether it is painful?

    Hi Johnhelen69,

    from what I hear hair transplantation is not very painful, you would feel more discomfort than anything. I am not a doctor, and neither am I proponent of ht, but the truth is that, few women have success with it because of the type of hair loss they experience. make sure you do your research and find a very qualified and experienced dr that is used to giving great results.

    What other treatments have you tried?
  • 09-06-2011 05:32 PM
    Info. on Hair Transplant surgeons
    Has anyone ever had anything done by Dr. Craig Ziering? I am looking to go to him for a hair transplant and was wondering if anyone had any helpful information about him. I am a 30 year old women with thinning on the top of my head and part. I have also been looking into Dr. Timothy Carmen.Thank you for any and all help.
  • 03-05-2012 05:40 AM
    Jeffrey Epstein, MD
    Wow - this is a huge question. I strongly suggest you visit a few
    doctors' websites and learn a lot more about this procedure. And no -
    performed with care, the actual transplant is virtually painless,
    although especially the first night there can be some pain in the donor
  • 07-23-2014 01:12 AM
    Hair restoration is an procedure where we get replaced our hair in that there are too types of hair treatment FUE and FUT and it depends upon the treatment which you choose.
  • 08-06-2014 05:02 AM
    The most common problem problem for hair loss in men and women both is genetic and one more reason is medication problem. Hair transplantation is the best way for both to get rid of hair loss problem and the different treatments for the hair loss problem. Hair transplant is involves using the synthetic or human hair to temporarily cover a bald spot and hair replacement systems requires quite bit professional hair styling to blend with your natural hair line.
  • 12-26-2014 05:30 AM
    After hair transplant surgery, your scalp may be very tender. You may need to take pain medications for several days. Your surgeon will have you wear a surgical dressing over the scalp for at least a day or two. Your surgeon may also prescribe an antibiotic and/or anti-inflammatory drug to be taken for several days following surgery. Most people are able to return to work two to five days after surgery.

    Within two to three weeks after surgery, the transplanted hair will fall out, but you should start to notice new growth within a few months. Most people will have attained 60% of new hair growth after six to nine months. Some surgeons prescribe the hair-growing drug minoxidil (Rogaine) to improve hair growth following transplantation, but it is not known how effective this is.
  • 10-03-2015 01:28 AM
    I understand your concern as loosing hair is very painful. As a medical counselor at Clinicspots I will provide you with the best solution about hair transplant and the procedures and techniques related to it.
    Hair transplant is a permanent Hair loss treatment. It is a proven method for hair regrowth. Receding hair line, hair fall, male pattern baldness are some of the most common types of hair loss experienced by many. Hair loss treatment can be surgical through hair transplant or hair surgery or non -surgical through medications, PRP hair treatment and Mesotherapy.
    There are following three major types of hair transplant techniques which help in providing permanent Hair loss treatment:
    1. FUE Hair Transplant - Follicular Unit Extraction or FUE or Follicular Transfer (FT) is a technique that involves extracting individual follicular units (hair grafts) from the patient's donor area, one at a time. FUE hair transplant makes use of a special instrument to make tiny incisions in the skin around the follicular units and at the same time separate it from the surrounding tissue.
    2. FUT Hair Transplant - Follicular Unit Transplantation or FUT is a technique that involves removing of a strip of tissue from the donor area and then transplanting it into the balding areas of the scalp. Usually the hair from the back and the sides of the scalp are utilized in this procedure.
  • 10-03-2015 01:08 PM
    I am a 33 year old male that's been losing my hair since my early 20's. I am currently a Norwood 5 (receding hairline and thinning in the crown) and I'm planning on having a hair restoration surgery at the end of this year. I'm thinking about having the procedure done by Dr. Daniel Mcgrath. Has anyone had a transplant by him before??? He seems knowledgeable and genuine. Please help!!!


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